Would love to see level 20 scrolls buyable

Would love to see level 20 scrolls buyable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sickle.6502


Either by drop, or by gem store, I would love to have this option available.

You wont have to do those measly first 20 levels, the character will remain fairly low so you can gain the experience with it as you gain those further 60 levels, and you will get your main 3 utility slots to use, along with some traits to add and some skill points to spend.

I don’t think it’s a game breaker, and it will reduce the mundane start to any alternate character, for players who just want to avoid grinding as much as possible in early stages of the game.

Good idea or not?
I would like some feedback from my fellow Gw2 players, with valid and sensible thoughts/comments.

Would love to see level 20 scrolls buyable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mel.8769


As someone with 6 characters and plans for more, I would buy it.

Common sense is a flower that doesn’t grow in everyone’s garden. -Unknown

Would love to see level 20 scrolls buyable

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


For most classes, a jump from 1-20 would be a great thing. For the elementalist I’m currently playing, it wouldn’t make a jot of difference. My ele is just as squishy and underpowered at level 35 as she was at level 1. Perhaps even squishier.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Would love to see level 20 scrolls buyable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brave Mallyki.1563

Brave Mallyki.1563

Here’s my take on XP scrolls.


My idea is also not a game breaker. And could be a nice source of income for them if they sold them on the gem store.

Vox Invictus [VOX] – Crystal Desert
PvP Rank – 151 – Dragon
WvW Rank – 1,120 – Silver Colonel

Would love to see level 20 scrolls buyable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

I would much rather they be tradeable. I’ve got a whole bunch of them I’d love to sell on the trading post, and I know a ton of other veterans who do too. I have eleven characters, guess which ones can use them. They are a waste of space for those who have them, and a nearly unattainable goal for those who want/can actually use them.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Would love to see level 20 scrolls buyable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I’ve got 10 of these things sitting, hoping for an expansion with new races and professions. Who knows when or if I will ever use even one of these.

Make them sellable. I’m losing hope on the expansion. :/

Would love to see level 20 scrolls buyable

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brave Mallyki.1563

Brave Mallyki.1563

I won’t be holding my breath for an expansion anytime soon. But, one bank slot will be occupied with them ready to go if there ever is one.

Vox Invictus [VOX] – Crystal Desert
PvP Rank – 151 – Dragon
WvW Rank – 1,120 – Silver Colonel