WvW Needs More Rewards

WvW Needs More Rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Widget.4279


I bought guild wars with WvW in mind. I read about the ability to level up solely through WvW and how ANet’s philosophy was against grinding.

The reality is that I found myself leveling via PvE due to the gross inefficiency of WvW leveling.

Now that my char is 80, I’m grinding my way to my first exotic set, again, doing PvE. Beyond that, to be able to contribute to upgrades, I’m anticipating having to farm PvE even more in the future. I really want to try some of the other professions but I’m dreading the thought of leveling and farming for gear again.

Is this really what ANet intended? I left WoW because of the endless rat race and PvE farming.

Please increase WvW rewards to be just a little less efficient than PvE. I don’t want better or even the same amount of rewards. I just want to play how I’d like to play without feeling severely penalized for it.

Here are some suggestions:
- Raise/Give experience and cash for taking objectives, defending, and repairing objectives

- Autoloot into your inventory without having to pick up bags. I know this has been requested by others already.

- More experience and loot for kills or participating in kills. Maybe even give loot and experience for downing players as it can be tough to finish players when large zergs are fighting.

- When a player participates in taking an objective, have that player gain experience and cash every x minutes that the objective is not lost, up to a max. This would provide incentive to hold objectives instead of just exchanging them.

WvW Needs More Rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: juiceman.2870


How about no damage to our stuff for dying? I die a whole lot of times so my bills are really high after just playing a little so its not really worth it unless you have everything in the game and have no use for money anymore. I dont see why repairing has to be there. The penalty for dying is having to walk all that way back.

WvW Needs More Rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: StevieMJH.9105


Or raise the gold you get from it. 2 silver from capping a tower/keep? Neato.

I’ll put those 2 silver in a bank and then wait for interest and once I turn 18 I will go check my account and find: 2 SILVER! =D

In other words, I would think that the rewards from WvW would actually outweigh the damage costs by a ratio of at least more than 2:1. Rather than the current situation where you get 2 silver for capping a fort but if you die you have to repair your gear which (at level 80 exotic) is, lo and behold: 3 SILVER! =D

WvW Needs More Rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Paladin.5268


From my experience, you make a good amount of coin already taking objectives, supply camps, etc. If you are going out at low lvl, then expect to get killed faster, as there are a large number of 80’s running around already.

From what I have seen from those in my guild, everyone comes ahead of money earned over costs of repairs or even buying some siege equipment. WvW is team play, if your dying a lot it is because you are putting yourself in a bad situation by overextending yourself or not realizing your taking to much condition and get taken out before you can react.

I think the rewards are fine already, and may need to be toned down a bit to negate large farming groups from only doing supply camps all night long and not helping out anywhere else, while they earn all their coin / karma and the rest of the players on that map suffer because of having fewer players willing to help take a tower / keep.

WvW Needs More Rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dr Anthrax.4723

Dr Anthrax.4723

From my experience, you make a good amount of coin already taking objectives, supply camps, etc. If you are going out at low lvl, then expect to get killed faster, as there are a large number of 80’s running around already.

From what I have seen from those in my guild, everyone comes ahead of money earned over costs of repairs or even buying some siege equipment. WvW is team play, if your dying a lot it is because you are putting yourself in a bad situation by overextending yourself or not realizing your taking to much condition and get taken out before you can react.

I think the rewards are fine already, and may need to be toned down a bit to negate large farming groups from only doing supply camps all night long and not helping out anywhere else, while they earn all their coin / karma and the rest of the players on that map suffer because of having fewer players willing to help take a tower / keep.

The rewards roll in, ONLY for as long as you are either:

A) Making a massive comeback
B) Rolling the other team.

If you make a massive comeback on a borderland, you can get a tower or two, some supply camps, and a keep. Thats a lot of rewards, i will definitely admit that. And when you compeltely roll the map, you can pretty much just kill to your hearts content for some badges of honor with no cost to you because you personally as a player dont need to buy as many upgrades for your defenses.

Outside of this, if you are at a stalemate, like one that happens so often on Eternal Battlegrounds on my server, you cant get any events done. There is no territory exchanging hands, no back and forths, just repairs costs and Badges of Honor. The defense events never put you ahead if you are part of the group upgrading the tower / keep / castle either. God forbid you get stuck running Dolyaks. There is 0 reward for those also.

OPs suggestion for defensive events rewarding more make sense. Attacking itself isnt that profitable, but we want to discourage zerg a little bit.

WvW Needs More Rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Widget.4279


From my experience, you make a good amount of coin already taking objectives, supply camps, etc. If you are going out at low lvl, then expect to get killed faster, as there are a large number of 80’s running around already.

From what I have seen from those in my guild, everyone comes ahead of money earned over costs of repairs or even buying some siege equipment. WvW is team play, if your dying a lot it is because you are putting yourself in a bad situation by overextending yourself or not realizing your taking to much condition and get taken out before you can react.

I think the rewards are fine already, and may need to be toned down a bit to negate large farming groups from only doing supply camps all night long and not helping out anywhere else, while they earn all their coin / karma and the rest of the players on that map suffer because of having fewer players willing to help take a tower / keep.

I can earn between 80silv to a gold in an hour of farming PvE with a very low chance of death. I can’t get anywhere near that in an hour of WvW. I haven’t counted but it can’t be more than 20 silv, and thats if we’re doing well. With each exotic set piece costing upwards of 3 gold, thats 120 hours of play to earn enough gold to buy the set. Again, I’m assuming that we’re not just stalemating or getting stomped.

This needs to go up considerably. I don’t want to match the PvE rewards and consequently attract farmers to WvW, I just want to be able to WvW with the knowledge that I’m moving towards that exotic set at a reasonable pace.