WvW server/guild pride...

WvW server/guild pride...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Docmandu.2914


I was wondering why I don’t really feel much ‘pride’ in capping stuff in WvW or when my guild is able to claim a keep/tower… I’m not sure but I think it’s because there’s very little visibility in which guild has claimed structures.. in that other (10+ year old) RvR game, the guild names would be shown on the RvR status page and you could also see the names on the in-game map… or if you get close to a claimed structure, the in-game chat system would display the guild name that had claimed the structure…
Anyway it added a lot of visibility to which guild was helping the realm..

As for the server pride.. I think the difference with the old game was, that each server/realm had it’s own homeland, with none of the other 2 realms having a foothold in it… so it felt more like another realm was invading your land.. versus in WvW there isn’t really any ‘homeland’.. just a borderland map but there’s no invasion since both other 2 servers always have a foothold in it.

Think for me, that’s the 2 most important reasons why I don’t feel that involved in how the fight goes in WvW… it’s just open world fighting which, don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy.. much more than any of the 10 minute mini game PvP styles bring to the table.. but it’s missing finesse / character…

WvW server/guild pride...

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


Cut it out with the “…” – I’m not sure if you’re hesitating to tell your message, or trying to denote that you’re having trouble staying awake at the keyboard. It’s annoying, so stop it.

However, to your actual message of guild/server pride; I would love to see more of it. There are guild banners out in front of the keeps, which doesn’t mean too much since no one knows who they belong to. I think a good idea would start with building guild pride across the server though. Perhaps when you cap a keep, or overtake an enemies point lead, or capture an orb, a message is broadcast to your server letting you know that “X guild has captured an orb!”. It’s dual purpose since it not only generates some glory for your guildies, but it also encourages those outside of the mists to participate.