Withdraw All button for bank (gold, not items)

Withdraw All button for bank (gold, not items)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Squirrelbane.2510



A lil suggestion for a handy edition to be able to withdraw all gold in your bank. Transferring gold across characters is all I use this for currently and a withdraw all gold button would be a nice touch.


(edited by Squirrelbane.2510)

Withdraw All button for bank (gold, not items)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaizer.7135



I dont understand why they didnt include this….

Withdraw All button for bank (gold, not items)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leowulf.7658



And while they’re at it, maybe they can fix the textual bug that makes it look like when I highlight the ‘0’ and type something that I’ve typed, say, ‘1’, when the ‘0’ is in fact still there, resulting in ‘10’ being deposited or withdrawn.