WvW should get closed during night

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

What bout no!!
We are all (well most of us) adults and know when to play and when not. I know a good amount fo people who play at night cause they have an evening in e.g. a pub. They come home, and wanna relax by playing the game.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phantom.8130


Shutting down WvW at any time of the day is completely ridiculous, but for those who think night-capping is fair, consider this:
Imagine you have a match-up with 3 equally populated, skilled, and organised servers. Let’s say two of them are based in NA timezones, and the other one is primarily Asian. The Asian prime time begins as the NA servers hit their dead hours, but when the two NA servers are awake, most of the Asians have gone to bed.
This means that for half of the day, the two NA servers can control all the maps, with no resistance from the Asians. Then they go to bed, the Asian server caps everything and holds it for ~12 hours.
Thus, each NA server controls half the map during their daytime and none of it at night; this is equivalent to 25% coverage, whereas the Asians have full PPT all night long, which gives them as many points as both NA servers put together. Even if the NA choose to double team the Asians, they can’t beat them.

That is how night-capping works – not by being more organised or having a bigger population, but by having more people awake when BOTH of the enemy servers are asleep. Telling people to modify their sleeping patterns or quit their jobs is absurd; stop saying it.

interestingly enough, a very similar situation was pretty common for a while. SoS was the unofficial aussie server, and is in the NA bracket. way back in october, TC went against them and GoM. what ended up happening was that TC and SoS essentially nightcapped each other, and slapped GoM around whenever they started poking their heads out. the match ended up being decided by who was able to delay the nightcapping the longest. some of us from NA shifted our schedules around and got to the point where it took SoS a full 8 hours to nightcap us, and we got it all back in about 4. during the day, it was a pretty boring match, during the night it was extremely intense. in fact, for a while, that’s what SoS’s matches were known for. the scores were usually close at the end of the match, but the numbers in the fights were extremely lopsided.

while numbers are a big factor in WvW, there are other factors involved. a small handful of people focusing on a strong defense can delay the nightcapping enough for a strong primetime crew to cover and surpass anything that’s lost. granted, a server with 24/7 coverage will always hold the advantage, but almost every server out there has a coverage gap. it really boils down to how that gap is managed.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


That is how night-capping works – not by being more organised or having a bigger population, but by having more people awake when BOTH of the enemy servers are asleep. Telling people to modify their sleeping patterns or quit their jobs is absurd; stop saying it.

Nobody is telling anyone to quit their jobs.

The only way to solve that problem is to recruit more players from a different time zone.

Failing that, stop complaining. You don’t deserve any points for not being there to defend. You are not entitled to those keeps just because you have to work. If your schedule doesn’t permit you to play the game, you don’t play it, and automatically forfeit anything that may transpire.

Imagine an athlete asking for the Olympic Games to be closed because he has other obligations.

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

The way to solve the problem that OP is talking about is to have the game open from 9am PT to midnight PT only. This would solve the pesky problem of people playing during their daytime when us normal people are asleep. They’re probably just a bunch of durn foreigners anyway.

Either that or petition for everyone to have the OP’s wake/sleep schedule since he is the center of the universe.


WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fror.2163


if you lose a tower or 2 during the night ok, but if the whole map colors all the same at night even making 2 other servers being unable to keep their ground, then there is something wrong, ofc you are playing low tiers where it is easy to keep or maintain or cap, we’re talking about a server that has a 50 man zerg at night and abuses it to overdo it, as long as you dont get to see this every week, you wouldn’t understand, we even tried dropping a tier just to not be matched up against them, now anet changed it all and now its every week again vs them(more like 2 weeks them 1 week other then 2 weeks again) if a wvw server alliance decides they are fed up with it and it is not only one player, there is something wrong i am not the only one and probably the 5 other ragers in this post who keep denying these things should be looked into probably are the ones who do it to others, bullies will not see their own mistakes, i did not create this post for my own selfish way, it does frustrate me, i did lose tons of gold for it, but the thing i can not stand is a whole server getting demotivated by it and starting to move because nothing is done against it and all effort to ask for a change gets wiped by the ones who or never experienced it or do it, this is not about having fun anymore, this is about a server that takes away the fun of other servers and makes guilds move outside its range just to try and enjoy the game, you guys went crying about having to move a server, this wvw experience made tons of people lose friends and guildmates this way, who is the one selfish now?

Punctuation. You has it NOT!

Seriously, you want people to read you? Put dots, use capital letters and use commas as a comma, not as a dot.

All I can read is the last (part of the one big unique) sentence that asks who’s the selfish one. Well, that’s you for both your suggestion and your envy to say something without other people being able to read it.

Some stats of your post:
- 1274 characters excluding spaces;
- 1241 letters;
- 19 commas;
- 2 parenthesis;
- 1 question mark;
- 0 capital letters;
- 0 dots.

Frór (yes, with the accent!)

(edited by Fror.2163)

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: juno.1840


There are other games that introduce time-based mechanics in open world combat. A simple example would be increased point acquisition during prime-time-hours for dolyak killing.

You don’t want to shutdown WvW during off hours, but instead make incentives to play during the more active hours of the day.

However GW2 WvW is really setup to be a 24/7 activity so I doubt any meaningful “prime time” incentives could be implemented.

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Veeber.3192


You cannot punish one time zone cause your world can’t combat night capping. We keep taking Arborstone’s EB area and most of their home map, but I don’t see them complaining. Do us a favour, grow up, realize that there are other people besides yourself and refrain from making childish posts and topic.

I feel this quote needs to be drilled into your head.

We feel that everyone should have the ability to contribute no matter what time of the day it is. How we’ve came to this conclusion is that no player’s time is more valuable than another. Everyone has different off peak hours for whatever reason. Players should not be punished or unable to experience and view the same content as everyone else because they play at a different time. They too are paying customers.

(edited by Veeber.3192)

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ricky Da Man.5064

Ricky Da Man.5064

Just lock any non EU accounts out of wvw on EU servers.

And vice versa.

(edited by Ricky Da Man.5064)

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Furesy.6935


Just lock NA accounts out of wvw on EU servers.

Yes because North America and Europe are the only continents on planet Earth that have access to Guild Wars 2’s WvW system…

I hope that post was sarcasm…

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kraag Deadsoul.2789

Kraag Deadsoul.2789

ArenaNet has stated that WvWvW is a 24-hour game. It will not be closed down between the hours of X and Y. That being the case, this post adds nothing to the discussion of how to address servers’ coverage disparities. Devon Carter stated the WvWvW development team are looking into ways to address this; but shutting down WvWvW is not one of them. Hopefully a mod can lock this thread.


So many souls, so little time. ~ Kraag Deadsoul

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: majos.8503


All of us know that the winner is the one with more coverage, yes… And? I don’t get the point why any server have to be punished playing more hours….

Tiers don’t go with skill, they go with time coverage, and i like it… Our night players now against Vizu they have action.. Against other servers they don’t.. The same on the morning guys…

And of course, if a server is really bad on daytime they won’t get to higher tiers.

Just play your matchup, you will get rank if you deserve it (by coverage + skill).

And your intention of shuting down WvW at 22.00… are you kidding me? On prime time?… Maybe i would understand your point if you said.. from 4am to 7am but 10pm to 10am are you kidding? Closing WvW 12h? No way…

Majos The Blizard – Baruch Bay [SP]

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


i played a tps between gw1 and2. name global agenda. they have something like wvw. teams capture areas, defend them and attack others. they have 3 zones. every zone is a different map and open in a specific time every day, and after close nobody able to start new sieges or capture.
maybe 2 or 3 zones in this game also not a bad idea. i hate when 100 unemployed frenchie capture everything :p

Just the WvW

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


wvw must be about skills. what if u play tpvp and the enemy team have 42 members? after few times u stop playing. the 42 men team will leave without enemy, so they will stop playing aswell. but if u have 2-3 time zones. (example pm4-midnight, midnight -am 8. am8-pm4) everybody can play, more numbers will still win overall, but less covered servers with better players like us will win one region.

Just the WvW

WvW should get closed during night

in Suggestions

Posted by: Euthymia.4807


The WvW system needs a lot improvement and specially this part about preventing night capping. The battelgrounds should close at night and open later in the morning, this way people can rest assure at night and keep their health(instead of nolifing all night just to try and keep something), people who work during day and only can play at night, too bad, you should play another game then or play pve, wvw nightcapping is a low tactic specially used by viz who can not stand up against the daytime zerg. Excuses like “do nightcap too” and “get players from other countries” are not even fitting. These are EU servers and are played by EU players. Therefore close WvW at night(10pm GMT maybe) and open later at the day (10 am GMT) the nightcapping made a lot frustration and people to give up on wvw because of it. This needs to change asap

So people with lives and jobs shouldn’t play this game because you get annoyed? Yeah maybe YOU should play another game.

A simple question to your post. WvW should be closed during whose night? Yours? Why yours? Why not my night? Why not McWolfy’s night or majos’?

(edited by Euthymia.4807)