Why dont WvW dailies exsist?
I agree. There should be dailies for all aspects of the game. Currently we have PvE and sPvP. WvW missing!
[DW] Dynasty Warriors, [TNA] The Northern Assembly
The PvE dialies are WvW Dailies. You can’t complete all of them in WvW zones, but you can always complete at least 5/9 in the WvW zones, and at least one of them per day seems to be WvW-only now. There is no need for an entirely separate set of WvW-only objectives when the existing list works just fine.
In case you didn’t notice, one of the objectives for today was to “drop 5 caravans,” and the one for yesterday was “kill 10 opposing players.” For the past two days, the only objectives that you couldn’t do in WvW would be (as far as I know): “Complete a Personal Story Step,” and “Keg Brawl.”
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
They aren’t working fine because nothing in the pve daily gives you wvw rewards.
Im specifically badges and siege, something people use in WvW.
They aren’t working fine because nothing in the pve daily gives you wvw rewards.
Im specifically badges and siege, something people use in WvW.
Laurels & gold ?
Because even though they’re separate from PvE, PvE carebears will still find something to complain about. They ruin the game.
The dailies on WvW fit very well con PvE, also theres a kill “10” invaders daily.
They aren’t working fine because nothing in the pve daily gives you wvw rewards.
Im specifically badges and siege, something people use in WvW.
I don’t think they want badges to be any easier to get than they are already. You CAN get siege via dailies though, you can buy them using Laurels from the Laurel vendors. You can also buy various gear using Laurels with stats that might improve your WvW performance (and which were previously only available in FotM), and you can use the karma and mystic coins to buy other types of armor and weapons that might improve your odds in WvW (or at least hlep you as much as they would help a PvE-only player).
sPvP has their own system because they are a walled garden, the gear you earn in PvP can’t be used in PvE, and vice-versa. WvW and PvE aren’t walled off, you have all the same gear regardless of the mode. If they made WvW dailies then all that would mean is that most WvW players would feel compelled to do both (and then to be fair they would have to make it impossible to complete the existing PvE dailys in the WvW maps), and PvE players might likewise feel compelled to do the WvW dailies, if only to advance their Legendary progress.
And if you’re going to do that, why not more dailies? Why not dailies that are only specific to Dungeons? Why not dailies that are only for jump puzzle completions? No, the existing system of having a single daily path that can be completed in either PvE or WvW is perfectly fine.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
They aren’t working fine because nothing in the pve daily gives you wvw rewards.
Im specifically badges and siege, something people use in WvW.
Laurels & gold ?
Laurel conversion to siege is a joke. Ill burn through 2-3 dailies worth of laurels to take one fortified tower.
Completely missing the point here. PvE is NOT WvW.
They aren’t working fine because nothing in the pve daily gives you wvw rewards.
Im specifically badges and siege, something people use in WvW.
And if you’re going to do that, why not more dailies? Why not dailies that are only specific to Dungeons? Why not dailies that are only for jump puzzle completions? No, the existing system of having a single daily path that can be completed in either PvE or WvW is perfectly fine.
I actually took your reply serious and agreed until I hit this paragraph. Then I realized you were here to troll.
As someone who does both they fit fine.
Kill invaders? check
5 events? check
kill vet mobs? check
kill a champ mob? check
smack a doly? check
gathering? check
As someone who does both they fit fine.
Kill invaders? check
5 events? check
kill vet mobs? check
kill a champ mob? check
smack a doly? check
gathering? check
Let me try to make this clear. Idk if some people are skimming or just not reading.
I want WvW based rewards in a separate category then the PvE. Holy kitten. REEEAAAAADDDD
As someone who does both they fit fine.
Kill invaders? check
5 events? check
kill vet mobs? check
kill a champ mob? check
smack a doly? check
gathering? checkLet me try to make this clear. Idk if some people are skimming or just not reading.
I want WvW based rewards in a separate category then the PvE. Holy kitten. REEEAAAAADDDD
Everything you get as reward can be used for your wvw too, money and laurels can get your the siege you want, karma, money and laurel can get you gear, money and karma can be used to buy keep upgrades, xp can be used to gain you lvl’s and thus skill points (and increased stats/traits if you not yet lvl 80).
Name me ONE reward from daily that in no way shape or form can help you in WvW, and you have a point otherwise, you don’t (achievement points not included, as that is as useless/useful to both PvEers as they are to WvW’ers)
THAT’S WHAT THE JUMPING PUZZLES ARE FOR!!! They are a character based daily for WvW loot -.-
Sheesh, why do you want to add one more thing that everyone will feel compelled they have to do everyday. People that don’t WvW would flock there just to get the daily WvW XP just to level alts, whether or not they need the rewards, and would make queue’s a mile long. Besides, JP’s can be done per toon and take less time than a daily, how much easier does it get broseph. C’mon people.
Critical Impact [Crit]
(edited by Beorn Saxon.4762)
You forget that WvW players are third class.
Why do you think we neither get gold, good items or ascended stuff from WvW?
They said they wouldn’t make WvW worthwile because then people would only play it to farm, or something like that.
I actually took your reply serious and agreed until I hit this paragraph. Then I realized you were here to troll.
I’m not here to “troll,” I’m here to say that WvW-specific dailies are a bad idea that would be bad for the game, and to point out why.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
With the now choosable dailies, don’t they have an option of stopping yaks in the mists(wvw)? Or killing invaders in the mist(wvw)?
Just sayin, and gathering can be done in the mists, kill variety can be done in the mists, crafting can be done in the mists, underwater/ground kills can be done in the mists. There really isn’t a need for wvw dailies when they are already there just not labled “WvW”. You still get laurels from pve dailies which benefit you in wvw, and you still get karma/coin/exp which may or may not benefit you (depending on if you’re not 80 and working towards a legendary), etc etc. Badges are easy to get with the right people or right time for mesmer’s in the jp.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
(edited by NinjaEd.3946)
They aren’t working fine because nothing in the pve daily gives you wvw rewards.
Im specifically badges and siege, something people use in WvW.
Laurels & gold ?
Laurel conversion to siege is a joke. Ill burn through 2-3 dailies worth of laurels to take one fortified tower.
Completely missing the point here. PvE is NOT WvW.
This is correct. But WvW is, in fact, PvE. As it turns out.