Hi, i have suggestions about WvW.
1: Capturing camps – towers – keeps – castle is little important. There are 4 huge maps and 3 of them same. When one server capture a place its stays there min 5m. Paying coins to upgrades its just holding the place for like 10m. It would be better if there was a order to capture. Here is my suggestion, To capture keep first, server needs to capture tower (close ones.) To capture tower, server needs to capture camps(close ones).
2: WvW should have locking system. For exp, if server captures camp it will be locked for 10-20m. Cannot be capture back in lock time.
3: Capture sentrys dont means anything. There should be upgrade for it. Less than camps.
4: Every server got their home maps. To attack other servers maps, they should capture “Castle” first.
These are my suggestion. I hope you will like and put in game.
Thanks for reading.