Why is PVP exclusively level 80?
At level 30 the skill disparity in WvW will disappear and you can fight on relatively equal footing.
You don’t need to channel a spell to deal a killing blow—you can just attack them until they die. I’ve killed many a downed player with a ballista bolt to the face.
You don’t need to roam WvW with a guild, just a group. Any half-organized server should have a few commanders roaming around with a zerg—just tag along. If you want something smaller but more organized, I seldom have trouble picking up a small team to harass towers and take suppyl depots.
Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]
Guild Wars 1 did have low level PvP arenas. They were constantly deserted.
Or WoW’s low level battlegrounds are way more fun if you have heirloom or twink armor. Not so much fun without.
Honestly, lvl 80 is not that much of a deal, even in WvWvW, a group of 3 lvl 30-40 can take down most lvl 80’s even 2 at the same time, just requires skill.
The WvW is simply PvE mixed with PvP. kinda like oldskool, where gear does make a slight difference, but not facerollwinhaha difference.
The sPvP is simply brilliant, all the kittening and moaning people had with the above stated problem is completely negated here, nobody has any advantages, it comes down to skills, tactical play and building your class the right way for your playstyle.
And if you believe branching storylines, dynamic mass events are boring, then sorry, you should go play a couple old MMO;s and go grind for 48 hours straight in 1 area on 1 mob….that’s SOOO much more fun. Sorry, slightly sacrastic here.
But honestly, getting from lvl 1 —> 80 in this game can be achieved within a week for highly active players, and within 2 months for people that only play 2-3 hours a day..easy.
In the process of leveling you will pretty much aquire all the karma you need to get almost a full Exotic armor set, which means in WvWvW you’re going to be up to par with most.