WvW Bonus For Transferring To Underpopulated World

WvW Bonus For Transferring To Underpopulated World

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caelib.2497


This suggestion is for when free transfers are over because right now they are the biggest contributing factor to WvW imbalance.

In an effort to balance out WvW populations, I suggest creating incentives for players willing to transfer to under-populated worlds. For example, perhaps a week-long buff to experience gain and badges of honor in WvW combat.

Unfortunately, the free transfers do not appear to be allowing the populations to balance out — they are actually doing the opposite.

WvW Bonus For Transferring To Underpopulated World

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silver Halliwell.4735

Silver Halliwell.4735

The server imbalances will go away after Halloween is my guess. It is their first major event and people are still settling in. I appreciate that they allowed people a few months to find a server that really meshes with their play style, but I think it is time for that to come to an end. Two months is more than enough time to settle in.

WvW Bonus For Transferring To Underpopulated World

in Suggestions

Posted by: thekemp.5967


I do hope when they implement paid server transfers they still allow conditional free transfers to underpopulated and underperforming realms. A number of other games do this, despite it requiring a slight bit more moderation it’s more beneficial for players.