World Vs. World New blueprints

World Vs. World New blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

These were some ideas I had for new blueprints to be used in WvWvW please if you have any comments on these blueprints or others that are not here please post.

barricade – Cost 10 Supply, Area about 1/3 the size of a Keep doorway, health around 100,000 with similar damage reduction to heavy armor, Cost in money 50copper to 1 silver.

Mortar – Similar to Engineers Mortar Elite cost of 10 supply with similar damage to engineer as well as 1500 range.

Underwater Ram – Similar to regular flame ram but 1/2 damge 2X the cost in both supply and money.

Minefield – spread out minefield around an area each mine dealing 2k-5k damage depending on armor, can be overlapped with other mine fields, area 1000×1000 , 100 supply and 1 gold for cost

Sheilded Ram – 100 supply reduces damage of everyone under the covering by 1/3 (gives protection buff) maximum of 4 under the ram at a time similar health to a regular ram but damage is multiplied by the number of people using it.

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”

World Vs. World New blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: shonefob.7091


Airship! They have them dont they? Just a massive airship to bomb the enemies in would be fun. Guess we’d need AA guns then as well.

World Vs. World New blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Teraphas.6210


Nice Ideas,

Barricades sound plausible but could be a problem that cheap, sides would just pile the entrances with them, would have to be more costly to put up or far easier to knock down

mortars i would be against simply as they are already part of the upgrades for keeps and some towers.

the underwater ram seems a little pointless, as there is really nothing to use it on

Minefields i like i actually have an idea on being able to apply an upgrade to arrowcarts to deploy it

and a shielded ram is generally called a Turtle. 4 people on it to amp dmg sounds nice but only one person would be clicking to attack meaning the other 4 would be sitting at thier screens watching with nothing to do. not exactly fun and thus unlikely to make it in. Being able to have an upgraded flame ram that could have a destrucable canopy on it to soak up very least projectiles if not also aoe(not sure the engine can allow it) would be fun
Airships while sounding cool would be a little unbalanced. Perhaps have it as an upgrade that if you control garrison as well as the bay and hill keeps you could have an airship or 2 run shuttle service. smaller zepplins that would fly low enough that you could drop from it and live would be ideal, allow for some transport without being locked into the ride. and defenitly destructable so they would need to fly quite low. again this is highly doubtful to end up in game but plausable.

I have a whole thread already dedicated to new WvW weapons and ideas. Check it out let me know what you think
My favorite idea is one for putting those asura mega lasers into wvw with continually fed supply firing

You can’t spell Slaughter without Laughter

World Vs. World New blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.3475


barricade sounds good but it should cost more like 50supply and 5silver, health am not sure about but something like 25-50% of gate thats not upgraded.

World Vs. World New blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

the underwater ram was more of an idea for attaking the bays in borderlands i believe the underwater area is damageable but no siege weapon can currently get to it

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”