Which Race?
I do want to get a Tengu character. And I’ve seen concept artwork for when they were apparently going to be the 6th release race. This makes me think they’d be logical for the first additional race, since the basic groundwork has already been done for them.
Dwarves, Please for the love of all creatures great and small!
Also add Great Axes.
I’d even spend real American deniro and buy a couple more character spots if they did that..
Tengu most likely. Already share a model style with charr. The others would need every armor ingame remolded. Plus in LA if you approach the wall they comment they are watching world events before deciding if they will join in and on what side.
Ogres and largos would require completely new personal story as later events would make little sense. Making them unlikely to be payable outside a fractal
Stone dwarves would require a lot of lore work around the world to change from delving into ruins for answers to having them around to ask. That plus potentially needing all new armor models makes them unlikely
Kodan may work and eventually become playable but would likely need armor to be remolded for them making them a larger project then say tengu the that would need maybe a few helms adjusted slightly and footwear redone.
Well if it is the Tengu and it’s part of the expansion, I won’t be purchasing it.
Tengu, Largos and Kodan are the most likely. The reasons for Largos can be read here. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/Largos-MUST-be-a-new-race/page/5#post2005105
Tengu since they were origionally intended, from what I hear.
Then Dredge since their style is developed enough to be playable.
The skritt, because they are the embodiment of awesome.
What race do you think should be playable in the first expansion? Any other races would you like see?
Just some ideas….Largos-
Stone Dwarves-
You missed a few races in this post. There are tons possibilities since many races are smart and you can see the across the map with different professions (merchants, hunters, guards, etc). Many speak the common language or can interact well with the main races. I will post a few more with a certain potential (some of them they have towns of their own, some are considered extinct and some we may not even be aware about)
- Hylek
- Dredge
- Dwarf
- Grawl
- Jotun
- Murasat
- http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skritt
- Golem (not gonna happen but it would be awesome to have a race of mechanical steam machines).
These two could be a possibility in an huge Oceanic addon:
You missed a few races in this post. There are tons possibilities since many races are smart and you can see the across the map with different professions (merchants, hunters, guards, etc). Many speak the common language or can interact well with the main races. I will post a few more with a certain potential (some of them they have towns of their own, some are considered extinct and some we may not even be aware about)
- Hylek
- Dredge
- Dwarf
- Grawl
- Jotun
- Murasat
- http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skritt
- Golem (not gonna happen but it would be awesome to have a race of mechanical steam machines).
These two could be a possibility in an huge Oceanic addon:
I was just listing some I would like to see.
I’m hoping for Dwarves. A stone race would be great and really interesting. I can’t see Quaggan or Krait or Skritt becoming playable and I’d prefer they didn’t. I’m ‘meh’ about Kodan becoming playable.
Tengu is the most likely first new playable race.
The have a story with GW1 already (you had tengu sidekicks, for example), they have a starting area already set (behind the wall) and that is connected to low level areas, and their body style is very similar to the charr, so the armor customization would be easier for them (bulk of the work will be to get head armors to work with the beak).
Some disadvantages I see for other races, at least for first expansion:
Largos: Big part of what makes them interesting is the mysterious aura around them, and a big part of that, other than their attitude, is the fact that you can’t see their faces, it’s always obscured by their masks. It would clash with many of the head armor styles that are open face. Also I’m generally against giving profession defining skills as racial traits, would become OP with some other professions, and a big part of the largos is their ability to go stealth, something that is usually a thief thing.
Kodan: They’re a personal favorite of mine, I’d love to play one. The main issue I see with them becoming playable races would be the starting area. According to lore they’re very attached to their floating cities, and the reason they are in the game areas at all was that their cities crashed against the ice when Jormag awoke, and that is on a level 80 areas. All the areas with kodan presence are higher level. Might be for future expansions, but would need lots of development for a first one because all armors need to be adjusted for their different body type and all new starter areas need to be developed for them.
Stone Dwarves: I like this option as well, but I don’t see them as playable for a first expansion mainly because they probably are in the depths of tyria fighting primordius and its minions. I’d say a while depths of tyria focused expansion would be a bit too ambicious for a first expansion, though I’d love to see it (though I’d rather see cantha and/or elona first).
Ogres: They are very interesting for a playable race, but as with Largos, I’m against giving defining profession traits to a playable race as a whole, since it would either cheapen that profession if other professions can do their “thing”, and it has the posibility to create OP builds, and if you read the lore a huge part of ogre culture is about pets, to the point there the social status of an ogre is mainly defined by how powerful its pet is.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
I was just listing some I would like to see.
I understand. I am hoping for Kodan. Their villages are wonderful and they would make good Guardians
Stone Dwarves – YES !
Largos – NO !
Ogres – NO !
Tengu – NO NO NO NO NO !!
I would love to see skritt become a player race.
I would love to see skritt become a player race.
Ugh , skritt do not have the fundamentals to be a playable race. They will never be one thank goodness.
Tengu I think the customization for them could be amazing! The feather colour/beak/claw colour/feathers which make a sort of tail at the back.
It might even beat the sylvari customization!
Dwarfs would be awesome <3
Tengu would be cool
Skritt.. sad that this is so unlikely…
Kodan.. ice bear race? sounds.. interesting
Ogres nah no way
Largos that’d be interesting probably below fire ring I’d guess.
Tengu race already has a good start at being a playable race and I’d love to see it happen. The Quaggan’s and Skritt’s I can see but as it stands, their missing something right now to make them a playable character.
Overall, I would love to see some Hero’s for these races first before they make a playable character for them. That way, it would give players an idea of them in different armors and professions.
Guild Tag: NLMM
Lvl 80 Clematis Bijou (Ranger)
I think the customization for them could be amazing! The feather colour/beak/claw colour/feathers which make a sort of tail at the back.
It might even beat the sylvari customization!
Indeed, I must agree with this! Found this picture online about 6 months ago.
Also non-Pale Tree Sylvari
Stone Dwarves – YES !
Largos – NO !
Ogres – NO !
Tengu – NO NO NO NO NO !!
no no no NOOOO!!!
no more midget sized characters! And Kodan look like crap put tengu in the game already.. but first bring us Largos plsss
and more weapons.
(edited by negerleif.2106)
There are three races I would like to see added to the current five: the Kodan, the Tengu, and the Largos
The Kodan: 1) According to the wiki, Jormag scattered their sanctuaries in all directions. Some of them could have set themselves up in the woods west of the far Shiverpeaks. 2) They are in separate tribes that could serve as a starting option in character creation. 3) The current playable races of Guild Wars 2 have no shortage of the strong, the bold, or the intelligent, but not necessarily the wise. The Kodan seem naturally wiser and could serve to bring that to the table.
The Tengu: 1) They already have a walled-off region for their starting area. 2) They have 4 houses, so they already have starting options set up. 3) The fact that they have been an isolationistic people means they could fit in to almost anywhere in the story.
The Largos: 1) Any undiscovered map with a large amount of water could work as their starting area. 2) Multiple great houses could serve as starting options for for character creation. 3) Adding them would add an aquatic race for players to choose while not leaving them with unwiedly races such as the Hylek or Quaggans.
I would also NOT recomment the dwarves to be added for a simple reason. The dwarf at the Durmand Priory, as fas as I remember, was supposed to be the last of his kind. As such, adding dwarves as a race makes no sense to the lore of Guild Wars 2.
Largos or Tengu seems like the most obvious race that shoul be add.
But I was thinking about draconic race. And as for Lore, this race was originaly created by dragons to annihilate other living beings, but turn on their creators and help others to defeat them. As for their city, I imagine a mountain with snowy top volcanic underground encircled by area that si half marsh and half crystaline desert. It would be only place with friendly risen, destroyers and other corrupted creatures.
And as for their wing they would use them only in skills of to levitate while running with sheathed weapon.
Heh, maybe they’re all descended from Glint? Seriously, would be interesting. but lore wise it’d probably hard for them to interact with other races since everyone would probably distrust them.
Tengu, been waiting to play as them for awhile
All clues tell that Tengu will be the next race. Would be funny to see a very collored Mesmer tropical parrot or a Black Crow thief poking you around.