WvW Zerg Train suggestions
The revives are the biggest problem. Imo revives from defeated players are what make the zergs pretty undefeatable with a small group. My fix would be if you revived in combat you come back with 75% health total until u leave combat, 2nd time 50%, 3rd 25%, and finally 4th down, no revives until u leave combat. I have no problems with people dying then waypointing back, repairing, then running to the combat zone again, but I do agree this would make people think twice about rezzing during a combat, i.e. “is it worth me dying for this guy?”
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]
What is the AOE limit on siege? I know my arrow carts hit more than 5 at a time.
AOE limit on arrow carts is 50. Yes that’s fifty players you can hit at once. Not sure I think ballista is 10 or 15.
So you basically saying you want a small group of out-manned defenders to be able to push back a big zerg?
Surely then the game would flip on its head and it would be first players to cap the unguarded towers/keeps/castle @ the reset win the match as no-one could ever assault them.
Re-enforcing is totally worth it as well as building siege, but you have to be expected to bring some numbers along to enable you to effectively push back a large zerg.
When you are on defense, I would say you would want at least 40-50% of the numbers beating @ the door, to ensure that you put up a fight, any less than that and it is
inevitable that the defenses will fall eventually.
Communication across BL is key, if you are under attack and your allies allow you to be out-manned in a Tower/Keep that they intend on keeping for 20 minutes, then you need a commander that knows how to lead.
Having said that it might be that while a huge zerg is beating on 1 tower for 20 minutes in 1 BL, your team has taken 2-3 towers + a keep in another BL. Its all about the greater good sometimes.
I’m more curious as to your groups knowledge of siege weaponry, how to deploy/use it properly, and your overall coordination out there. We’ll gloss over the extremely noobish playing that zerg did, if they truly didn’t even use some rams or a golem, since they left themselves open to slaughter by siege defenses.
I’ve held Hills, with no upgrades, with 9 guild members against a force of 50 with several Alpha and Omega golems. We killed them before they even made it to the inner gates so I don’t believe they just stood there while you shot at them and no one died.
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]
I didn’t believe it myself.
Firstly, we were greatly outmanned that everyone was pushed back to defending langor. No commanders were present; everyone on the map was called back to defend Langor, it was really our last tower before they take our main keep. You could argue that a party of 5 could ninja other towers and supplies but I don’t think 3 minute caps on other points (because surely they would just be taken back quickly) was worth risking our last tower and eventually our main keep.
If you are familiar with Langor, putting up arrow carts on the supply hut will give you vision and reach to ~1200 (a rough estimate) beyond the gate. Yes there were no rams, I kid you not. If they placed one, it was promptly taken down. And yes, I wouldn’t believe it myself, NO ONE died. Downing players is not killing them.
No, I’m not saying that a small group should be able to deter a very large zerg. That’s ridiculous! What I’m saying is that a small group within a reinforced tower/keep SHOULD be able to THIN them.
This is why I believe that wvw should implement a DR on reviving.
(edited by adobo.1749)
Reviving is not the problem, the fact a door can go down through auto attacks in that manner.
/sarcasm on
I honestly think that we need access to insta gib anti-zerg weaponry. Such as a specific seige weapon that can be built that is 25+ people are in the area (aka enough to throw up the sword marker ont he map) the siege weapon will hit for 10% of max hp to all people within the area of effect…friend and foe both hit by it (so watch your aim). All, as in no number limit. Zerg rush a door and watch your zerg become anahilated.
/sarcasm off
Ofcourse I consider that rediculous, Seriously it is a hilariously over the top suggestion.
Want a serious solution? Have guards be placed on a slider based upon map population, if you severely outnumber your opponants than your oponant’s guards will have hp/attack strength/defenses of champs or even hero level enemies, compliet with defience and other special attacks to seriously slow dowkittenerg. Meanwhile if you outnumber your opponants heavily, your own guards become trash mobs, stripped of even vet status as you obviously have the numerical advantage to defend things yourself right? Require those numbers to show up just to deal witht he guards as a means of erasing numerical advantages.
I’ll admit that even this one sounds like a joke…but it underlines the true problem here, numerical advantage needs a balance factor that is automatic and severe enough to honestly slow down the overwhelming numerical zerg. Heck even having siege weapons for those who are outnumbered dealing x2 damage would be a huge factor to slow down and cut into numerical issues.