Why Guild Chat is Empty

Why Guild Chat is Empty

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shufflepants.9785


And why some people think guilds and the social aspect are ‘failing’:

I think it comes down to a very simple psychological thing:
A lack of login notifications. In other MMO’s, when some one in your guild logs on, you get a chat message that ‘so-and-so’ has come online.

Say for instance you were playing GW2 and none of your friends are online. You might be content with whatever you were doing, but as it stands, if one of your friends logs on and they don’t specifically check their guild roster or friends list and see that you’re online and let you know, you two might play for hours and end up logging off without ever even knowing that they were online.

Why Guild Chat is Empty

in Suggestions

Posted by: MethodicMockingbird.6520


Totally agree. I don’t know why this feature wasn’t in the game to begin with.

Why Guild Chat is Empty

in Suggestions

Posted by: Electro.4173


I think a larger reason guild chat is usually empty is because most guilds require / prefer to use voice chat programs (and for good reason considering the action-based system of GW2 doesn’t really allow much time to stop and type).

But yes, a notification system would be nice.

Why Guild Chat is Empty

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kantharr.2308


This has been suggested before but I still support this.

Why Guild Chat is Empty

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

Totally agree. I don’t know why this feature wasn’t in the game to begin with.

That along with player to player trading, spars/duels, other spvp game types, in-game LFG system/chat channel, trade chat channel, etc etc.

I don’t understand how this game got out the door with so many simple missing features that are staples of the MMO genre.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Why Guild Chat is Empty

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


The game should have a system scanner feature which will identify if a player runs a voice chat program or not and put an icon next to the name. It is not important if the player uses it with other people from the game or with people from outside the game.
The feature will just notice everyone that player has a voice chat program open.

Why Guild Chat is Empty

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

The game should have a system scanner feature which will identify if a player runs a voice chat program or not and put an icon next to the name. It is not important if the player uses it with other people from the game or with people from outside the game.
The feature will just notice everyone that player has a voice chat program open.

Uh, we’re diving into the realm of spyware and that’s never a good thing. I find it very unnecessary to have such a system in place as it does nothing. Ok, so their using a voip program and ignoring guild chat. The system has accomplished nothing but tell you that your still being ignored. If half your guild is in voip together you should download the necessary client and join in.

This is coming from a guild leader with members that refuse to use vent. I’m fine with that and our guild chat is as active as our ventrilo server BUT we don’t invite them along on everything.

I’m not heartless, I just don’t have the time to talk/type commands while combating the enemy.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

(edited by Raine Akrune.8416)

Why Guild Chat is Empty

in Suggestions

Posted by: Max Lexandre.6279

Max Lexandre.6279

The most important thing for me that must be worked on and patched is the SOCIAL SIDE of this game.

The game is not social intuitive, it’s hard to to find suitable parties for what we need, map chat is only for spam already…

I mean even the friend list, makes no sense, I never open that and I belive most people don’t use it, it’s not intuitive for us to use, find friends, play with them.

It should be possible notifications, invite friends to do X Event, Dungeon, in a more direct way, I don’t like the only whispers for talk with our friends, I miss alot of them because can’t hear the “beep” most times. :P

The game as alot of potential if the DEVs notice once and for all “hey, we must make this game more social friendly and not only random groups of people at some events”.

I’m The Best in Everything.
Asura thing.

Why Guild Chat is Empty

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rainzar.6905


when you first login say hi… wouldnt that be the most obvious thing for ppl to do/say. other then that tho i do agree the game ui is terribly useless when it comes to managing a guild doesnt track he things we need. no login/logoff notifications (friend or guild)and no last logged in – some pretty basic stuff almost EVERY game out there has.

Why Guild Chat is Empty

in Suggestions

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


i find myself logging in with excitement to see other players, so i say hello in Guild chat, and then realize that non-reps cannot see that. so while there are members of the guild on, i am the only one representing, so my hellos go unanswered.

makes the guild a lonelier place, every day. at least random players SOMETIMES /wave back

Why Guild Chat is Empty

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Totally agree. I don’t know why this feature wasn’t in the game to begin with.

That along with player to player trading, spars/duels, other spvp game types, in-game LFG system/chat channel, trade chat channel, etc etc.

I don’t understand how this game got out the door with so many simple missing features that are staples of the MMO genre.

Hey man I am going to break this down for you.

player trading I agree this was un-nerving at first but the mail system works fine. I got screwed once when selling Mad kings shoulders for 4 gold and the guy never paid me I reported him and with in a few hours I had the shoulders back and I never heard form him again ( as he was on my friends list it was removed after I received the item ). As it is a perma ban offense to mis lead or directly rip off , steal, scam, or con someone out of gold or items. So that is the fix to the shady mailing trade system. Still would like to see a actual Character trade system but.

spars/duels I have stated this in many other threads so take no offense to this when I say. They mentioned the release of this on your log in screen. Other than that I personally do not see the need to even have a dueling system in place, as it is only a way for people to beat their chest and act superior over others. Which I realize that people say it is t test out their specs blah blah, but lets face it that is only 5% of the time.

other spvp game types they have said they are working on different types, why they were not released on launch not sure. Maybe it is because they wanted something new and WoW has pretty much covered all the different types of PvP you could cover. I don’t know I am not saying that is the reason.

in-game LFG system they are doing this, the best guess I have as to why it wasn’t out form the get go is because they were testing it out at GW2lfg.com to make sure it ran right and properly, kind of a test field. Then when everything is as close to prefect as they can get put it in the game.

chat channel, trade chat channel, etc etc you have the ability to separate your chat windows to do just this

Why Guild Chat is Empty

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

i find myself logging in with excitement to see other players, so i say hello in Guild chat, and then realize that non-reps cannot see that. so while there are members of the guild on, i am the only one representing, so my hellos go unanswered.

makes the guild a lonelier place, every day. at least random players SOMETIMES /wave back

Hence why this whole multi-guild/repping system is so utterly flawed.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Why Guild Chat is Empty

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

Totally agree. I don’t know why this feature wasn’t in the game to begin with.

That along with player to player trading, spars/duels, other spvp game types, in-game LFG system/chat channel, trade chat channel, etc etc.

I don’t understand how this game got out the door with so many simple missing features that are staples of the MMO genre.

Hey man I am going to break this down for you.

player trading I agree this was un-nerving at first but the mail system works fine. I got screwed once when selling Mad kings shoulders for 4 gold and the guy never paid me I reported him and with in a few hours I had the shoulders back and I never heard form him again ( as he was on my friends list it was removed after I received the item ). As it is a perma ban offense to mis lead or directly rip off , steal, scam, or con someone out of gold or items. So that is the fix to the shady mailing trade system. Still would like to see a actual Character trade system but.

spars/duels I have stated this in many other threads so take no offense to this when I say. They mentioned the release of this on your log in screen. Other than that I personally do not see the need to even have a dueling system in place, as it is only a way for people to beat their chest and act superior over others. Which I realize that people say it is t test out their specs blah blah, but lets face it that is only 5% of the time.

other spvp game types they have said they are working on different types, why they were not released on launch not sure. Maybe it is because they wanted something new and WoW has pretty much covered all the different types of PvP you could cover. I don’t know I am not saying that is the reason.

in-game LFG system they are doing this, the best guess I have as to why it wasn’t out form the get go is because they were testing it out at GW2lfg.com to make sure it ran right and properly, kind of a test field. Then when everything is as close to prefect as they can get put it in the game.

chat channel, trade chat channel, etc etc you have the ability to separate your chat windows to do just this

Player Trading: It’s necessary for that reason. It’s not hard to make a trade system with a little window and while mail works fine I’d rather not waste a GMs time on something silly.

Spars/Duels: I’m not in it for kittenery. It’s just a fun thing to do, especially with down time or when you want to try your build against another class with no consequence.

sPvP Game Types: It doesn’t matter what the hell WoW did. WvW predates WoW (DAoC) and w/e their reason for not including them it was foolish to add PAID tournaments without any pvp factors. It’s the same stale thing again and again.

LFG System: I’m not going to argue this should have been added day 1. I personally believe it should as most MMOs currently have one but I can understand how it may diminish the social aspect of yelling “LFG!” Regardless there should have been a LFG chat channel at least.

Chat Channels: You can’t make a trade channel, you can only split the channels currently available which I’ve already done as I’m a neat freak for chat.

It’s not a debate of making due with what we have. A lot of these things are staples of the MMO genre and it’s absolutely amazing that at least some of this stuff wasn’t in game from the start. They can tell us “Oh we’re adding this and that” BUT it should have been done from the start.

This weird priority system they have at ANet right now is confusing to say the least.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Why Guild Chat is Empty

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Player Trading: It’s necessary for that reason. It’s not hard to make a trade system with a little window and while mail works fine I’d rather not waste a GMs time on something silly.

Spars/Duels: I’m not in it for kittenery. It’s just a fun thing to do, especially with down time or when you want to try your build against another class with no consequence.

sPvP Game Types: It doesn’t matter what the hell WoW did. WvW predates WoW (DAoC) and w/e their reason for not including them it was foolish to add PAID tournaments without any pvp factors. It’s the same stale thing again and again.

LFG System: I’m not going to argue this should have been added day 1. I personally believe it should as most MMOs currently have one but I can understand how it may diminish the social aspect of yelling “LFG!” Regardless there should have been a LFG chat channel at least.

Chat Channels: You can’t make a trade channel, you can only split the channels currently available which I’ve already done as I’m a neat freak for chat.

It’s not a debate of making due with what we have. A lot of these things are staples of the MMO genre and it’s absolutely amazing that at least some of this stuff wasn’t in game from the start. They can tell us “Oh we’re adding this and that” BUT it should have been done from the start.

This weird priority system they have at ANet right now is confusing to say the least.[/quote]

Player Trading: It’s necessary for that reason. It’s not hard to make a trade system with a little window and while mail works fine I’d rather not waste a GMs time on something silly.
I agree with you no debate there

Spars/Duels: I’m not in it for kittenery. It’s just a fun thing to do, especially with down time or when you want to try your build against another class with no consequence.

Where I see your point, the fact that you and a small amount of people would use it for just that a large amount would use it to Duel people walking by and become an annoying factor to other players. Also I tried out 3 different builds last night in an empty room with one of my friends and we dueled for a few hours working out the bugs in the build. So in turn we already have the ability to do so.

sPvP Game Types: It doesn’t matter what the hell WoW did. WvW predates WoW (DAoC) and w/e their reason for not including them it was foolish to add PAID tournaments without any pvp factors. It’s the same stale thing again and again.

Again Agreed not sure why we don’t have these things already available I just made a presumption as to why they may have.

LFG System: I’m not going to argue this should have been added day 1. I personally believe it should as most MMOs currently have one but I can understand how it may diminish the social aspect of yelling “LFG!” Regardless there should have been a LFG chat channel at least.

GW2lfg.com has been up since week one and has gone over a few different changes since then. It works great and flows great IMO again not sure why this wasn’t implemented in the launch, as I speculated maybe it was to work all the bugs out of it so when the game finally got it it was flawless.

as far as chats go your right no actual trade channel, then again I am not sure a trade channel will do anything different than a general channel, realizing this is not WoW or SwTOR or any other MMO the fact still holds true that a Trade channel 9 out of 10 times is the general channel

Not sure what Arena Net thought process is behind it, as much as I would have liked to see many things implemented form the start, we can’t change that now so we just have to move on and see what comes up next.

Just like the saying goes, " No use in crying over spilled milk" ;-)