WvW should get closed during night

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: GFRikku.2983


The WvW system needs a lot improvement and specially this part about preventing night capping. The battelgrounds should close at night and open later in the morning, this way people can rest assure at night and keep their health(instead of nolifing all night just to try and keep something), people who work during day and only can play at night, too bad, you should play another game then or play pve, wvw nightcapping is a low tactic specially used by viz who can not stand up against the daytime zerg. Excuses like “do nightcap too” and “get players from other countries” are not even fitting. These are EU servers and are played by EU players. Therefore close WvW at night(10pm GMT maybe) and open later at the day (10 am GMT) the nightcapping made a lot frustration and people to give up on wvw because of it. This needs to change asap

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Melkiah.2496


Melkiah Soulreaper
VII Guild

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


So, when did the earth become flat?

I am quite sure that it is not flat, and therefore night will be different for different parts of the world.

What about people that lives on the other side of the world?
Their middle of the day is our night. Should they not be allowed to play WvW?
What about people that work and can only play at nights? Should they be banned from doing WvW aswell (unless they start skipping work?)

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wick.1280


I’m sorry that your server gets capped every night. Quit your job so you can be on 24/7. Seriously though, the ones doing it are players just like you. You think you are special? You think you need some time “frame” where you get too play well and all other time frames should be shut down? Well lets just say that nobody does anything unless you are online.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fizzlefry.1734


We all just need to synchronize our watches. After that we ofc need to decide which hours in a 24 hour cyclus is considered fair to play in.


WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: GFRikku.2983


So, when did the earth become flat?

I am quite sure that it is not flat, and therefore night will be different for different parts of the world.

What about people that lives on the other side of the world?
Their middle of the day is our night. Should they not be allowed to play WvW?
What about people that work and can only play at nights? Should they be banned from doing WvW aswell (unless they start skipping work?)

read the post first entirely before you make bad commands, they made server regions for a reason, they can join other regions where they can play in then, it is that simple, ofc NA servers should get other times to close but you can play there if you are not from EU and can only play while EU servers are closed, same for NA players who are only available for wvw when it is night there, they can go EU.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


read the post first entirely before you make bad commands, they made server regions for a reason, they can join other regions where they can play in then, it is that simple, ofc NA servers should get other times to close but you can play there if you are not from EU and can only play while EU servers are closed, same for NA players who are only available for wvw when it is night there, they can go EU.

I did read the first post.

Server regions are made because of where the data-centers are place (the EU in Germany and the NA somewhere in the US), and since everyone is allowed to join any server we can’t really lock certain people out of a major part of the game.

What if I have all my friends in the US and join a NA server? I live in Europe so when I play it would be night in the US and I would be locked out from WvW (which is what I play about 90% of the time when I play) is that really a good thing?

What about the Spanish servers? They have both people from EU (Spain) and NA (South American) or the FR servers? Both France and Canada speaks French.

And the issue still stands that people actually have lives and do work, which could mean that they would never be able to play WvW because they can’t play until it is closed down for the night.

Punishing everyone just because your server don’t have night coverage is quite silly.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Beri.3156


You guys know when its night somewhere its morning/day in elsewhere. Anet told in early days WvW is supposed to be 24/7 action and it wont change ever.

I don’t care about points at all. I’m looking for fights nothing more.

Awesome charr necro 66,000 kills
Aurora Glade

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: nirvana.8245


I agree it should closed at night. I’m so sick of Americans PvDooring whilst I’m asleep and/or at work.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Melkiah.2496


GFRikku do you realize that both NA and EU regions do have different time zones within them? You can’t lock WvW in a certain time span, you just can’t; everyone paid the game, everyone has the same right to play it.

Anyway i already linked you the official statement of Anet towards night capping so stop QQing if your server gets nightcapped and start organizing with other guilds to cover the night shift

Melkiah Soulreaper
VII Guild

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dedlaw.9130


So, when did the earth become flat?

I am quite sure that it is not flat, and therefore night will be different for different parts of the world.

What about people that lives on the other side of the world?
Their middle of the day is our night. Should they not be allowed to play WvW?
What about people that work and can only play at nights? Should they be banned from doing WvW aswell (unless they start skipping work?)

read the post first entirely before you make bad commands, they made server regions for a reason, they can join other regions where they can play in then, it is that simple, ofc NA servers should get other times to close but you can play there if you are not from EU and can only play while EU servers are closed, same for NA players who are only available for wvw when it is night there, they can go EU.

You don’t seem to be aware of this so I kinda feel obliged to tell you:

There are countries outside of NA and EU timezones!

Shocking, I know! Who would have guessed?

Dedlaw – Fresh 80 Zerker Warrior
DODGE!!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvS6zMThiZU

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Steelo.4597


“Therefore close WvW at night(10pm GMT maybe) and open later at the day (10 am GMT).”

On GH our EU people hardly start to play before 10 pm GMT, 10 pm GMT is the height our our primetime.. and 10 AM when everybody is at work you want to open it again for morningcappers? nonsense. >.<

whats needed is simply the points coupled to amount of players in wvw, thats it. points earned when 500 people play should be worth more then points earned when 50 people play. this way 10 people going on a capping spree at offpeak wouldnt make up for 100s doing their best at primetime.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: GFRikku.2983


-.- no wonder they have bad updates, people like you aren’t that educated enough to even get a point, nor to actually think before you post

1 the post link is closed

2 is not a punishment(nobody works from 10 to 10 you nub) everything closes too at a time go QQ at life for being unfair

3 for your info the world is split in 24h time zones(na → gmt -7/japan GMT+9) so they can still play(good morning and go to school, no wonder you nolife in games, you can easily play in other servers from other timezones, even with the time limit on wvw)

only thing i get to this post is nubs just QQing that they dont want to accept other people are bothered by it, you are just too stubborn to even think out of the box, shame on you guys, got 4 nubs picking on just a post that tried to improve the experience and now i get 4 nolifers who probably havent got proper education to even realize there is still a way, for real? I played in NA and japanese servers too, did the time limit bother me? NO. If you want to contribute at least try to make a decent opinion instead if going tantrum like a kid saying “We are getting punished” oh yeah it is the end of the world booo-hoo

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dayra.7405


While I agree that WvW should not be closed at anytme,

I still hope that something is done to back up these nice words
Right now our game rewards you for holding an objective, not necessarily for taking it, and overwhelmingly favors the last server to log out for the day. We have some ideas in the pipeline to try to increase scoring when people are playing the game and to make it much more difficult to keep your territory without actively guarding it.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jong.5937


Firmly disagree with the OP. This is the same for every server. Nightcapping only happens if another server is better organised at certain times. No reason why this is any less “legitimate” than being well organised in primetime.

Plus, it’s great fun pulling an “allnighter”. If you haven’t, you should try it, maybe on reset night (Fri) if you have a regular hours job.

Don’t even agree with a point bias based on current population. In fact in other threads I have heard precisely the opposite (which I also disagree with) – that you should get MORE points if there are fewer in recognition of difficulty of capping.

We have talked in other threads about handicapping scoring based on relative glicko rating, so although the highest rated server might dominate the map they still need to perform up to their rating to win the week. Equally lower servers would be able to fight for something even if they have no hope of controlling the map. This might have a side benefit of handicapping servers that do dominate due to better 24hr coverage, without stopping play for people in diverse time zones or who just enjoy out of hours play!!

Piken Square

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Alright, the OP clearly showed that he is simply a troll, so I would suggest stop responding to him.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fenrir.6183


Here’s a simple fix:
Make it so that points earned depend on the number of enemies on the battlefield.
Easier targets should mean less points.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: nirvana.8245


While I agree that WvW should not be closed at anytme,

I still hope that something is done to back up these nice words
Right now our game rewards you for holding an objective, not necessarily for taking it, and overwhelmingly favors the last server to log out for the day. We have some ideas in the pipeline to try to increase scoring when people are playing the game and to make it much more difficult to keep your territory without actively guarding it.

Sounds like they intend to make small changes, rather than address the issues of server stacking and coverage. Also they seem more focussed on coverage than server stacking. Coverage is obviously an issue, but the bigger one is server stacking. I play during Oceanic coverage. There are less people on. If they devalue my work and make server stacking NA coverage than I’m out. They need to give players (and more importantly guilds) ALOT of incentive to spread out rather than hold hands in a tier 1 or 2 server.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Here’s a simple fix:
Make it so that points earned depend on the number of enemies on the battlefield.
Easier targets should mean less points.

But does that really fix the issue?
Why should people that can only play outside prime-time be less useful than those that can play at anytime?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fenrir.6183


Yes it fixes the issue. The issue is that some servers are getting points while facing little to no opposition. Even if it’s a “never-ending war”, people have lives and need to sleep. So some servers getting help from oversea people (fr servers with quebec players for instance) are just getting around the competition and steamrolling the few people other servers have at that time.
It is not fair for the servers that mostly have players playing during regular hours. So it wouldn’t be less useful since it would still earn points…just not as much.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dedlaw.9130


-.- no wonder they have bad updates, people like you aren’t that educated enough to even get a point, nor to actually think before you post

1 the post link is closed

2 is not a punishment(nobody works from 10 to 10 you nub) everything closes too at a time go QQ at life for being unfair

3 for your info the world is split in 24h time zones(na -> gmt -7/japan GMT+9) so they can still play(good morning and go to school, no wonder you nolife in games, you can easily play in other servers from other timezones, even with the time limit on wvw)

only thing i get to this post is nubs just QQing that they dont want to accept other people are bothered by it, you are just too stubborn to even think out of the box, shame on you guys, got 4 nubs picking on just a post that tried to improve the experience and now i get 4 nolifers who probably havent got proper education to even realize there is still a way, for real? I played in NA and japanese servers too, did the time limit bother me? NO. If you want to contribute at least try to make a decent opinion instead if going tantrum like a kid saying “We are getting punished” oh yeah it is the end of the world booo-hoo

People aren’t educated to get a point? You’re the one missing the point. let me spell it out: You want the servers to be locked according to NA and EU timezones. So according to you everybody else playing outside those timezones can’t play unless they play at awkward times to meet yours, and you don’t see that as a terrible idea?

You talk about stubbornness, but ironically your stand point is “people shouldn’t be allowed to play when I can’t be online to defend”. How childish is that for an idea?

You throw around insults about people QQing and lacking education, yet you can’t even grasp something as simple as the fact that there are more people being catered to than just you.

Ironic you should talk about tantrums, basically you want everyony to be locked out of WvW just because you can’t play when they do. What is that if not a tantrum. So what if you need to recapture a few towers tomorrow, don’t come crying here going “it’s the end of the world. Boohoo”

Dedlaw – Fresh 80 Zerker Warrior
DODGE!!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvS6zMThiZU

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


And yet my server have won against FR servers several times, even without active “night-capping” teams.

“Night-capping” will not win a fight. Around the clock capping will.
The “night-capping” time is after all way shorter than the rest of the day, so if a server caps everything every night they would most likely still end up losing, unless they had massive coverage also during the “days”.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jong.5937


Here’s a simple fix:
Make it so that points earned depend on the number of enemies on the battlefield.
Easier targets should mean less points.

I really disagree with this. It makes organising yourselves and calling out for support counterproductive. Getting more people to help with the effort should ALWAYS be rewarded. Handicapping based on ranking would still always reward the team that gets the troups out, but would give a server that is lower ranked due to low coverage something to fight for.

Piken Square

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elvicof.8263


There are countries outside of NA and EU timezones!

Shocking, I know! Who would have guessed?

This comes as complete news to me, when have they been discovered?


WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dayra.7405


Here’s a simple fix:
Make it so that points earned depend on the number of enemies on the battlefield.
Easier targets should mean less points.

But does that really fix the issue?
Why should people that can only play outside prime-time be less useful than those that can play at anytime?

No one proposed to make people that play during periods of lower activity less useful than players at high activity periods.

But I strongly suggest to make them finally equal!

Currently the off-time player is highly overrated!

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fenrir.6183


And yet my server have won against FR servers several times, even without active “night-capping” teams.

“Night-capping” will not win a fight. Around the clock capping will.
The “night-capping” time is after all way shorter than the rest of the day, so if a server caps everything every night they would most likely still end up losing, unless they had massive coverage also during the “days”.

Night capping doesn’t mean they lose during the day though. If you lose by a small margin but get a big boost thanks to night capping, you end up winning for no reason.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.3475


Only thing I think they should do is have % on points you get connected to % off players, at night then say it is 50players off 1200 (if that is max on all 4 maps) then you have 6% full then you get 16% off the point tick, how I came up with 16% is simple 0 player then its 10% then for every 1% players you get 1.5% on the point tick so when it is 60% full your up at 100% on point tick.

(edited by Shadow.3475)

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

Did I get transported back to October 2012?

My fun laughs at your server pride.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pip.2094


-.- no wonder they have bad updates, people like you aren’t that educated enough to even get a point, nor to actually think before you post

1 the post link is closed

2 is not a punishment(nobody works from 10 to 10 you nub) everything closes too at a time go QQ at life for being unfair

3 for your info the world is split in 24h time zones(na -> gmt -7/japan GMT+9) so they can still play(good morning and go to school, no wonder you nolife in games, you can easily play in other servers from other timezones, even with the time limit on wvw)

only thing i get to this post is nubs just QQing that they dont want to accept other people are bothered by it, you are just too stubborn to even think out of the box, shame on you guys, got 4 nubs picking on just a post that tried to improve the experience and now i get 4 nolifers who probably havent got proper education to even realize there is still a way, for real? I played in NA and japanese servers too, did the time limit bother me? NO. If you want to contribute at least try to make a decent opinion instead if going tantrum like a kid saying “We are getting punished” oh yeah it is the end of the world booo-hoo

People aren’t educated to get a point? You’re the one missing the point. let me spell it out: You want the servers to be locked according to NA and EU timezones. So according to you everybody else playing outside those timezones can’t play unless they play at awkward times to meet yours, and you don’t see that as a terrible idea?

You talk about stubbornness, but ironically your stand point is “people shouldn’t be allowed to play when I can’t be online to defend”. How childish is that for an idea?

You throw around insults about people QQing and lacking education, yet you can’t even grasp something as simple as the fact that there are more people being catered to than just you.

Ironic you should talk about tantrums, basically you want everyony to be locked out of WvW just because you can’t play when they do. What is that if not a tantrum. So what if you need to recapture a few towers tomorrow, don’t come crying here going “it’s the end of the world. Boohoo”

Finally someone said this! Absolutely well said, mate! I had to +1 you!


WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


No one proposed to make people that play during periods of lower activity less useful than players at high activity periods.

But I strongly suggest to make them finally equal!

Currently the off-time player is highly overrated!

Actually that is exactly what the post I quoted was saying.
They wanted people to earn less point when the other side was less active, therefore people playing on “off-times” would be less useful since they would generate less points.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Night capping doesn’t mean they lose during the day though. If you lose by a small margin but get a big boost thanks to night capping, you end up winning for no reason.

Of course.
No, then you end of winning because your server have better coverage than the other server.

If my server win because the opposing server don’t WvW (or WvW very little) do my server win for no reason or because of the fact that we had better coverage?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fenrir.6183


For no reason. If you don’t have any opponent, then you should not earn as much points.
It’s not an achievement to win a war against no one.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jong.5937


It’s not for no reason it’s because your opponent didn’t bother to show! Shame on them!

All credit to you/your server for organising round the clock cover/getting up at 3AM. The opportunity is there for all servers equally.

Piken Square

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Night capping is a huge advantage for the servers with round the clock wvw activity, but it’s certainly not a broken mechanic, and doesn’t need ‘fixing.’

I do wish the matchup system would take into account a server’s “prime time” activity trends to make the matches a tad more level. When you have two servers with almost no night coverage opposing one server with night coverage, the winning server is a foregone conclusion.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Lol, the op is pretty silly to even come up with this suggestion. For the sake of it, I hope in the reality where this does get implemented, they close the servers for the night whenever it is YOUR server’s peak time and open them when it’s 2 am at night where you live. See your flaw? People play wvw based on their time zone, not playing a game of whoever stays up the longest wins.

Like the say, never go full kitten.

(edited by Lafiel.9372)

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jong.5937


I do wish the matchup system would take into account a server’s “prime time” activity trends to make the matches a tad more level. When you have two servers with almost no night coverage opposing one server with night coverage, the winning server is a foregone conclusion.

Argh! But that is part of what makes a good server. I just don’t get why having a load of PUGs in prime time is somehow “good”, but organising a group of dedicated guys to get up at 3AM or a guild on a different timezone is “bad”. To repeat, this is open to all.

Some of the most fun can be had “out of hours” when two “nightcapping” teams clash

Piken Square

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chasind.3128


… yeah totally close wvw at night because the entire playerbase lives in 1 time-zone

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: kokocabana.8153


Here’s the OP’s summary:
I don’t want people playing the game when I’m not around. How dare they try to have fun when I’m not around. The servers should turn on and off whenever I log in and out.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


I’ve played another WVW game with a similar issue.

It even had the same thing with some <famous country> players complaining that other countries did not deserve to:

a) play during <famous country> off hours
b) play during <famous country> peak hours, because of limited WvW slots
c) type foreign languages in the chat box that obviously belongs to <famous country> players
d) some more nonsense…

In the end, nobody listened to them, and night players continued to happily play at night.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


WvW is war…war has no “downtime”. Basically think of it like this…when night rolls around your server forgot to post guards, thus the enemy who was SMART about organization launched a surprise raid and killed you in your sleep.

WvW is supposed to be representative of war…don’t like nightcapping? Than organize night coverage to defend what you have. WvW is 24/7 war…if you can’t be bothered to organize properly than you lose the war, that is the end of the argument.

I also find it ironic that someone posted about “americans nightcapping” when not that long ago EU was transfering to NA servers specifically to nightcap enmasse. Seeing servers suddenly have a hundred new faces from an EU server to act as night coverage appearing overnight was a common sight a few months back.

Lastly…the zergballs in primetime are hardly skillfull or organization at all. You want to see GOOD wvw fights? get into a server with good nightcoverage when it is facing another server with good night coverage. The 40v50v45 fights are the best. The “zergs” are all of 10-15 people tops with most people running in groups of 4-5 probing defenses. No lag, no clipping, no exploits that are rapant in the 50 on 50 zergball fights…just good fights where only the skilled or the lucky come out the winner. If any server gets into a huge zergball? They will lose everything as the other two will simply attack too many targets for the zergball to defend.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: GFRikku.2983


ofc it is a war but nightcapping should not be encouraged, usually we end up every morning seeing the whole map getting taken over by a viz zerg while 10 people who give up their sleep or try to command that long keep those places, this is still a game and should also keep the players their health in mind, if you can not close it, maybe make some towers/keeps have a buff that makes it harder or impossible to cap at night, every day people spend too much in upgrading, just to see it dissapear in the morning, most of you dont know this because you are not having this problem nor have to pay for all these upgrades every day, if this is a 24/7 war, why are we not matched up against NA servers?

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


…. if you don’t want to infract people just lock it. Or me cause I’m not happy about what you just pulled.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Happysack.7132


Worst QQ ever, stop sleeping if you don’t want to loose wvw coverage? Otherwise you could always….I duno maybe…..get over it?

I remember playing DAOC and being up half the night defending our relic, finally going to sleep only to wake up and find out Hib had taken our relic and capped it because most of our realm went to bed….

You snooze you loose

(edited by Happysack.7132)

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dedlaw.9130


ofc it is a war but nightcapping should not be encouraged, usually we end up every morning seeing the whole map getting taken over by a viz zerg while 10 people who give up their sleep or try to command that long keep those places, this is still a game and should also keep the players their health in mind, if you can not close it, maybe make some towers/keeps have a buff that makes it harder or impossible to cap at night, every day people spend too much in upgrading, just to see it dissapear in the morning, most of you dont know this because you are not having this problem nor have to pay for all these upgrades every day, if this is a 24/7 war, why are we not matched up against NA servers?

You really just don’t get it. What you refer to as “nightcapping” is for other players regular daytime. Just because its a EU or a NA server does not mean everyone is from EU or NA. There are players from all over the world on every server.

Yes it is a game and it should keep players health in mind. Forcing everyone else in the world to conform to one of two time-zones is NOT healthy for them.

Also, you seem to be implying that every server you face have players from other time-zones, yet your server has none? And saying “most of you dont know this because you are not having this problem nor have to pay for all these upgrades every day” doesn’t make sense. Is this something that only YOUR server has to deal with? Last I checked we still pay for upgrades on my server, and we also lose towers when other servers have a higher activity than ours. Doesn’t mean I go around asking that JQ and SoR be locked out until we are good to go again

Dedlaw – Fresh 80 Zerker Warrior
DODGE!!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvS6zMThiZU

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: GFRikku.2983


if you lose a tower or 2 during the night ok, but if the whole map colors all the same at night even making 2 other servers being unable to keep their ground, then there is something wrong, ofc you are playing low tiers where it is easy to keep or maintain or cap, we’re talking about a server that has a 50 man zerg at night and abuses it to overdo it, as long as you dont get to see this every week, you wouldn’t understand, we even tried dropping a tier just to not be matched up against them, now anet changed it all and now its every week again vs them(more like 2 weeks them 1 week other then 2 weeks again) if a wvw server alliance decides they are fed up with it and it is not only one player, there is something wrong i am not the only one and probably the 5 other ragers in this post who keep denying these things should be looked into probably are the ones who do it to others, bullies will not see their own mistakes, i did not create this post for my own selfish way, it does frustrate me, i did lose tons of gold for it, but the thing i can not stand is a whole server getting demotivated by it and starting to move because nothing is done against it and all effort to ask for a change gets wiped by the ones who or never experienced it or do it, this is not about having fun anymore, this is about a server that takes away the fun of other servers and makes guilds move outside its range just to try and enjoy the game, you guys went crying about having to move a server, this wvw experience made tons of people lose friends and guildmates this way, who is the one selfish now?

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


OP, you do realise it’s around 9pm in Australia while it’s about 4am in NA right now?

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


It is a GAME, you log out, you go to sleep, you wake up and deal with what you have to deal with. If you stress over a game you are doing it wrong.

Next, how about stepping up to the plate and doing something about it pro-actively hm?

I’m from Tarnished Coast…aka “zombie coast”…a tag we were given by other servers who had better coverage than us and yet we never stopped fighting. Because we didn’t whine, didn’t cry, and continued pushing, people transfered to our server to join our cause. Our night shift was reinforced by these new arrivals and we started holding our own against those with far better coverage through sheer determination and tactics to keep their superior numbers distracted whenever we would make a move.

It also helps if you have a friendly community that can laugh off most things and even when things are going bad can crack jokes and enjoy the evening. Good fights are just that, good friendly bouts.

Stop grumbling and trying to get the rules changed, grab your weapons, and get onto the field. Rally your server, determination in the face of overwhelming odds is the fastest way to get people to root for you, keep at it and the rooting turns to joining. However whinning even once durring this process will kill all the good will it can create. I’ve seen several servers climb the tiers in this way including my own.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Furesy.6935


I am completely against closing WvW during certain hours. I do however, understand where the OP is coming from. It’s annoying to see all your hard work go down the drain because the enemy world has been capping all maps during nighttime.
Anyway, I’m a resident of Europe and I play on a North American world, so closing it during Night times would completely lock me out of WvW, something I really enjoy doing.

Some people talk of a different scoring based on numbers, there might be some way for that to work if you work with ratios. E.g. World 1 has 10 online, World 2 has 20 and World 3 has 30 online.
World 1 would receive x1.5 points for capping places, while World 2 receives x1 points for capping places, and World 3 would receive x0.5 points?
I don’t know, I feel there’s a lot of negative and positive points from something like this.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dedlaw.9130


ofc you are playing low tiers

Wow, you are just constantly making assumptions

I’m on BG. We are constantly facing-off against SOR and JQ. That’s Tier 1.
Having a borderland almost completely under one server’s control is nothing uncommon.
Facing 50-man zergs is a daily routine.

And where do you get off calling people bullies? News-flash – the entire goal of WvW is to over-power your opponents. Conflict is the nature of the game. If a server is winning it does not mean they are bullies, it means they are competitive. This isn’t carebear land. If you cant handle fighting tooth and nail for every tower then I’m afraid you’re playing the wrong part of the game.

And where the hell did I even once mention changing servers?

Dedlaw – Fresh 80 Zerker Warrior
DODGE!!! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvS6zMThiZU

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mist Y.5214

Mist Y.5214

Shutting down WvW at any time of the day is completely ridiculous, but for those who think night-capping is fair, consider this:
Imagine you have a match-up with 3 equally populated, skilled, and organised servers. Let’s say two of them are based in NA timezones, and the other one is primarily Asian. The Asian prime time begins as the NA servers hit their dead hours, but when the two NA servers are awake, most of the Asians have gone to bed.
This means that for half of the day, the two NA servers can control all the maps, with no resistance from the Asians. Then they go to bed, the Asian server caps everything and holds it for ~12 hours.
Thus, each NA server controls half the map during their daytime and none of it at night; this is equivalent to 25% coverage, whereas the Asians have full PPT all night long, which gives them as many points as both NA servers put together. Even if the NA choose to double team the Asians, they can’t beat them.

That is how night-capping works – not by being more organised or having a bigger population, but by having more people awake when BOTH of the enemy servers are asleep. Telling people to modify their sleeping patterns or quit their jobs is absurd; stop saying it.