WvW Suggestion: Matchup Goals + Balancing

WvW Suggestion: Matchup Goals + Balancing

in Suggestions

Posted by: ricekrispys.5304


Since WvW match ups are more randomized and servers can already expect to face servers a couple of tiers up or down, there needs to be a system to keep things fun, despite being a blowout in some match ups.

I propose a system of WvW match long goals that each server can complete to gain WvW buffs, exp and more in varying difficulty depending on the server’s differences in rating. This will give servers with partial coverage a goal to work for and a reward to work toward.

There will be a number of goals such that the servers that has the highest in the matchup will have the most difficult of goals. For example, the highest tier server might have a goal to: Keep all gates in SMC unbreached for 2 days. Reward: +50% Magic Find(for the rest of the match up, since it is kind of hard to do).

For the lowest rating server in a match up, one of their goals might be something easy like capture all camps in an enemy border land. Reward +10 PPT. There should be one goal for the each server to change the tide of battle, but very difficult to pull off. Like say, take garrison of all borderlands, Reward: Half of the total Points of the leading server added to your servers total points.

Rewards come in many forms depending on the difficulty of the goal and the rating of the server. The highest tier server in a match up has less goal rewards of direct Points/indirect PPT, but more buff rewards such as Magic Find, or “fun” rewards such as everyone in that server having a cow finisher for the match up. The server with the lowest rating will have more rewards based on direct Points/indirect PPT. Other rewards can be reducing keep upgrade costs by as much as 25%.

The goals are located in a new tab in the WvW info page and servers can view each others goals ( to either sabotage their goals/prevent their rewards).

I believe a system of goals can keep WvW fun even for servers who are out of their league/ do not have the coverage of larger servers.