WvW: Class based tactical abilities.

WvW: Class based tactical abilities.

in Suggestions

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


Wvw is fun, but it’s a bit disheartening that when it comes to the “big picture” of war, the roles of all classes are largely equivalent. The current field combat capacity of classes is a good thing. Everyone is generally useful in a ground-fight, but one you start talking in terms of supply and logistics, there’s no class flavor, and limited tactical options.

Thus, I came up with a few WvW profession skills to spice up siegeworks and supply. it was fun to think up and I hope someone likes the idea.

Built for War
Siege engines manned by a warrior suffer 10% less damage from all sources, and have the cooldown on all skills reduced by 10%
Consecrated Assault
Siege engine shots fired by a Guardian also heal any ally within their area of effect for 2% on their max HP. Targets can not be healed in this manner more than once every ten seconds.
Creative Acquisition
Thieves may use the steal ability to steal up to five supply from enemy players, build sites, supply camps, and dolyaks. This ability does not allow the thief to carry more than maximum supply, and will only steal as much as the thief is able to carry.
Enchanted Engine
Elementalists gain one additional attack with all siege engines. This ability differs based upon siege engine, resides in the F1 slot while manning a siege engine, and has a 60 second global cooldown (in other words, you can’t pop it, move to another engine, and pop it again to skip the cooldown)

Flame Ram – Ebon Plating – For ten seconds, this siege engine and its user suffer 30% less damage.

Arrow Cart – Snowblind – This Arrow cart cycle chills and blinds foes in the area of effect

Ballista – Lormar’s Last laugh – This shot burns players, and sets enemy siege equipment on fire, dealing normal damage as a DoT over ten seconds. Flaming siege equipment removes any players manning it, and prevents its use for the entire duration of the effect.

Catapult – Arcane Vortex – This shot deals normal damage to players, while pulling them to the center of its area of effect. When impacting a wall, this wall pulses a single charge, causing a blowout effect around said wall. The pull triggers 1 second before the blowout.

Trebuchet – Enchant Ammunition – This attack causes the next trebuchet shot to deal no damage (though it still knocks back) and spawns an allied veteran earth golem at the point of impact.

Siege Golem (both) – Typhoon – This attack fires a wave of wind and rain forward in the direction the golem is facing that measures 900 units across, and travels 1200 units before dissipating. It deals no damage, but knocks back any enemies hit, functioning in a similar fashion as the Claw of Jormag’s wave attack.

Siege engineering
Engineers repair and build 50% faster than other classes. In addition, engineers manning a non-golem siege engine may use their F1 key to channel a slow repair on the engine, restoring its hp at a rate 1/10the the speed of a single builder.

Greater Illusory Weapon
Mesmers manning a siege engine may use their F1 skill to conjure an illusory clone of that engine anywhere in a 1200 unit radius. This engine does not deal damage, but can be manned and fired by other players. This skill has unlimited duration and a 10s recast timer. This illusion shatters with no effect if the mesmer releases control of the current siege engine. Illusory engines appear mesmer-pimk and transparent to allies, as well as carry the nametag “Illusory X” for all allies.

Necromancers manning a siege engine may enter death shroud. While in death shroud the siege engine’s skills and statistics remain unchanged, but the necromancer’s spirit form is fused with the siege engine, preventing the necromancer from taking damage. While possessing a siege weapon, all shots fired cost Life Essence, and all damage incurred by the siege weapon in stead deals percentile damage to the necromancer’s essence pool, equating the total HP of the engine with the total value of the essence pool.

In addition, necromancers may use ‘F’ to possess an enemy or friendly gate, This possession treats the possessed gate as the necromancer’s body, and allows the necromancer to target and use skills targeting foes on the other side. Only one necromancer may posess a gate at a time. The necromancer may leave or be forced from death shroud as normal, and Dark Path loses its teleport ability, but gains a life essence steal.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest