Why mounts SHOULD be added

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130


Before I begin talking about anything, I know that everyone has their different opinions and many are pro-mounts whilst others wouldn’t want to see them in-game and I respect all your opinions.

So, back to the subject at hand – Why should we even add mounts?

Mounts add a lot of playability to games, they give players a reason to stick around, and maybe even purchase gems if the option is there for them. Adding mounts as dungeon rewards is an even greater idea, I’m sure it would VASTLY increase the amount of players doing dungeons. We could possibly have a flaming horse or beast for the Citadel of Flame dungeon, etc.

End-game is always somewhat boring for players, after they achieve all that they’ve wanted, they really see no point in continuing the game sometimes. I’m a player who enjoys having goals and objectives, and a mount would be one of them. How much more fun would you have riding a beautiful and dangerous looking mount after spending countless hours working towards it. Not only would it increase time spent playing, but I’m sure everyone would have a better experience overall and simply have something to look forward to end-game, rather than just “cool looking” armor. I hit level 80 within the first week the game was released, I have the full CoF dungeon set, and I’ve completed the entire map. Not much really to look forward to at this point, am I supposed to just complete other dungeons and get their “cool looking” armors to? I see no point to this unless I have nothing else to do (which at this point, I really dont).

I’ve been gaming since the age of 6, and I’m 20 now having played over 40 games in total, most of which being MMO’s. Mounts are ALWAYS a good idea, whether we have waypoints or not. Mounts would add a lot of replayability for not only dungeons, but many other parts of the game. This would be one of the best ways to bring in new customers if ANet does it right.

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130



Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: carson yuen.6739

carson yuen.6739

Mounts should only be ingame if it has zero speed boost. Then it will be an awesome addition.

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeusmeister.5130


Speed boost would make a great addition, although it doesn’t really matter. So either way, as long as they’re added.

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: DippyDragon.3180


The only history of mounts would seem to be Dolyak, and they move slowly. If riding Dolyak is what you’re after, then yes – otherwise no as it’s not part of the lore.

~~ The Tarnished Coast ~~
[i7 6700 Skylake – 32Gb RAM – 240GB SSD – GTX970 – Corsair Water Cooling]

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: gillius.2856


yes please add mounts… in other games i found that i collect them they look cool and help while exploring.

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

Mounts SHOULD be added, and OF COURSE they should have a speed boost. Why the heck not?

Plus, let us drive those awesome vehicles in WvWvW!

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: Undermine.1678


I’d like to disagree about the mounts. But realistically, any mildly wealthy civilization has mounts in their culture. Dwarves did use dolyaks. Charr did tamed giant devourers.

As for the weak rebuttal based on the GW Lore? lol… After 300 years you think someone would get tired of walking? Also, dragons were of myth and not fully understood in the lore and you never fought /an elder/ dragon in GW, but you can in GW2.

GW2 is all about rethinking what is possible.

I am not in favor of mounts however, but if they were added:

Mounts should have swiftness.
Mounts cannot be used while in WvW, Cities, or while in combat.
Skill Bar should be removed while mounted and if you take damage, you have a good chance of being dismounted forcibly. If you are forcibly removed from a mount, you should take serious damage and run the risk of being in a downed state. Rangers should be given a passive boon while mounted that gives the animal a soothing calm giving Rangers greater resistance of being forcibly removed from the mount.

(edited by Undermine.1678)

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaona.9105


I dont find mounts to be a great idea, where I would like to have a speed bonus, I can never find it making any sense that there are more mounts than people in the world. From an RP perspective it kills the realism if everyone can have a mount. But I don’t care much for the RP based myself, to me it still kills most of the feel that the game has of the game if everyone can ride around on a mount.

The end game is based on very large scale dynamic events and the zones themselves being difficult to traverse through so it is often done with a team of people instead of one person on a mount.

80 Guardian 80 Ranger 24 Warrior
80 Thief 80 Engineer 0 Necromancer
80 Elementalist 80 Mesmer

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


you never fought a dragon in GW.

Umm yes you did 3 in fact . Glint and the Great Destroyer and Kunnavang . Although they were minor they were still dragons

(edited by Adine.2184)

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: Undermine.1678


you never fought /an elder/ dragon in GW.

Umm yes you did 2 in fact . Glint and the Great Destroyer . Although they were minor they were still dragons

The great destroyer was not a dragon rather a created minion. It was a queen destroyer.

Glint was not an Elder Dragon but I failed to communicate that distinction.

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nudal.5310


I support Dolyak Mounts, and other Dolyak speeded mounts… As well as the ability to ride whatever pet I have out on my Ranger… I’m looking at you Snow Owl…

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


“Mounts add a lot of playability to games, they give players a reason to stick around, and maybe even purchase gems if the option is there for them.”

What ? Why would i “stick” around for a mount…?

“I’m a player who enjoys having goals and objectives, and a mount would be one of them. How much more fun would you have riding a beautiful and dangerous looking mount after spending countless hours working towards it.”

just riding around..doing nothing..showing off your mount to people ..?

“. Not only would it increase time spent playing, but I’m sure everyone would have a better experience overall and simply have something to look forward to end-game, rather than just “cool looking” armor.”

How would it increase my time spent playing ? And no i wouldnt have a better experience overall just for a mount.In most games mounts are just way off,they bring in the most stupid models usually and only occasionally i see a game hwere a mount is really usefull,most of the time,they just aren’t.

“This would be one of the best ways to bring in new customers if ANet does it right.”

Really..?? Mounts are THE way to bring in people…? Aion tried that too,is F2P now.Imo most people asking for mounts are coming from a game where they used to have mounts and feel naked in gw2 without them.I’m Sorry but this whole post is just ……..

(edited by Caedmon.6798)

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sernius Alathar.6538

Sernius Alathar.6538

Really? Are you guys starting another ‘mounts’ thread. The devs have already said they will not be part of the game, just let it go.

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283


I used to be neutral on mounts, and then I visited Orr, now I really want mounts.

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: Star Jewel.5048

Star Jewel.5048

OP, did you seriously bump your thread only an hour and 20 minutes after posting it?

Anyway, on topic, you haven’t really explained why you think mounts will do what you claim they will do — get more people to play, inspire them to do more content, etc. Will your proposed mounts just look cool or will they provide an inherent benefit (e.g. constant speed boost)?

You claim that setting the goal of obtaining a mount will inspire you to play more. So, once you get a mount, then what? Will you want them to keep adding new mounts for you to chase?

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: nachtnebel.9168


As I’ve said often before I’m fine with mounts if:
- they can’t fly
. they can’t be used in towns, dungeons or pvp
- you can’t perform any actions as long as you are mounted
- you get dismounted as soon as you pull a mob (no hit required)

This would make them acceptable in my book.

Salix Babylonica (Necro), Tharnath (Guardian), N Faculty (Mesmer),
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)

Why mounts SHOULD be added

in Suggestions

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hi everyone.

The question with mounts has been thoroughly discussed here, in this particular suggestions subforum, like in this thread over here. In order to keep the forums as tidy and clean as possible, we would ask you to keep the discussions over there so we do not have multiple threads talking exactly about the same issues. Thanks!

And because of that, we will proceed to lock this thread.