WvW System needs a Redesign

WvW System needs a Redesign

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


They become otherwise too unoverviewable.
If Anet adds like monthly a new Skill there without any order, we have absolutely no chance to follow…

We have now countless of WvW Skills and absolutely not enough Skill Points to build up anything in there, unless we grind our kitten off for WvW Experience to level Up.

I think its bet to seperate the WvW Skills from the Leveling Process.
Instead WvW Skill Points should be gainable via Badges of Honour
1 WvW Skill Point = 10 Badges of Honour

Also I think every Character in WvW should start with some kind of Starting Amount of Skill Points so that you can begin from the start with a few Skills.
Like for example a Starting with 10 Skill points for every Category Tab

WvW Skills should also get splitt up in multiple category tabs

  • Battles
  • Siege
  • Defense
  • Support
  • Class Specials
  • Race Specials

Each Skill would have 10 Abilities and so higher you rank up in the Skill Abilities, so more will cost the next Skill in Badges of Honor.


Rank 1 = 10 Badges of Honour
Rank 2 = 15 Badges of Honour
Rank 3 = 25 Badges of Honour
Rank 4 = 40 Badges of Honour
Rank 5 = 60 Badges of Honour
Rank 6 = 85 Badges of Honour
Rank 7 = 115 Badges of Honour
Rank 8 = 150 Badges of Honour
Rank 9 = 190 Badges of Honour
Rank 10 = 235 Badges of Honour + 15 Badges to unlock the next Skill in the Category.

But for what Leveling in WvW, if not anymore for Skill Points ?

Leveling would be used the first 50 Levels to unlock the other Category Tabs as by every 10 WvW Levels would you unlock a new Tab that the player can choose out in which order they want to unlock them. Every Character starts with “Battles” being already unlocked from the start.

Leveling Up would after Level 50 start to unlock WvW specific finishing moves that are only gainable via WvW, it would unlock access to NPCs that sell special Weapon Skins and Armor Sets that can be gained only via WvW, it would unlock also special Titles for reaching certain WvW Levels, like for example reach Lvl 100 in WvW and you get a Title like “Ruler of the Mists”

This woud allow anet also to get rid of this uncreative clone rank system with bronze, silver, gold ranks repeating. For what does WvW need such an inhumane grind like 600+ WvW levels to reach just to get then such a ridiculous sounding rank like currently (they have increased it even seriously !! DIAMOND LEGEND ?
Seriously, who the hell will ever play GW2 in WvW until they reach in there with a character Lvl 9945 ?

9945*5000 are roughly around 49,725 MILLION WvW Exp !!
If you seriously think WvW needs 105 Ranks, then come up at least with something creative for their names instead of repeating one and the same ranks 6 times with new prefixes >.>

Reduce the amount of WvW level, but make each Rank more important by having to build up significantly more WvW Experience for your next Rank Up. The increasing for WvW experince must not be much.. Say for example every 5-10 ranks increase the needed WvW by 500 or so … maximum Rank Level a character should get would be 1000, so that would mean basically 10 titles a character could earn via WvW then if you get 1 for every 100 Levels. However, the grind would be much lesser that way.

And make WvW Skills please finally resetable for some gold/badges of honour

Further in Part 2

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

WvW System needs a Redesign

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


*Part 2:

What should be the Skilsl under these Category Tabs?
Lets start with Battles


- Guard Killer

  • Increases Damage against Guards, Lords and Supervisors R1-8
  • Gives Vigor for 5 seconds for killing these kinds of enemies R9
  • Increases Strength up to 5x by killing these types of enemies R10

- Guard Defender

  • Reduces received Damage from Guards, Lords and Supervisors R1-8
  • Gain Retaliation for killing these type of enemies R9
  • Increases Vitality up to 5x by killing these types of enemies R10

- Mercenary’s Bane

  • Increase Attack and Defense against Mercenaries and environmental Ally’s R1-8
  • Gain Regeneration for some time when killing these type of enemies R9
  • Increases Toughness up to 5x by killing these types of enemies R10

- Supply Carrier’s Bane

  • Increases Damage against Supply Dolyaks, Supply Runners and Supply Golems R1-8
  • Gain Swiftness for a certain duration when killing these types of enemies R9
  • Increases Precision up to 5x for killing these types of enemies.

- Commander’s Charisma

  • Adds a Health Bonus to your Character if you are under a Commanders Squad R1-7 (similar to that of the NPC commanders)
  • Heals Squad Members and lets dead Members rally, if the Commander kills somebody R8
  • Squad Members gain Aegis if the Commander kills something R9
  • Increases up to 5x for Squad Members Boon Duration, for every Lord that the Commander kills.

- Battle Sage

  • Increases gained W-Exp from Player Kills, NPC Kills and other Battle Activities R1-8
  • Gain all Boons for some time whenever your Character Ranks up R9
  • Increases up to 5x Healing Power for every Player Kill R10
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

WvW System needs a Redesign

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Here you would find all of the Siege Weapon WvW Skills.

- Arrow Cart Mastery
- Catapult Mastery
- Arbalest/Ballista Mastery
- Cannon Mastery
- Mortar Mastery
- Trebuchet Mastery
- Oil Mostery
- Ram Mastery
- Palintona Mastery
- Siege Golem Mastery

As also the merged and improved version of Siege Might and Siege Bunker

- Siege Strategist
*Increases Attack and Defense from and against Siege Weapons R1-5

  • Siege Weapons that are short before expiring in their duration, receive now in your near a sign above them, 10 minutes before their times run out. R6
  • Siege Weapons receive now lesser damage when they are used by you R7-9
  • You can repair damaged Siege Weapons now with Supply R10


Here you would find Skills like:

- Base Defender

  • Increases your maximum range from ranged weapons in towers and keeps by 1000 R1
  • Receive lesser damage from enemies that are standing lower than you in Towers and keeps R2-5
  • Increases Siege Weapon Damage of build Weapons in Towers and keeps R6-8
  • Gives NPCs in your near Might, Fury and protection and lets them periodically heal, when you receive damage. R9
  • Tower/Keep defending NPCs on the walls periodically activate in your near Reflective Protection Skills that protect the walls from ranged attacks and reflect them back onto the enemies and clear the wall areas around them from all AoE skill from enemies, like marks for example from a necromancer, ranger barrages, ele meteor showers/ lava fonts ect. R10

- Supply Defender

  • Supply Carriers of any sort, Supervisors and mercenaries receive a Boost in their maximum health, when they are in your near R1-5
  • Those NPCs get healed now whenever you hit an enemy player R6
  • Those NPC’s get also healed now, when mercenaries in your near hit enemy players R7
  • The NPC’s in your near on a Supply Spot will use now stronger Skills and receive additional Skills R8-10

- Path Defender

  • Street Guards in your near will gain Regeneration R1
  • Stret Guards in your near will gain more Strenght and Toughness R2-6
  • Street Guards in your near will use now the Zone of Clearance skill, making it impossible to go into stealth in a circular area around them of 1500 range R7
  • The Street Guard in your near will call for help now if they reach 75/50% Health letting 2 more guards appear each time. Called guards don’t call for more help. R8-9
  • You gain Regeneration and Protection whenever a Street Guard immobilizes an enemy R10
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

WvW System needs a Redesign

in Suggestions

Posted by: Northelius.5381


Welll….. i gotta say this is quite a nice cover of WvW you did. I do have one “but” though. All is good, except:

Also I think every Character in WvW should start with some kind of Starting Amount of Skill Points so that you can begin from the start with a few Skills.
Like for example a Starting with 10 Skill points for every Category Tab

I honestly dont understand why the rank isn’t global across all characters… perhaps there is some very good reason i’m not unaware of – enlighten me. For now its annoying.

Also commander should be changed much. There was many good suggestions about it, like people can choose which commander is active at any time by click voting on him on map. Or commander being chosen automatically with some kind of “being pro” system, no idea how it would work :P So there wouldn’t be 3 or more commander at map at once…. but one…. Atleast make the commander obtainable in some other way, like an achieve or some kind of hardcore wvw guild mission… 100g is stupid. Every farmer has it without a slightest idea what to do with it.

WvW System needs a Redesign

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



Here we would find following WvW Skills:

A merged version of Supply Capacity + Supply Master

- Supply Strategist

  • Gain Swiftness when picking up Supply R1-2
  • Increases maximum Supply being able to carry R3-5
  • Have a Chance to recover spent Suppy when spendign supply R6
  • Gain Improved Swiftness, when you are out of Supply after building or repairing R7
  • Lose lesser Supply from traps or other Supply losening effects from Siege Weapons R8-9
  • Gain more Toughness per every Supply Point you carry around R10

A merged version of Build Mastery and Repair Mastery with better effects:

- War Master Craftsman

  • Increases the efficiency of building up siege weapons (not makes you just use up your supply faster, thats senseless) R1-3
  • Increases the efficiency of repairing siege weapons and walls from your bases R4-6
  • Reduces the cost of your used blueprints for siege weapons by 10 supply R7
  • Receive no damage anymore and gain Stability, while repairing. R8
  • The Effect of R8 also works now for building up siege weapons as long you are working on them and naturally your supply doesn’t run out. R9
  • Supply Carriers in your near move 50% faster and you can take supply from them on the way. R10

- Friend of the Alliance

  • Environmental Allies receive in your near more Strength and Vitality R1-3
  • Daze/Immobilize/Blind Immunity when you fight alongside Quaggan/Ogres/Dredge R4
  • Your Attacks have a 10-30% chance to summon one NPC Ally for 20 seconds if you deal a critical hit (recharge 60 seconds), if your realm is as the moment allied with one of the races R5-7
  • If you summon an environmental ally, it will come along with one of supports
    (Quaggan = Power Node (AoE Buffs/Heal), Ogre = Raptor/Devourer Pets, Dredge = Dredge Tank > Supply/randomous Blue Prints and 1 Dredge Cannon Tower) R8
  • Environmental Allies will heal/revive you now, if you are downed/dead in their near. R9
  • Environmental allies receive in your near periodically regeneration and protection now R10.
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

WvW System needs a Redesign

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Class Specials

These WvW skills would especially improve the roles for every class in WvW as they would enhance the classes special abilities.

Warriors would become with their WvW Skills better in killing the NPC’s, especially Lords and Supervisors, so they would specialize in conquering places.
They skills would here also improve the warriors ability to survive better in mass battles as they powers would become stronger so more allies are around them, so that enemies have to quickly decide, if they take out the warrior first, or the allies that empower the warrior to weaken the warrior….

Guardians would become with their special WvW skills alot better in defending bases, because thats what they made for. Defending places and their special skilsl should make them superior in doing exactly this so that if you see ur base gets attacked, that you want to see guardians there helping you out to get back the upperhand…

Thiefs would specialiy in infiltrating and espionage as also sabotaging enemies siege weapons as their skills would allow them to have longer stealths, to read the enemy chat if they are in near of enemies and to do alot more damage against siege weapons as also by sabotaging them letting siege weapons damage themself whenever they get used.

Mesmers would specialize in illusions and distractions to improve their roles as supporters which weaken enemies and buff allies at the same time.
They would be able for example then to create illusions of walls, if a wall got destroyed, so that they can stop enemies from entering bases, as long the illusion holds to give their allies some time to repair the real wall-.
They be able to create big environmental illusions like creating in big areas illusional lakes to force enemies into water combat for example or the other way around turning a water battle into an illusion as if fighting on land …

Rangers would specialize in artillery, they would receive great abillities in using any kind of siege weapon, except rams and golems as they aren’t ranged weapons.
They would become that way especially useful for destroying walls.
And their wvw specific skilsl would allow them to take control of environmental ananimals/creatures to receive aid from them in battles.
Bunnies for example becoming aggressive and jumping into enemies to interrupt them ect. falcons sky diving into enemies to blind them ..lots of possibilities here.
Any kind of creature could be controled by them to help them out somehow.

Necromancers would become great supporters at the front as their skills would summon more undeads whenever somebody dies, regardless if ally or enemy.
They would specialize in overwhelming enemy bases just with undeads.
They would become more helpful in gaining the ability to make allies immune to fear for some time, because what do you have to fear still, if you have a necromancer on your side??

Elementalists would become especially useful in destroying gates and a useful support at destroying walls as they would become the only class, that could damage walls without siege weapons with their mighty AoE spells like meteor shower (and nobody can tell me, that if a meteor crushes into a wall, that it should not do damage to the wall at all… when a rock of a catapult does damage, then a meteor should do so the same)

Engineers should become especially useful in empowering siege weapons, giving them buffs, they should become especially useful in building siege weapons faster and repairing walls alot more efficiently. Their role is the defensive support. Their towers should become far more useful in defending bases.
They should be also able to protect siege weapons by creating damage absorbing barriers around them. You want to see them together with guardians when defending bases as they could help you to build up savely your arrow carts and what not all, before the enemy has a chance to instantly destroy the stuff, before you could build up anything.

So far for the descriptions, how the classes should specialize for WVW their roles, so that players also get an incentive to play multiple different classes in GW2, because every class should get in WvW a special role, in which they are superior on so that you receive the feeling, that if you play class X, that you are NEEDED there for something, to fulfill in the war your role in what you are good for.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

WvW System needs a Redesign

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Race Specials

Same as the class specials, your decision of your palyed Race should also have a tiny influence in WvW, same like racial skills for PvE.

Every race should have some kind of Racial WvW Skills that give them some ncie effects.

For example Asuras should get some little racial buffs, if they use a Siege Golem, as they are the race, which use their own technology and know their own technology the best so that they should be the race, which should know best how to use Siege Golems the most efficiently !!

A Sylvari instead could summon plant turrents to help defending places or call for oak hearts to help…

Charrs would get special racial buffs when using ranged siege weapons like trebuchets for example ore while using those fiery rams, anythign thats somehow fire related …

Humans could have in WvW increased powers within their racial skills when they power up their racial WvW traits, so that these skilsl become for WvW more useful, then using them in PvE, so that you might see more oftenly maybe human thiefs in WvW, which summon the dogs of balthazar, instead of thieves guild for example

Norn could receive with their racial wvw traits also massive improvements in their racial transformation skills, so that you would see in WvW norns alot more oftenly transform into their various animal forms …

Just a kind of idea that I came up with, when I thought about class specials, why to exlude the racial decision from WvW.
Your decisions should have more influence in the game and it would be together with racial special ability a great way to improve the roles for our characters in WvW.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside