WvW Population Imbalance

WvW Population Imbalance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caelib.2497


Just because a server can field 100 players per Borderland at 5am EST doesn’t mean they should be able to if the other two worlds in their tier cannot.

I wholeheartedly disagree ArenaNet’s lack of inaction on addressing this issue by saying that “all is fair in love and war” — this is a very weak response to a cut and dry balance issue.

WvW is about competition … this GAME is built around fundamentals of fair and balanced PvP, but when it comes to WvW but you have decided that you don’t want to build a system that is fair. Instead, the current model actually incentivizes imbalance by allowing free transfers — when guilds get frustrated because they are facing insurmountable odds, they just move the flavor-of-the-month zerg server.

As it currently stands, the title of winner is awarded to who has the biggest army, not who has the best army. Here’s what I suggest needs to change: the maximum number of players allowed per world, per borderland should be on the current population of the other worlds in that borderland.

WvW Population Imbalance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Goorman.7916


SPvP is about competition, WvW is whole another thing.

Ash Goorman, 80 level ranger
Lavern Goorman, 80 level thief
Spvp rank 41