Would really appreciate the ability to rebind all key commands.

Would really appreciate the ability to rebind all key commands.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Edge.4180


Very simply, I would like to see the option to rebind more of the game’s functionality to alternate keys. Specifically, I have my own eyes on: pinging/drawing on the radar/map (currently shift+mouse button click/drag), and hiding the user interface (currently ctrl+shift+H). However, I’m sure players would appreciate being able to rebind the revive, loot, and use functions to alternate keys, as well as a number of other functions.

A personal example: from various other games I’m very used to using the “shift” key as a dodge/roll button. For me, it’s very natural as my pinky rests there next to my WASD keys. And so, I tried to do this in GW2, and while it worked there were a number of unfortunate side effects.

First, because other functions use the shift key, I roll every time I ping a location on the radar for my group, or draw a line/route on the map. That’s annoying, especially when you need to ping the radar during a fight and don’t want to unintentionally roll around wasting endurance. It can also be quite deadly during a jumping puzzle. Second, I roll whenever I try to hide the UI to take a screenshot – which is pretty annoying after you’ve taken a moment to set up the perfect shot of a scene and then press the shift key to hide the UI.

In the end, I had to remove my binding of “shift” from the dodge function because there are no options to rebind the radar/map ping, the radar/map drawing tool, or the option to hide the user interface. Why?

Thus, the request is pretty much this: if there is a key/mouse pressed used to activate a function within the game, then there should be a matching option to rebind said function in the keybinds section. Everything should be included, assume players will want to rebind any and all keyboard/mouse commands. Really, nothing should be hardcoded to a key permanently.

Would really appreciate the ability to rebind all key commands.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iron Savior.4752

Iron Savior.4752

You might try replacing WASD with ESDF, which opens up a column of keys to the left of your hand. Put the dodge on the A key and you still have room to add heal/util/elite hotkeys on the adjacent Q, W, R, T, G, Z, X, C, and V. I never ever have to reach for those right-side skills.

Would really appreciate the ability to rebind all key commands.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mostalis.4681


I was about to post something very similar to what Edge did. I was trying to use Shift as my dodge since it seemed so natural, and ended up spamming my skills to chat as an annoying result. Like he said, all key bindings should be changeable on the options screen.

Would really appreciate the ability to rebind all key commands.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kasen.9032


Yes please allow to change all our keybinds. Please allow us to disable the the left click+shift and left click+ctrl.

I have my dodge mapped to the right shift and my healing to the right ctrl. When ever I have my shift held done and I use an ability it links that ability in chat and of course If I don’t notice right away I end up dead because my chat is active!!

Would really appreciate the ability to rebind all key commands.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skekzyz.1458


I’ve been trying to tell the devs this for months, on the official, waivered, feedback part of GWWiki. But, alas…

I would also like to request a bind option to CLOSE ALL DIALOG BOXES while you’re at it.


Hiding the UI is there, it’s the second from the bottom under User Interface, ‘Show / Hide’ right above ‘Mail’.

Giving us Alt+, Shift+, and Ctrl+ modifiers is great, but then you take them over and force us to use them your way, kinda feels like government, but I digress.

One word.


The Dark Crystal [TDC] – Henge of Denravi

(edited by Skekzyz.1458)

Would really appreciate the ability to rebind all key commands.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Canoas.8423


Another thing I’d like to suggest is to let us make the keybind changes specific to certain characters. For example, on my thief I changed F1 to Q since I use it quite often. However, on my elementalist I don’t need the F1 in Q, and would rather have Q bound to something else. The problem is that the binds affect the account, not the individual character, so this is not possible.