World Corruption

World Corruption

in Suggestions

Posted by: DGD.1349



So what’s one problem Guild wars 2 has, for lower levels players running in zones like the Brisban Wildlands, some zones are locked out because of events the have stop progress. Using the Brisban Wildlands for Exp. The King of Skrittsburgh locks the gates to the city if to many events are not done. Now if there was nothing in Skrittsburgh it wouldn’t be a problem but there a skill point and P.I. in the city. So to fix this I think Gw2 should put in to plan what I’m calling World Corruption.

World Corruption is a system that will hopefully bring players that have already finished the older zone like Brisban Wildlands and bring them back to help with the older events. But how? The World Corruption system works like the WvW bonus system. Giving server wide bonus boons for keeping events in zones like The Brisban Wildlands in check. The Boons can be thing like 1% Gold of monster kills, in low level zone and 15% Karma For say the high level zones. And even make the “Corrupted” Zone have high level monsters, more or better drop, and more exp.

Now I hope The people from Gw2 will read this and let us know what they think. Thanks for your time. and good hurting.

World Corruption

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


sounds good, rewarding people for doing relatively unpopular events at the time.

Oceanic [LOD]

World Corruption

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion.1760


I actually love the sound of this idea, man! Instead of month long events that make people go back to older zones (So far just starter zones or zones just past starter level zones) for just a month or a few months, have this system with an ebb and flow for all level range zones.

I was just in Brisban tonight actually and saw quite a few events just sitting around with nobody around doing them. Some are even hard to solo considering mob density and the speed they throw mobs at you in some events. This would help that for sure, I think. Not to mention how freakin’ gorgeous some of these other zones are, it’s a shame they are ghost towns.

(edited by Orion.1760)

World Corruption

in Suggestions

Posted by: Atlas.9704


I wouldn’t mind such a mechanism for some maps.
If Kessex Hills has too many victories for the Krait and the Centaurs (read that as not many players out there helping the events out) then some bosses get stronger and drop better stuff.

It would get higher level players back into zones and lower level folks can tag along to accomplish their goals.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!