WvW Flaws

WvW Flaws

in Suggestions

Posted by: SgtMarple.3025


WvW is really frustrating right now , since it is the only thing somehow avaible for a Guild to do something together. All bugs aside one thing that seriously destroys WvW are the too late rendered people.

It is incredible frustating to loose against a force you could take but you don’t see because they are rendered too late or beeing overrun by a huge force because you your scouts reportet “only 5 enemys” and all of a sudden you are dead and slowly the enemy pops on the screen from no where.

This is especially frustating for servers loosing in points or orbs which need to be in the offensive. If you are laying siege on a Tower or Fortress the incoming Zerg will see you but you won’t see 90 % of Zerg.

My suggestion would be render low res Character models or Minecraft blocks or any other type of placeholder anything so that we have something to target or at least get a count on.