Winterday's sugestions- open discussion

Winterday's sugestions- open discussion

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThaArchivist.3579


I honestly don’t know what Anet is planning but since they introduced mining candy corn for Halloween I though it would be cool if there were candy cane trees for Winterday. Bringing back costume brawls again would be fun. I don’t know what theme they will run because in GW1 it was all human based and now in GW2 the six gods are kinda phased out. But I think it would still be cool to see a Dwayna vs Grenth thing going in the Divinity’s Reach. Just because the other races don’t believe in the six doesn’t mean the humans have to stop tradition.

What would you guys like to see?

Winterday's sugestions- open discussion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grimm.8236


As long as there’s snow. That was one of the coolest parts of seeing LA in GW1, as well as Ascalon City.

Winterday's sugestions- open discussion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeson Thackery.5927

Aeson Thackery.5927

Snow, christmas trees, and other decor. Not in LA though, wouldnt make sense climate wise to have a bunch of snow randomly in a more tropical, coastal area. Decorate the Norn homeland, or Divinity’s Reach and the surrounding zones in snow (with weather as well.)

Winterday's sugestions- open discussion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


Candy cane trees that I can chop and feed to baby quaggans dressed as elves and reindeer.

Oh and a charr that says PRESENT DAY!

[SFD] – Maguuma