Why so secret batman?

Why so secret batman?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neek.9531


I’m all for secrecy to keep hype for the game but, if I could speak for most of us, ill be playing for a very very long time. I love this game and my mouth metaphorically waters at the though at new weapons, content, skills, traits, etc. I don’t care if a ban hammer destroys my build ill get over it and adapt. That’s what I love about these, it is always changing. If you don’t like the game maybe in a month it would be of interest to you. The idea of new skills for current weapons, new weapons for different classes, or even new weapons entirely makes me very excited. But nothing has followed up these rumors but “in the future we hope to” or " We plan soon… but currently were busy"That being said, there’s nothing I can’t stand more than vague, and almost none informative updates or leaks. If your gonna mention new skills or weapons continue info and interact with us. Don’t just through out a tasty steak for us and then stop feeding us for the next year. If your gonna mention anything about new legendaries, maybe mention some ideas, pics, or even have a poll. And lastly, if you reply to thread about a bug, glitch, or problem don’t just acknowledge it and leave that thread like a desert full of blowing tumbleweed. Engineers have had problems with legendaries for a year and the last dev to reply to the problem was 6 months ago. Anet we like and we want to communicate with you, but you can’t possible make us happy with these distant and far between acknowledgement,un thorough comments. We won’t bite (well we probably will) but have no fear! For the one person you displease you gain much more respect from others for actually making progress and you actually showing progress. To sum it up just give us kitten visible updates, wether that be pics or dates. ( and even if you can’t make it in that specific date just apologize and push it back. You guys are humans and can’t easily pull it off but at least try)

[DI] Main Elementalist: Zepdo, Alts: Warrior, Mesmer,Thief.

Why so secret batman?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Conix.4589



Why so secret batman?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Business Savy Sardine says: “Under promise and over deliver is better than over promise and under deliver”.

Why so secret batman?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neek.9531


Business Savy Sardine says: “Under promise and over deliver is better than over promise and under deliver”.

That really doesn’t apply all they have to do is show progress. They don’t have to say okay “September 16th were fixing,all classes and added five petabytes of new content.” They would be smart and do work incrementally. And they don’t just all have every member on Anet just sitting in one big board room and conjure ideas in one way, unproductive method. They have teams for specific aspects of the game wether that be PvE, WvW, sPvP, and so on. These individual teams would meet up and say " Hey this isn’t working well we should…" Or " You know this could be interesting to implement…" And then report back to the community with a definitive answer.

[DI] Main Elementalist: Zepdo, Alts: Warrior, Mesmer,Thief.

Why so secret batman?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


Business Savy Sardine says: “Under promise and over deliver is better than over promise and under deliver”.

That really doesn’t apply all they have to do is show progress. They don’t have to say okay “September 16th were fixing,all classes and added five petabytes of new content.” They would be smart and do work incrementally. And they don’t just all have every member on Anet just sitting in one big board room and conjure ideas in one way, unproductive method. They have teams for specific aspects of the game wether that be PvE, WvW, sPvP, and so on. These individual teams would meet up and say " Hey this isn’t working well we should…" Or " You know this could be interesting to implement…" And then report back to the community with a definitive answer.

Business Savy Sardine was responding to this bit :

For the one person you displease you gain much more respect from others for actually making progress and you actually showing progress. To sum it up just give us kitten visible updates, wether that be pics or dates. ( and even if you can’t make it in that specific date just apologize and push it back.

But even your new scenario is applicable because as priorities shift or time lines get skewed, the updates would still be interpreted as having over promised.

Why so secret batman?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neek.9531


Okay let me make this a little more simpler you want to copy a friends homework and they say yes of course you can copy anytime. You feel the need not to ask right away because you have plenty of time before the next period but when you try and ask for it again they become unresponsive and almost oblivious to the issue of the homework but its too late now the period is almost over and you don’t have a enough time to copy. Whereas your other friend says yes of course you can copy just give me 15 minutes to find it. 15 minutes passes and they come by apologetically mentioning they either didn’t finish it or they left it at home. But this at least gives you time to find another’s HW. Of course this isnt about copying HW but rather the decensy to allow Anets community for GW2 to have something to look forwards to except a small two week window. And actually acknowledgement of class issues and bugs.

[DI] Main Elementalist: Zepdo, Alts: Warrior, Mesmer,Thief.

Why so secret batman?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510



You’re not familiar with the bitterness and venom of GW2 fans, are ya?

Why so secret batman?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neek.9531


Oh no trust me I am. But I don’t really think the community would be do volatile if they were more responsive I garantee that in every forums section there is a small population that has some things they don’t like about the game trivial things like mist, stealth, and elixir s finishers are okay and people just kinda need to get over it because they’re unique feutures to certain classes. But most of the deep seated anger lies in the inconlusive problems with certain aspects. I understand no game is perfect but they have made it pretty good so far. For example, people are angry because engineer gadgets and turrets are unviable in any situation, wvw server matchups and rankings still have their issue, multiple bugs and issues have been reported and still continue in the game a Anet could stop this angry mob of pitchforks with simple replies and updates.

[DI] Main Elementalist: Zepdo, Alts: Warrior, Mesmer,Thief.