WvW Loot Bags, please implement this.
We’ve been suggesting this since BETA stress tests, still hasn’t been implemented.
It should not be so hard to create an auto-pick code for WvWvW so that Badges of Honor in particular are going to be given to the players automatically upon lootdrop.
And an increase in Badges of Honor is also needed at that. Currently simply doing YOUR borderlands JP and the EB JP will give you more Badges of Honor then a whole day of zerging around…this seems to be a bit off balance, seeing you need high amounts, cutting down the BoH rewards on JP seems the wrong way to go, increasing the drop rate on BoH should be increased on player kills.
Yeah any time I WvW I’m crying in the back of my mind because I know I’m leaving all sorts of loot bags scattered across the scenery.
I remember one time we set up a nice ambush and I was manning an arrow cart, gleefully cackling as I rained terror upon a choke point. My eyes got wider and wider and my smile bigger and bigger as I saw a bunch of loot bags building up around me. Then I died before I could pick any of them up. Ugh… Now I could have exited the arrow cart to pick up the loot but that seemed like a selfish thing to do. Guess I need to learn to be more selfish.