WvW combat ect

WvW combat ect

in Suggestions

Posted by: twwizzie.3842


Ive been playing WvW since the start but i noticed a few small things what are kinda anoying.

1 : Range of the Trebz
If you ask me you should not be able to shoot from 1 camp inside to an other camp.
Get more action on the field let ppl fight for it reduce range of the Trebz.

2 : WvW is lacking players.
The top 3-4 Servers are most of the time the only ones with real pvp guilds for currently the US server top 3 Blackgate has only a small amount of PVP guilds.
Make it interesting for the PVE players to go WvW.
Make the buffs server wide not only for the PvP maps maybe increase the Magic find or something for that.

3 : The “outmanned” buff is by far most stupid thing ingame why give more exp for pvp.
Give them stats more hp more def stuff like that.