Why No Official SLI Support yet?

Why No Official SLI Support yet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Angelus.1042


Ive read in many forums especially a GW2 Guru forum that there were the Nvidia 306.xx series drivers that were made and optimized for GW2. I tried them and noticed some better performance.

However, I am still under the impression the game does not officially support SLI (Duel GPU) setups.

Now Ive tried the game on my GTX 590 with the SLI HUD turned on from the Nvidia Control Panel and it shows the SLI is working and i looked it up and people say it may or may not work but its not officially supported and Nvidia has no SLI profiles for it yet.

However I keep reading on so many tech sites and even Nvidia said in a blog that doing it for this game is not easy.

Ive been keeping a close eye on all the driver updates and still NEVER see SLI profiles for Guild Wars 2 added…even though other new MMO’s like Secret World (heck that game even supports TXAA and DX11 I beleive) and other games have already got them (its in the SLI update list) however GW2 is not listed.
Hell, even WoW mist of Pandaria has been added.
Is this game ever going to be officially supported or does GW2 just have that crappy of an engine that its a CPU hog.

Just curious.

Why No Official SLI Support yet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


TSW did not have a sli profile until very very recently and uses the AoC engine. MoP is a expansion of a 8 year old game.

gw2 just launched on a new engine.

Why No Official SLI Support yet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Angelus.1042


Yeh but still many games that have not been out long have stated the intention for SLI and so on and now have it…after many months of Betas and beating around the Bush ANet still has said nothing..

Not counting the lack of DX11 as well which just about every other modern game has standard.

Also many of these games have 64 bit clients as well.

ANet is behind on the “Modern” part of their game.

Why No Official SLI Support yet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Angelus.1042


Oh and hee is the geforce link


Many new games some not even out yet have support already..

Why No Official SLI Support yet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arson.4189


Umbra engine. They chose the umbra engine because it let them cut corners. Game will fail because of it.

Why No Official SLI Support yet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ironangel.1548


dx9, no sli, and a 32 bit client = what kind of game? I will let you decide.

Why No Official SLI Support yet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eridani.8317


Umbra engine… Game will fail because of it.

lol ok.

For what it’s worth, SLi is having some effect. Tried it today just to see and I was getting a 30/40 fps increase with SLi turned on.

Why No Official SLI Support yet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xilo.9567


All the hate in here is hilarious. Lets be honest with ourselves here. Go out to WvW to a large battle. The game runs better with more people on the screen than any game I can name, while looking good. If thats not a good game engine, then what is? The fact that SLI is an issue for SOME people?

SLI scales well for me. However I have a processor that doesn’t bottleneck it.

@ Arson. And cut corners? Seriously? Are we playing the same game?

Why No Official SLI Support yet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Artorous.8573


I’ve only got a GTX 550 TI card and this game runs on max settings, never dropping below 50 fps. I’m just curious what dual cards would actually increase. I mean, every time I jump from a really high up area into water my stomach knots up because it looks so real and I think I’m fixing to die.

Why No Official SLI Support yet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deepcuts.9740


Angelus dear, what have you been eating lately? You have a GTX590 and want more?
You eyes can’t even make the dif. between one GTX and two GTX. in ANY game.
Stop looking at benchmarks and numbers and start having FUN.
And…stop trolling about engines you do not know.

Why No Official SLI Support yet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


Yeh but still many games that have not been out long have stated the intention for SLI and so on and now have it…after many months of Betas and beating around the Bush ANet still has said nothing..

Not counting the lack of DX11 as well which just about every other modern game has standard.

Also many of these games have 64 bit clients as well.

ANet is behind on the “Modern” part of their game.

DX11 have you actually played any of these DX11 enabled mmo’s ?
I have.

Effect is next to nothing.

In LOTRO it makes water look better but yet GW2 beats it using DX9

In WoW……..You cannot even notice DX11 being there tbh

In TWS you get tesselated stones on the beach
And have you seen TXAA in TWS? it looks horendous

For the record most MMO’s still today do not support SLI and the ones you mentioned have had that game engine up and running for years already.

You also complain about it not having OFFICIALL support even tho you mention that SLI works for you , so why cry so much.

Do you think that a 64bit client is going to magically increase performance ? If so think again.

Crysis (a non mmo SP) had it , to no effect.
Crysis : they did not even bother with a 64bit client because if this

Aion (MMO) has it , tried it ,no difference.
(my specs are up to snuff to take advantage of 64bit clients : i5 @ 4.5ghz , 16gb, 560ti @985mhz)

If anything i have noticed is that 64bit clients and DX10/11 games bring more problems then a vast improvement in quality. Heck all 3 DX10/11 enabled mmos’ (sort off) dont even manage to look much better or better at all.

but if having those specs on the box give you that much of a hard on then go play one of those titles, just make sure to keep telling yourself that DX11 is really enabled while playing those games to remind yourself of it or you will not notice it.

(edited by Smackjack.5071)

Why No Official SLI Support yet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: LED Head.2439

LED Head.2439

I don’t know whats worse the fact that a 680GTX overclocked model barely gets above 70 frames per second average when it should be at 80 or more no matter what.

Or the fact that you guys need to rely on SLI to get even close to 60 constant no matter what.

That says a lot of negative things about the engine performance of this game.

Why No Official SLI Support yet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


In case of the 6x series the problem has already been to reside in the “boost” function that nvidia uses in that.

Why No Official SLI Support yet?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Naminator.9316


In WoW……..You cannot even notice DX11 being there tbh

Ok I agree with most of your post dude, except for this line here.

The fact of the matter is that GW2 looks GOOD as it is.

So I don’t want them to add Dx11 just so we can have some stupid unoptimized tessellation or some other Dx11 feature.

Why I want Dx11 is for the PERFORMANCE!

You say Dx11 is hardy noticeable in WoW? You know why? Because the only thing they took advantage from Dx11 in WoW is the performance increase that Dx11 hardware with Dx11 API provide.


Check this website for some info, the info is a bit old, I know, but should be good enough.

I personally saw around a 40-45% increase in FPS, when I switched to the Dx11 client in WoW, and that was a looooong time a go, so the performance could have only gone UP since then!

So to ArenaNET: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE add Dx11, but DONT do it for some nonsense tessellation, do for the performance of the game.

Ohhh and just an FYI, just because other MMOs don’t have a proper SLi configuration does not excuse ArenaNET for not optimizing the game properly for SLi systems.

I hope DX11 and SLi support is in the near future!

Because I can bet that ALOT of people who are running this game on a laptop with a Dx11 GPU can us a good 20-40% bump in their FPS.

(edited by Naminator.9316)