[WvW] More Useful Sentries

[WvW] More Useful Sentries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cres.2680


Currently sentries are a little flag on the map. It does provide a little information by moving when it attacks something, which sometimes could be an eagle raptor that got too close.

I propose that sentries should give vision around the area it guards on the minimap. This means when a player opens the map, enemies will be visible around the areas controlled by sentries (red dots or something like that). Of course this information would disappear when the sentry is killed.

[WvW] More Useful Sentries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doombringer Thor.5649

Doombringer Thor.5649

That and it would be nice if all of YOUR sentries showed up on the map. They should all be visible, instead of showing up only after you got in-range.

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