WvW ideas

WvW ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

Bring back the orbs of power, but instead of staying in one area the orb respawns every 15 mins, put it on every map other than EB it should spawn on the quaggan isle in the center of the map, when taken to any alter of power or waypoint entrance 100 points added to said teams war score. (100 could change probably down to something closer to 50/35)

New siege blueprints barricade is just like it sounds made to create chokepoints, or another obstacle after the doors are down in an defensive location

Minefield/spike trap blueprints minefield knockback, spike trap cripple or immobilize + damage

Sapper team blueprints, once finished being built the sapper team will begin to dig in the direction they were placed, they could dig under walls, terrain, whatever. As they move forward the ground above them becomes piled up and any point in their tunnel line can be attacked and if destroyed the tunnel will stop functioning, but if completed your troops will be able to use it as if it was a portal to get through to the other end, range 2000 (they will dig 2000 yards forward from where they were placed)

I can hear the crying already (changes to mesmers)
Portal limited to 5 ppl (or all other aoe being increased to 20 ppl or something inbetween)

if split between wvw and regular pve happens increase confusion damage in pve decrease confusion damage in wvw.

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”

WvW ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


Bring back the orbs of power, but instead of staying in one area the orb respawns every 15 mins, put it on every map other than EB it should spawn on the quaggan isle in the center of the map, when taken to any alter of power or waypoint entrance 100 points added to said teams war score. (100 could change probably down to something closer to 50/35)

Why should they bring them back? The orbs of power resulted in dominant servers being even more advantaged and a lot of h4x0rz running around.

Minefield/spike trap blueprints minefield knockback, spike trap cripple or immobilize + damage

Yeah so that you can totally lay a bunch of them in a row in a tower or a keep and make it literally impossible for the attackers to get to the lord as they get knocked off the walls over and over again.

Sapper team blueprints, once finished being built the sapper team will begin to dig in the direction they were placed, they could dig under walls, terrain, whatever. As they move forward the ground above them becomes piled up and any point in their tunnel line can be attacked and if destroyed the tunnel will stop functioning, but if completed your troops will be able to use it as if it was a portal to get through to the other end, range 2000 (they will dig 2000 yards forward from where they were placed)

Would require some pretty heavy balancing, considering that the first use that comes to mind would be going under all the gates to avoid having to beat on them at all.

Portal limited to 5 ppl (or all other aoe being increased to 20 ppl or something inbetween)

Why? Because mesmers make retaking Stonemist easy?

Increasing the AoE cap has already been discussed to death and I am pretty sure that there was no consensus on whether it’d be a good or a bad thing. It’s rather impossible to theorycraft on it.

WvW ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

sorry I should have specified with the orbs of power I meant to make them more like the orbs of ascension in spirit watch where you take them to a shrine (alter) and your team gets points to your score, they should not be used to increase stat points of a team, but possibly a way to break up zergs by having a captured flag thing worth a similar value to stonemist spawn on every map, and respawn after every 15 mins. This was meant to be a way to get ppl off their own borderlands and EB and get them to invade other ppls borderlands that way there would be large and small scale battles going on in every wvw map.

one reason to change portal would be that mesmers are incredibly overpowered in wvw in many ways currently 1) they have only 1 less stealth skill available to them than a thief does (not counting steal bonus skills). 2) Timewarp massive buff great for sieging or fighting anything 3) their confusion damage in wvw is unscaled in comparison to spvp I think it does 50% of the damage it does in wvw 4) able to minimize the effects of AoE with multiple clones protecting their allied players by taking the damage themselves instead 5) with 10 points in dueling they are able to spam their sword 2 skill to stay invulnerable 25% of the time and even when its not traited if spammed they are invulnerable 20% of the time 6) feedback is one of the best skills in the game overall and even better in a situation where you are defending your siege(ram) 7) their focus skill is the best pull off of walls in the game

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”

(edited by Infamous Darkness.3284)