(edited by paultimate.8790)
WvW - Game breaking exploits
Not to mention, alot of PvE players want the 100% Map completion. Which compounds the problem even more.
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -
I think the best way to deal with world transfers would be to block WvW out for them for that week…..
Xapp IggÍx – Engineer
Guild Officer of [TB] The Betrayed (Sea Of Sorrows)
I think the best way to deal with world transfers would be to block WvW out for them for that week…..
That’s better than OP’s idea. Personally I think the best solution would be to have it lock your WvW participation at the start of a match. If you transfer to another server you can’t WvW while on that server, but if you transfer back to your original server you can WvW like nothing ever happened. They could then remove the time limit completely since it would be redundant and obsolete. This is essentially how the guesting system will work when it’s in place.
I think that this latest idea would be the best solution, that is to remove the participation in a WvW match when you transfer to another server until the end of that match.
Not to mention, alot of PvE players want the 100% Map completion. Which compounds the problem even more.
Agreed. We are wasting your’s and everyone else’s time. Not to mention, we’re squatting on those coveted WvW slots, that actual PvP fans really deserve to have to themselves. Something ought to be done.
I agree with the original poster, other online games like “Rift” placed a 7 day limitation on transfers and was successful in limiting issue of excessive transfers. GW2 is suffering from guilds creating titan alliances and using the short free transfer limits to create WvW “Server Stacking Issues”.
In conjunction the “Greatly Out Numbered” bonus buff, is completely, and totally worthless. You will never live long enough to get anything except a bill for your repairs from excessive dying. Change is needed, if you even think were going to step on a battlefield with those weak buffs when we are outnumbered at least 10 to 1 you are TOTALLY WRONG.
(edited by BubbaLicous.1328)
I’ve never seen any of those things happen, but I am also not a huge WvW nut, and I play on a middling-low ranked server.
That said, the solution doesn’t address the problem. The problem is that people do these things. The fact that they transferred servers is besides the point. You could do any of those things with a second account, or a large enough guild (theres no shortage of those among WvWvW-heavy guilds) could send over four people on 1-week rotations.
@TsukasaHiiragi: I’m a primarily PvE player, and I’ve queued for WvW with a primary focus on getting my 100%. You’re welcome for those sentries on the road I killed, the quaggan I recruited, the seige I broke, the supply I delivered, the enemy dolyaks I killed, the friendly dolyaks I swiftnessed, and the intel on enemy movement I provided. Because I can’t contribute when running around to every major point on the map, right? Maybe you have a problem with this on your server, but on mine, the commanders frequently ask for players in different areas to provide feedback on what is happening there, and the groups of PvE players moving between exploration objectives are a non-trivial force that brings with it enough supply to stand up a trebuchet in moments. Offer leadership and benefits to these people in exchange for their assistance—they generally don’t mind running halfway across the map to get supply if it gets them another PoI, and bringing that supply to you for your trebuchet to take a tower that they also need benefits everybody. The first failure lies with the general.
@BubbaLicous: When you are severely outnumbered, you cannot fight like you are on equal footing with your opponent—history is full of real-world examples of this. The buff has value, but you need to pick your fights very carefully. The opponent cannot run the entire map, and you might just be able to strike up an alliance with the 3rd server to break the stranglehold that the other one has.
Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]
1st suggestion – I think transferring into opposing server should be allowed until dueling is implemented.
2nd suggestion- I somewhat agree. I think free server transfers should be extended to every 7 days, and additional transfers should require the gem payments that were in place during beta.
@Fildydarie: all those things you listed that you did are actions that the opposing faction can stop you from doing. The can kill the Dolyak you help, defend point you are taken, rebuild their sieges and so on. That is meant to be done and how it is fun to do.
What would you do or feel when a teammember slowed down the Dolyak you are trying to help, repairs the siege you are trying to destroy, stands in your way when you are trying to scout enemy movement? Exactly…those actions are not possible in the game.
Unfortunately, due to the serverswitch possibilities, people can use up your precious materials in useless way to give themself an advantage. There is no way of stopping them because they are on the same side (at that moment). And because of their actions your faction will loose the castle since you dont have the necessary materials to get upgrades or build defenses where they matter.
Even if you have a good leader that tells people to bring mats, and lets say they all do. They still have to get past the zerg in front of their castle to deliver those and then only they can help build defenses which should have been build ages before.
All in all it is a game-breaking tactic that should be shunned if you have a bit of morality or sense of fair play…but I don’t have high hopes for that.
Just like someone say… if you cannot put AN guest option do 7 day CD on transfer server… it’s simple to implement and will change much more WvWvW and pve… will be huge boost to WvWvW… you need do somthing… on WvWvW cannot play now becaus ppl still transfer – like someone say in this topic – to winning server…