Will there be a customizable UI?

Will there be a customizable UI?

in Suggestions

Posted by: rouzeki.1659



Will we ever be able to do the following?

- Move windows around the UI
- Separate chat windows (I’d love to have a separate box just for chat with friends)
- Move individual toolbar buttons around the UI
- Get rid of / change the look or skin of UI items like the HP counter
- Add target of target

I understand there won’t be add-ons and that’s great, but the fact that I can hardly customize my UI (aside from resize a few items) is very frustrating.

Will there be a customizable UI?

in Suggestions

Posted by: urtv.8791


anet is trying to be different,which is to get rid of most of the stuff people liked with wow

Will there be a customizable UI?

in Suggestions

Posted by: rouzeki.1659


Does that mean the answer is no?

I understand trying to be different, but sometimes limiting your audience’s options (just because someone else gave them too many) isn’t the answer. It seems like over-kill if they won’t let us move around the UI.

Will there be a customizable UI?

in Suggestions

Posted by: ozymandias.5317


I personally liked how RIFT handled the ui. I only played for a few months and don’t recall there being 3rd party addons. However, the default up was completely customizable in that anything could be resized or moved or attached or detached to other components or frames. This was a fantastic method of control, and could allow ArenaNet to keep the beautiful art assets but allow some freedom to adjust to individual play styles.

I would personally love my target info in the bottom center of my screen, where currently my own vitals are displayed, but to each their own.

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Trikke <Sorrows Children> [SRRW] — Sea of Sorrows

Will there be a customizable UI?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


In this day and age, to have a UI that isn’t customisable (either by default, or via addons) is ridiculous.

For one thing we should at least be able to swap around where the skills sit in the hotbar slots. Some are more useful than others and therefore you want to keep them together.

For instance:

Weapon hotbar layout (default): A B C D E

Maybe I would like:

Weapon hotbar loadout: A D E B C

Of course, that means there has to be a “loadout” for each weapon type and each attunement (in the case of Elem’s), but surely that isn’t too hard is it?

Will there be a customizable UI?

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


Also, face it. The gaming community is getting older…I want large fonts!

This message was brought to you by a Kitten with a Nose Too Small for Glasses!

Will there be a customizable UI?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Villious.8530


In this day and age, to have a UI that isn’t customisable (either by default, or via addons) is ridiculous.

For one thing we should at least be able to swap around where the skills sit in the hotbar slots. Some are more useful than others and therefore you want to keep them together.

For instance:

Weapon hotbar layout (default): A B C D E

Maybe I would like:

Weapon hotbar loadout: A D E B C

Of course, that means there has to be a “loadout” for each weapon type and each attunement (in the case of Elem’s), but surely that isn’t too hard is it?

^This. Please let us move the buttons. A current day MMO with a fixed UI is like buying a new car with a non-adjustable drivers seat. That would be “different” from other car companies too…..and stupid.

Will there be a customizable UI?

in Suggestions

Posted by: WeLoveKanjimari.6725


GW1 let you drag and scale every element of the UI.

In GW2, you can scale the map, chat box, and swap the map and quest info positions.

And that’s it.

Will there be a customizable UI?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gryphon.2875


I want my target at the bottom next to my info. That’s where I put it on all my games.

Will there be a customizable UI?

in Suggestions

Posted by: rouzeki.1659


All the responses here are pretty much what I’m looking for (not add-ons but completely customizable UI)

Personally, I’m color blind and would like to change the color of my HP circle as well. These are all minor things and shouldn’t take much coding to add.

The question is: has Anet said this won’t happen? or are we wise in continuing to suggest these things so that eventually they catch Anet’s attention?