WvW at night

WvW at night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zoid.2568


There is a problem with WvWvW and people playing at night. They will pretty much gain a lot of progression and points while the other servers sleep. How to fix this? give servers less progression at night and give them less point. This won’t make the gap as wide and the servers staying awake at night won’t get a huge advantage. They will still be able to take keeps and such, but there should be a system in place for that as well. I’m not sure what, but at least they should gain less progression and points.

WvW at night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turamarth.3248


Define night.
For other players it might be afternoon when you are sleeping.

Brandar – Kodash [DE]

WvW at night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zoid.2568


Define night.
For other players it might be afternoon when you are sleeping.

Europe is wide i know. The time difference in europe isn’t that huge though. About 5 hours as most?

WvW at night

in Suggestions

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


So people from the US or [insert country not in Europe] should be punished for their friends on the EU servers?

What about people that work during the days and can only play at the EU nighttime? Should they not be allowed to play the game the same way as everyone else?

WvW is a 24/7 battlefield, simple as that.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

WvW at night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zoid.2568


So people from the US or [insert country not in Europe] should be punished for their friends on the EU servers?

What about people that work during the days and can only play at the EU nighttime? Should they not be allowed to play the game the same way as everyone else?

WvW is a 24/7 battlefield, simple as that.

Does EU and US servers compete? then that wouldn’t be a problem if they didn’t.

If they still can take camps and castles and such they can do it the same way. They won’t earn as much points and progress though.

WvW at night

in Suggestions

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


No, EU and US does not compete. It is still a problem though, seeing as not all non-european people play on NA servers, and the NA servers have people in more or less every single timezone in the world, which mean that there will ALWAYS be night for some part of the playerbase.

Yes, they can still take stuff, but for some reason you think they should be punished and less valuable simply because they don’t play at the same time as you do. Which is quite silly.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

WvW at night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zoid.2568


No, EU and US does not compete. It is still a problem though, seeing as not all non-european people play on NA servers, and the NA servers have people in more or less every single timezone in the world, which mean that there will ALWAYS be night for some part of the playerbase.

Yes, they can still take stuff, but for some reason you think they should be punished and less valuable simply because they don’t play at the same time as you do. Which is quite silly.

Playing on EU when you’re from NA or Asia or the reversed is not optimal. You do it on your own risk.

They are not punished. Either you whine “I quit WvWvW because people play at night and gain a huge advantage through the entire month” that is true. Or you actually fix the problem by reducing the progress and points at night. There are more players suffering from this current problem than there are players suffering from playing at night if this fix would go through . You have to prioritize.

I rather fix WvWvW and make it more fair and balanced.

WvW at night

in Suggestions

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


So, what about those from Australia playing on the NA servers then, since those are the servers they “should” play on? Or South-Africa, Russia, India and so on. All those people are “supposed” to play on the NA servers, and yet the time-difference is quite massive. So night in the US would not be night in some parts of SA and so on.

They ARE punished, seeing as they are less valuable simply due to them happen to live in the “wrong” part of the world.

And no, I don’t think punishing people playing at your decided night would be better than the current system.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

WvW at night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


I play in a international guild in a US server, there are many players from Asia, Europe and America here, and I also know many US players that play on EU servers because their friends got there, so those people should be permanent punished because you can’t play at “night”?
Sounds reasonable >_>

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)