Would be nice if party worked.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pilusilm.5682


I play with my wife who is a mesmer and I play a guardian. We have the same playtime and we’ve done all the same quests but I’m almost 2 levels higher than her and that’s for a reason. Party system does not work. I know that gw2 is all about not partying and doing random stuff with a random group of people but please let me have the option to just do it with my friends in a party and gain the same experience and same quest completion rates. Maybe it’s to combat botting but as we see, bots are everywhere regardless of this.
People in the same party starting the same quest should be able to stack up the completion rate of a quest much faster, that’s what parties are for, to level faster with other people.
GW2 has a nice random group thing going on but the people who wish to play together are getting punished for doing so. I deal more damage than her and she loses out on a lot of kills even though she does hit the same mob(s) but all my skills are aoe so I end up getting more exp and killing more stuff even though that’s what the party system should balance out.
I don’t hate the system now but I’d like to not get punished for partying, mkay?

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


Party is working as intended, and you are not being punished for partying. It is the Mesmer class to blame, in this instance, not the party feature. Because of the lack of upfront damage in the Mesmer class, they have a much harder time earning a gold medal and equivalent rewards from DEs.

Unfortunately, we have to wait to see if this will change, but in the meantime you will either have to “deal with it” or have your wife roll another class, unless she’s fine having to “catch up”. Which really isn’t all that big of a deal.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jazneo.8213


we dont really need party system no more because how the event system. it more like a list of your friend show you keep track of them lol

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pilusilm.5682


Jazneo, you didn’t even read what I said. Working as intended aka punishing the people who don’t deal enough damage due to the class they chose. That seems pretty broken to me.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Svenn.5209


Actually, the party system works great. If you are solo you would normally need to do something like 10% damage to a mob to get credit for it. If you are in a party then your party needs to do 10% damage and you need to get at least 1 hit in to get credit for the mob.

As for quest completion rates… heart quests go by pretty quick, and I don’t see why one person should be rewarded for another person’s contribution.

I’ve been playing with a group of friends since level 1 and we’ve never had a problem with the party system.

Svenn Ethir – Seeds of War – Stormbluff Isle

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


Jazneo, you didn’t even read what I said. Working as intended aka punishing the people who don’t deal enough damage due to the class they chose. That seems pretty broken to me.

As I’ve already said, it’s not the fault of the party system. It is, I’m sorry to say, working as intended — and I very much doubt it will change.

You really aren’t being punished, it’s simply a perception you seem to hold. Are you both completing each area as you level? If so, your wife should, even if you are ahead of her somewhat, be at a level to move onto the next area, and even if she’s not, since you are both playing together, her moving onto the next area just one or two levels shy is completely viable.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pilusilm.5682


Actually, the party system works great. If you are solo you would normally need to do something like 10% damage to a mob to get credit for it. If you are in a party then your party needs to do 10% damage and you need to get at least 1 hit in to get credit for the mob.

As for quest completion rates… heart quests go by pretty quick, and I don’t see why one person should be rewarded for another person’s contribution.

I’ve been playing with a group of friends since level 1 and we’ve never had a problem with the party system.

Not true. We tested. I hit something once and my wife finished it off and I got no experience. Hence, it is broken. Stop ignoring the issue here. The party does not work. You lose out on experience if you’re in a party with a person who kills faster than you. That is broken and all of you are just in denial.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jazneo.8213


Jazneo, you didn’t even read what I said. Working as intended aka punishing the people who don’t deal enough damage due to the class they chose. That seems pretty broken to me.

there no reason to give out exp from a party system no more that what i saying hell you can level up to 80 just doing low level area all the time. because the level blancer system

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pilusilm.5682


Jazneo, you didn’t even read what I said. Working as intended aka punishing the people who don’t deal enough damage due to the class they chose. That seems pretty broken to me.

there no reason to give out exp from a party system no more that what i saying hell you can level up to 80 just doing low level area all the time. because the level blancer system

I’m not asking for extra experience from mobs. And you wont be able to get to level 80 by just killing stuff, once you complete the quests then you barely get any exp. The mob experience is what should be shared regardless of if they hit something or not as long as they are on the same screen they should get experience for it. Yes, this would work better for botters and they are everywhere. So the whole botting issue is getting ignored anyways. If I want to party then I’d like to see the party members get experience from mobs that we killed as a party. And the people who are saying that it’s ok for one class for fall behind in levels are morons. Isn’t this game all about being equal?

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: evilcherry.1327


The party system does not confer any advantage to anyone. Essentially everyone still plays for his own.

If you really need a few levels for your wife I suggest just let her toon do some crafting to catch up. You got the supply of 2 players and it would greatly help.

(edited by evilcherry.1327)

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


I’m not asking for extra experience from mobs. And you wont be able to get to level 80 by just killing stuff, once you complete the quests then you barely get any exp. The mob experience is what should be shared regardless of if they hit something or not as long as they are on the same screen they should get experience for it. Yes, this would work better for botters and they are everywhere. So the whole botting issue is getting ignored anyways. If I want to party then I’d like to see the party members get experience from mobs that we killed as a party. And the people who are saying that it’s ok for one class for fall behind in levels are morons. Isn’t this game all about being equal?

DEs are a primary source of exp. and Karma. My guess is that you will hit level 80 long before you finish every heart quest the game has to offer. Now, I don’t know what issue you encountered, perhaps you didn’t do enough damage or another bug cropped up, but monster exp. is shared — with or without a party.

Furthermore, no one’s said it’s “okay” for one class to fall behind the others. It’s an issue, it’s been stated as such, but there’s nothing we, the players, can do about it. All we can do is wait and hope that it’s addressed.

So, please, stop picking and choosing what you read and pay attention to what others are posting. You also seem to be ignorant of how certain mechanics work, and you would do well to slow down and either ask without spouting off about it or, again, read what others are posting.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pilusilm.5682


The party system does not confer any advantage to anyone. Essentially everyone still plays for his own.

If you really need a few levels for your wive I suggest just let her toon do some crafting to catch up. You got the supply of 2 players and it would greatly help.

So this is like a single player rpg with random events? I might as well play fable. Graphics are just as good and it would feel the same. Single player. They’ve killed social gaming cause there’s no real benefits by being in an actual group.

—-> All of you have just confirmed that you get punished for not playing the higher damage class. <—-
Do not reply unless it’s actually a valid argument. We have done the same quests,same events,we have the same playtime and I’m almost 2 levels ahead. This is the issue here. Why do we get punished for socializing ? What’s the point of trying to progress through the game with someone when one person will get ahead and the others have to struggle cause they don’t dish out enough damage due to their class preference? Why are all of you plugging your ears and going “lalalalala” at this issue?

(edited by Pilusilm.5682)

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dvojce.2486


Actually, the party system works great. If you are solo you would normally need to do something like 10% damage to a mob to get credit for it. If you are in a party then your party needs to do 10% damage and you need to get at least 1 hit in to get credit for the mob.

As for quest completion rates… heart quests go by pretty quick, and I don’t see why one person should be rewarded for another person’s contribution.

I’ve been playing with a group of friends since level 1 and we’ve never had a problem with the party system.

Not true. We tested. I hit something once and my wife finished it off and I got no experience. Hence, it is broken. Stop ignoring the issue here. The party does not work. You lose out on experience if you’re in a party with a person who kills faster than you. That is broken and all of you are just in denial.

LOOK AND READ. It says TESTED how exp is gained. Hit the mob once and NO exp.

I’m not asking for extra experience from mobs. And you wont be able to get to level 80 by just killing stuff, once you complete the quests then you barely get any exp. The mob experience is what should be shared regardless of if they hit something or not as long as they are on the same screen they should get experience for it. Yes, this would work better for botters and they are everywhere. So the whole botting issue is getting ignored anyways. If I want to party then I’d like to see the party members get experience from mobs that we killed as a party. And the people who are saying that it’s ok for one class for fall behind in levels are morons. Isn’t this game all about being equal?

DEs are a primary source of exp. and Karma. My guess is that you will hit level 80 long before you finish every heart quest the game has to offer. Now, I don’t know what issue you encountered, perhaps you didn’t do enough damage or another bug cropped up, but monster exp. is shared — with or without a party.

Furthermore, no one’s said it’s “okay” for one class to fall behind the others. It’s an issue, it’s been stated as such, but there’s nothing we, the players, can do about it. All we can do is wait and hope that it’s addressed.

So, please, stop picking and choosing what you read and pay attention to what others are posting. You also seem to be ignorant of how certain mechanics work, and you would do well to slow down and either ask without spouting off about it or, again, read what others are posting.

You’re the one not reading and ignoring an obvious problem. kittening fan boy.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


The party system does not confer any advantage to anyone. Essentially everyone still plays for his own.

If you really need a few levels for your wive I suggest just let her toon do some crafting to catch up. You got the supply of 2 players and it would greatly help.

So this is like a single player rpg with random events? I might as well play fable. Graphics are just as good and it would feel the same. Single player. They’ve killed social gaming cause there’s no real benefits by being in an actual group.

—-> All of you have just confirmed that you get punished for not playing the higher damage class. <—-
Do not reply unless it’s actually a valid argument. We have done the same quests,same events,we have the same playtime and I’m almost 2 levels ahead. This is the issue here. Why do we get punished for socializing ? What’s the point of trying to progress through the game with someone when only one of the people will get ahead and the others have to struggle cause they don’t dish out enough damage due to their class preference? Why are all of you plugging your ears and going “lalalalala” at this issue?

You seem to be misinformed — the party feature in MMOs has never conferred any sort of benefit to those in the party. It’s a feature that allows players to group up and actually share exp/party buffs, unlike in GW2, where a party is not necessary, because you are always sharing exp and buffs, with or without said party.

Again, you are not being punished for socializing. Your wife, together or alone, would likely still be a level or two below you — BECAUSE OF THE UPFRONT DAMAGE ISSUE WITH THE MESMER CLASS AND HOW THAT CAUSES REWARD-SCALING ISSUES IN DES. I can’t be any clearer, but you seem intent on ignoring the actual problem, which is not the party feature.

Now, your wife is not “struggling”. If she was completely incapable of getting to level 80, you might have a valid point. However, she will not. You may reach level 80 before her, but she is completely capable of reaching that point, as well, and will likely do so, struggle free, since she has you to help her in DEs and other tasks.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dvojce.2486


Oh? So it’s ok for your friends who party with you to be way lower levels than your class because they choose not to implement a party exp share system. Well seems like you have no friends so i guess you wouldn’t understand the problem

’Cept that it was tested and it was not shared. Log in. Hit a mob once. Try it.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pilusilm.5682


Except we are being slowed down by her losing out on experience. We tested the mob hit thing several times. It did not work. We would progress faster if we were at the same level, that’s what parties are made for, so everyone progresses faster together. We are in a higher level zone and if mobs are 2-3 levels higher than me then they are 4-5 than her. Would be a great help if the characters that are identical in progress had the same level but no, I am almost 2 levels ahead and I’m sure the gap keeps growing to the point where I’m 5 levels ahead and we can’t play together anymore due to the zone I’d have to be in would be too difficult for her. We are sharing crafting materials and it still does not help.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: evilcherry.1327


Party does not work in your sense, if you truly want to insist this. You can say, on the other hand, everyone in the vicinity is partied, but you are credited if and only if you did considerable damage on a mob.

You may well say partying in the classic sense in this game is dead. OTOH IMHO MMOs are already drifting from partying for the sake of it. You aren’t given tangible benefits for partying, which is actually good, or else everyone is forced to party which is even worse – power levelling (and arguing about what is power levelling and what is not), exp leeching, and partying but not working together for a higher xp/loot multiplier being a few of such cases.

The benefit of partying is 1. a private chatroom 2. able to stay together in the same instance. As I said you are actually in good shape here – if you need a few more levels, dip into crafting to make that up.

(edited by evilcherry.1327)

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


Oh? So it’s ok for your friends who party with you to be way lower levels than your class because they choose not to implement a party exp share system. Well seems like you have no friends so i guess you wouldn’t understand the problem

’Cept that it was tested and it was not shared. Log in. Hit a mob once. Try it.

You are either not reading what I post or failing to understand me. I’m not sure which, and, at this point, I’m not sure I care, given that you are putting words in my mouth, insulting me, and attempting to make me look like a bad guy.

I am glad that you have performed inconclusive tests. I am glad that these tests have shown that the mechanic is either bugged or requires a certain percentage of damage to be done to garner what ANet believes to be a “significant”, rewardable portion of exp. I am also sorry that you have failed to comprehend this, despite my posting and quotation of exactly that.

(edited by Cinder.4865)

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pilusilm.5682


Purpose of a party is to help out those who don’t deal enough damage and that just doesn’t exist in this game. Hence why I thought it was broken but it’s just bad design. Hopefully they will change it so it would feel like you’re actually in a party instead of just a blue dot on the minimap. I guess they thought if they made all the classes dps then it works out but it’s not working at all for the party system.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dvojce.2486


You are a bad guy. The top post agreed that partying is dead; that party exp doesn’t work in a traditional “you’re in a group the party shares exp”. Now in this post you say I don’t understand how the system works and that “tests” are inconclusive… Yes, I like to insult hypocrites. Stop changing what you believe.

(edited by Dvojce.2486)

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


I give up.

/15 characters

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478


Purpose of a party is to help out those who don’t deal enough damage and that just doesn’t exist in this game.

In other games, maybe. Not in this one.

There are only three reasons to be in an “official” party in Guild Wars 2:

1. Shared instances (story/dungeons/etc)
2. Being able to see the other person’s location.
3. Having a private chat channel for party communication.

None of those have anything to do with exp. Your will get the same exp partied as unpartied. Your wife will get the same exp partied as unpartied. What this means is that group play can happen (and does happen, every single day) in guild wars 2, without needing to be partied. That’s why ArenaNet did what they did with parties.

Exp isn’t hard to get in this game. Seriously. And levels mean even less.

When you get to 80, your wife might be 75? Who cares when you’re still working through Field of Ruin and downscaled to 30?

This isn’t a traditional MMO, and I really wish people would stop trying to make it into one.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


Sorry you can’t carry your wife through the game at the speed you want I guess. The downleveling system will make sure you both can always at least play together, even if you don’t get to 80 as fast as you seem to want.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I’m sorry you are having trouble enjoying the game.

My experience as a mesmer has been completely different. I play 80% of the time in a party of 2-5; I level up faster than some and slower than others. A lot of it depends on weapon choice, tactics, and how aggressive each player is. I have never had any trouble getting Gold reward in any zone in the game (the closest I come to seeing a Mesmer-specific issue is that I might be getting fewer drops during some zergs, when I’m slow to lay down AoE skills).

Here are a couple of suggestions for how to enjoy the game together:

  1. Have your wife purchase cheap consumables on the TP. Every food adds +10% XP for foe deaths and every potion/crystal does the same. Many foods are available for 1c and the low-level potions are available for vendor +1c. (And of course, they provide other benefits.)
  2. Leave your build alone, but adjust the equipment/traits for your wife’s build to generate more damage, especially AoE.
  3. For “collect this” events, just collect one item and then cover your wife while she collects 5-10. That will result in Bronze-level completion for you and Silver or better for her.
  4. Start heading into areas that are at-level for you (and under-level for your wife). She will earn more proportionally more experience than you do. Alternatively, head into areas that are substantially under your level; this is slower, but again, she will gain proportionally more XP.

These things do not require only the most minor changes to your play styles. (If you want to make bigger changes, there are a lot more options.)

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dvojce.2486


wow… no one even read what pilusilm said…

Purpose of a party is to help out those who don’t deal enough damage and that just doesn’t exist in this game.

In other games, maybe. Not in this one.

There are only three reasons to be in an “official” party in Guild Wars 2:

1. Shared instances (story/dungeons/etc)
2. Being able to see the other person’s location.
3. Having a private chat channel for party communication.

None of those have anything to do with exp. Your will get the same exp partied as unpartied. Your wife will get the same exp partied as unpartied. What this means is that group play can happen (and does happen, every single day) in guild wars 2, without needing to be partied. That’s why ArenaNet did what they did with parties.

Exp isn’t hard to get in this game. Seriously. And levels mean even less.

When you get to 80, your wife might be 75? Who cares when you’re still working through Field of Ruin and downscaled to 30?

This isn’t a traditional MMO, and I really wish people would stop trying to make it into one.

Thing is… a lot of people, like me, don’t give a flying kitten about story quests. I’m sick of traditional mmos as well hence why I started playing this one. BUT basically if I want to play with my mates.. theres no point now. If we go after the same mobs if let’s say.. I build my mesmer like a healer.. I get kittened out of exp for it unless I’m running around elsewhere on the map.
Guess this is perfect for the lonely RPer that wants to up skirt their char..

Sorry you can’t carry your wife through the game at the speed you want I guess. The downleveling system will make sure you both can always at least play together, even if you don’t get to 80 as fast as you seem to want.

LOL! Nice stab at women there. I’m sure she could kick your bloody kitten

I’m sorry you are having trouble enjoying the game.

My experience as a mesmer has been completely different. I play 80% of the time in a party of 2-5; I level up faster than some and slower than others. A lot of it depends on weapon choice, tactics, and how aggressive each player is. I have never had any trouble getting Gold reward in any zone in the game (the closest I come to seeing a Mesmer-specific issue is that I might be getting fewer drops during some zergs, when I’m slow to lay down AoE skills).

Here are a couple of suggestions for how to enjoy the game together:

  1. Have your wife purchase cheap consumables on the TP. Every food adds +10% XP for foe deaths and every potion/crystal does the same. Many foods are available for 1c and the low-level potions are available for vendor +1c. (And of course, they provide other benefits.)
  2. Leave your build alone, but adjust the equipment/traits for your wife’s build to generate more damage, especially AoE.
  3. For “collect this” events, just collect one item and then cover your wife while she collects 5-10. That will result in Bronze-level completion for you and Silver or better for her.
  4. Start heading into areas that are at-level for you (and under-level for your wife). She will earn more proportionally more experience than you do. Alternatively, head into areas that are substantially under your level; this is slower, but again, she will gain proportionally more XP.

These things do not require only the most minor changes to your play styles. (If you want to make bigger changes, there are a lot more options.)

Why do you assume that she isn’t getting gold in the random events..? He was obviously talking about trash mobs and heart quests. I didn’t see anywhere in any of his posts to complain about the events… yet people keep posting about it?
I play mesmer and nerco. I’ve never gotten anything but gold ‘cept if I jump into an event when its almost over. And I find, depending on the build, you get kittened over if you’re playing with certain classes. Your suggestion to change builds sucks. So, ‘cuz you’re playing with X class you can’t be Y build… how stupid.

/shrug I get that people don’t want AN/NC messing with good formulas they’ve implemented. But if they chose to distribute party exp equal… how is that a negative thing?

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


I very much doubt Awesome was making any sort of stab at women. It’s a shame you feel the need to interpret things in such a way.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dvojce.2486


I give up.

/15 characters

I very much doubt Awesome was making any sort of stab at women. It’s a shame you feel the need to interpret things in such a way.

Not very good at giving up…
“Carrying” is what you do with babies. Or cripples.

Mmm.. pretty OT anyways.
The point, which none have answered, “if they chose to distribute party exp equal… how is that a negative thing?”

(edited by Dvojce.2486)

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


You also carry people through content when they aren’t contributing as much as you. Nothing to do with women. If the wife had made this thread my post would have said “carrying your husband.”

[SFD] – Maguuma

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dvojce.2486


You also carry people through content when they aren’t contributing as much as you. Nothing to do with women. If the wife had made this thread my post would have said “carrying your husband.”

Mmm so, they both suck huh? Carrying isn’t a nice way of putting something.
If the wife had posted, it would’ve read “the husband is ahead of me”… How can one carry when the other is ahead?

Do I need to bold the real question at hand?

If they chose to distribute party exp equal… how is that a negative thing?

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


I can’t tell if you’re being intentionally dense or what.

As far as why it would be a negative thing, maybe anet doesn’t want people being carried through the game. I don’t know.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dvojce.2486


I can’t tell if you’re being intentionally dense or what.

As far as why it would be a negative thing, maybe anet doesn’t want people being carried through the game. I don’t know.

I like to read and respond to what posts actually say instead of fabricating situations to validate negative comments.
Yet, people are already botting. So wouldn’t your “carrying” just be helping your mates level instead of them paying to be in a bot train? Wouldn’t that then combat against the bot problem if real life friends could actually help, specially if one is terrible at games?

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


What does botting have to do with grouping? People don’t bot for experience they bot to farm items to sell.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dvojce.2486


What does botting have to do with grouping? People don’t bot for experience they bot to farm items to sell.

AND this post proves you read nothing at all.
EXACTLY. Botting has kittening nothing to do with exp. SO why not have equal exp distribution in a party?
There are no negatives. Thank you.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


That is what we call a non sequitur.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Coltz.5617


I think one group is talking about the party being an issue because not everyone is getting exp when everyone perform a hit on the same mobs. ( = glitch perhaps? )

and the other group thinks that because of the nerfed mesmer class the dmg dealt is the reason why the wife is falling behind and not the party system being the reason.

So, the issue is not trying to get the wife to said level, it is the possible glitch that not everyone i recieving proper exp. Since it has been tested it is now being SUGGESSTED in the forums.

So from this point of view I am seeing a couple being attacked because they want to suggest a fix or an investigation of some sort. And people are misunderstanding and in turn creating an argument; yes?

- I infract cause I’m passionate about the game-

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pilusilm.5682


I think one group is talking about the party being an issue because not everyone is getting exp when everyone perform a hit on the same mobs. ( = glitch perhaps? )

and the other group thinks that because of the nerfed mesmer class the dmg dealt is the reason why the wife is falling behind and not the party system being the reason.

So, the issue is not trying to get the wife to said level, it is the possible glitch that not everyone i recieving proper exp. Since it has been tested it is now being SUGGESSTED in the forums.

So from this point of view I am seeing a couple being attacked because they want to suggest a fix or an investigation of some sort. And people are misunderstanding and in turn creating an argument; yes?

Thank you. Most people here are too far up their own arses to see the issue.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dvojce.2486


That is what we call a non sequitur.

You needed a big word to describe your OT statements.
At least you know the proper term for it.

Pilusilm, I hope they decide to balance the exp in parties. The community sure couldn’t come up with any valid reasons for it not to be shared.

EDIT: Thanks Coltz.

(edited by Dvojce.2486)

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


That is what we call a non sequitur.

You needed a big word to describe your OT statements.
At least you know the proper term for it.

Seriously? A “No u”?

Pitiful. Step up your game.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dvojce.2486


That is what we call a non sequitur.

You needed a big word to describe your OT statements.
At least you know the proper term for it.

Seriously? A “No u”?

Pitiful. Step up your game.

Oh I’ve made you mad. Oops

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


Just disappointed that’s the best you have.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dvojce.2486


Just disappointed that’s the best you have.

Ah, I’m sorry. I know deep down you still love me

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Coltz.5617


This thread should be locked, I am requesting this thread to be locked. Opinions have been exchanged and what is left is baseless insults.

Let’s agree with this^ and move on.

- I infract cause I’m passionate about the game-

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pilusilm.5682


Just hope that they fix the kitten glitch.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: evilcherry.1327


I think one group is talking about the party being an issue because not everyone is getting exp when everyone perform a hit on the same mobs. ( = glitch perhaps? )

and the other group thinks that because of the nerfed mesmer class the dmg dealt is the reason why the wife is falling behind and not the party system being the reason.

So, the issue is not trying to get the wife to said level, it is the possible glitch that not everyone i recieving proper exp. Since it has been tested it is now being SUGGESSTED in the forums.

So from this point of view I am seeing a couple being attacked because they want to suggest a fix or an investigation of some sort. And people are misunderstanding and in turn creating an argument; yes?

As I said I’m actually heavily against any kind of group exp sharing mechanism, with or without a multiplier.

Moot case here: 5 staff elementalists AEing farming on the opposite side of the Orr tunnel, versus a group of 5 players working together in the same area. If there is exp sharing the elementalist group would gain xp much faster; if loot is distributed (a la wow) the group would end up with more loot from 1x to 5x depending on the design.

Grouping is good; grouping because you are screwed for not grouping is bad.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


What, exactly, is the glitch? If it’s experience not being shared across the party, that is not a glitch. That is the party feature working as intended. If it’s the “test” mentioned earlier, in which a single hit is not garnering any exp when the mob is killed by someone else, that also has nothing to do with grouping, and is an entirely separate issue that needs further testing done.

So, please, could someone elaborate?

Edit: Also, changing the party mechanic to share exp equally across all party members would require a massive overhaul of the system already in place, not to mention the addition of a range mechanic. You would need all party members to be within so far of each other to avoid you being on opposite ends of the map, doing different DEs, and sharing the exp. It’s, quite simply, not worth ANet’s time and effort when the system in place is already working wonderfully.

(edited by Cinder.4865)

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: DinoDoll.3682


I deal more damage than her and she loses out on a lot of kills even though she does hit the same mob(s) but all my skills are aoe so I end up getting more exp and killing more stuff even though that’s what the party system should balance out.

another suggestion is stop killing things so fast. Let your wife get some kills in before you start spamming your aoes and getting all the kills instead of letting her get credit. Just stand back, delay your attacks a second to make sure she’s starting up her damage.. then jump in second

i disagree with your suggestion that party members should get identical xp for kills. For the botting issue you mentioned as number one. but i also don’t think lazy players should be rewarded.

Would be nice if party worked.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi everyone,

This thread has run its course. It is closed not to prevent further derailment.

Thanks for your help and understanding