WvW Badge of Honor Rate Meh
….and the fact that I get the same quality of loots and experience from killing skilled Players as killing Risens in Cursed Shore, that doesn’t help at all.
I ended up doing jumping puzzles instead. Got them done much much faster. The 500 needed for legendary in my case.
The badge rate is somewhat low but it didn’t stop me from farming over 50 of the bad boys today….mind you I had to kill a good 100+ players to do it.
Imo I think the major issue is that the Invader’s Armor is overpriced. If you want that legendary the 500 Badges is probably one of the easier (and most fun) parts of that grind.
What BabelFish said, but also:
1. Its easier to get badges from Jumping puzzle
2. Easier to get badges from duo/trios killing camp supervisors
3. Drop rate is too low from players
4. If you aren’t going for legendary, your left with a lot of badges with nothing to spend it on but overpriced weapons and armor, and siege that you probably won’t use or will be wasted.
What could be better?
1. More or guarenteed badges from various sources; capturing objectives,
A. 1 from camps, 3 from towers, 6 from keeps, 8-10 from keeps near spawn in EB, SM, and BL garrisons. Something like that.
B. Flat rate of 1 badges from players, 2 or 3 from players with high K/D ratios.
2. Make the prices reasonable, 1889 badges (full Invaders armor) is a huge time consuming grind for anyone.
3. Better rewards. Let us be able to trade them for crafting mats or have special MF recipes, XP, or influence. Also the armor skins are fairly..meh, same with weapons, all you get is a poor looking exotic.