Why can't certain classes use different armor types, for appearance?

Why can't certain classes use different armor types, for appearance?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


This game doesn’t have a holy trinity, a cloth person can stack vitality and toughness and be tankier then a warrior in plate in certain situations, necromancers are one of the most resilient classes in the game and they wear the lightest armor, why not allow certain classes to wear armor, for just appearance purposes, WHY not?


This is what I can do with my thief if he was allowed to use cloth, and why shouldn’t he? hes a thief he should beable to use cloth.. isn’t that outfit awesome!?

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Why can't certain classes use different armor types, for appearance?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onestar.2479


We were just talking about this in another conversation. People have their own arguments as to why its difficult to get this going. However I do agree with you. I said this a back in the other thread. So dont open up another one unless you think the topic is dead.


And nobody has replied to me.

Why can't certain classes use different armor types, for appearance?

in Suggestions

Posted by: raxx.8914


That would be fine as long as you can’t use them in pvp. In pvp you need to see the enemy by their armor to get a rough idea of what they are before you attack.
There’s no reason all the cosmetics etc shouldn’t be usable in pve.

Why can't certain classes use different armor types, for appearance?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Thats not true, you can tell what class a character has looking at his weapons and his combat animations and the sounds he makes.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Why can't certain classes use different armor types, for appearance?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Akari Storm.6809

Akari Storm.6809

I would agree with the weapons part of it. Melee weps have somewhat of a melee range and caster weps have their range. Bows, well…same thing.

If you are speaking of preparing yourself before engaged on how exactly to tell what class your opponent is, targeting them gives some info, the class icon. Waiting until they initiate a skill to tell what sort of class they are could mean your death, so I guess knowing your plate wearer from your cloth wearer gives you some sort of heads up, but I dunno. Medium armor might aswell be cloth tbh with the long robes, coats and such.

I remember this argument in SWTOR, (my last themepark before gw2). It was pretty easy to tell what each class was by the weps wielded, all of the orange customizable armor/weapons are able to be modded, so armor value increased/decreased depending on the class putting it on. When it launched though there was this rp like customizable type armor(could be modded too, essentially orange armor), that when worn it only gave the value for light wearers. Not sure if they fixed that or not, was still that way when I stopped playing. For example, the princess leia slave outfit or (tie, x-wing) pilot uniforms were all for light wearers for some reason, but ppl wanted to wear it all the time without sacrificing armor value. I know it was said that they were going to fix that.

Anyhow, I think if they made deciphering what class someone is more prevalant beyond armor and from a nice distance it would definately make a transition to allowing all armor types to scale to the wearers class that much more easier.

Perhaps they could do class auras or make the class icons pop more, change the font to draw the eye or something to pick that info up faster. Something for pre engagement. Reactive combat is pretty easy, but could mean your death.

Why can't certain classes use different armor types, for appearance?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


I think this is linked to the immersion of the game. and that’s their call tbh. nomatter how much i want my elementalist to wear something that actually cover the entire body (i’m doing my best, and so far i’ve gotten to like the duelist armour even though the head wear is stupid)

but it all come down to what they want the game to be like, If they don’t want warriors in light armor then why stop them? And so far I feel that they are trying to create as big of an immersion as possible in the pve section. and if they dont allow it in pve then its breaking the immersion if they alow it in pvp…

just my 2 coppar though. Happy Halloween!!

Why can't certain classes use different armor types, for appearance?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onestar.2479


This was said in a previous thread which I posted here above. And I feel like I’m being ignored so I’ll put it here.

“allow medium armor wearers to also wear cloth.” – for appearance
“allow heavy armor wearers to wear medium.” – for appearance
“allow cloths wearers to wear medium” – for appearance
This doesn’t disrupt PVP, it doesn’t mess with scouting in WvW, it doesn’t blur the line between professions, it doesnt ruin immersion, There is no exploits of armor or having a really weird unbalance of heavy armored people, and it gives the people who want to have more freedom to customization to do so (listing all concerns and legitimate arguments so far on this topic). This is a win situation all around the table and I would hope that this can be our agreement to push Arena Net to actually do something about this.