WvW Player Ranks and WvW Player Leader Boards.

WvW Player Ranks and WvW Player Leader Boards.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Felgor.9341


A few suggestion our guild has towards WvW.

Our guild, a good 20+ members, are mostly pure PvP’ers. Pretty much all of us, played DAoC from the start. We are heavily focused on WvW. That being said, as of late, quite a few members have been losing interest in WvW. Its not that they don’t like it, or they aren’t enjoying themselves, its more due to not having a reason to log into WvW. I know, there is always “Server Pride”, but that can only carry people’s interest for so long.

We need something to attract us to log in everyday. Something to keep us wanting to WvW as much as possible. Some type of WvW character progression. Im not sure how hard it would be to add such a feature to the game, but something is needed.

Back in the DAoC days, we were anxious to log in to RvR. To get those RvR points that were needed to get that next Rank or to spend that next RvR Point on a Skill. These ranks werent easy to max out, they took an extremley long time to level which in my opinion is why it kept our interest peaked at all times. Every free moment i had, i wanted to log on, go out and RvR to earn those. In GW2, that feeling is lacking big time. If your sever so happens to be losing by a massive amount of points, what is the reason to go WvW?

Also, another thing i would love to see, is some type of WvW Player Leader Boards. I hate to keep going back to my DAoC days, but its the one game that kept me interested to the fullest. DAoC had The Camelot Herald. It keep track of GuiLd RvR stats, individual Player RvR and other stats.

If GW2 added some type of WvW Ranking, how hard would it be for ANet to add a trackijng system to the game, to allow us to see how our charatres are doing in WvW? I use to log onto that website daily just to see how i did the previous day, and to see how other were doing as well. It was something that encouraged me to log in, and RvR even more!

Im not sure how many others feel this way, but these ideas are something our guild have been talking about in teamspeak for the past few weeks or so, and some of those players that only log in once and awhiel to WvW have even stated if those ideas were in game, it would encourage them to play the game alot more.

Would love to hear your guys/girls thoughts on this.

Felgor [GoTF]
Level 80 Asura Guardian
Jade Quarry