Main: Endeavorr
WvWvW Map rotation
Main: Endeavorr
I would love to see some actual variety in WvW, even outside of maps
i vote yes for more wvw maps even if all 3 servers borderlands are still the same as each other so long as that map in question was different to the week before.
Yeah, just more maps.
Main: Endeavorr
This is a great idea. World vs World is not ‘deep’ enough at the moment. Repetition just makes it worse.
“Don’t beg for it, earn it, then it will be granted to you!” – Unknown
Gate of Madness+++
Borlis Pass+
Anvil Rock++
—are all fighting each other.
Gate of Madness (GREEN) wins with a score of 210,000 vs
Anvil Rock (BLUE) of 160,000 vs
Borlis Pass (RED) of 145,00.
Um, mb I didn`t understand something, shouldn`t Gate of madness have RED zone since they`ve won and Borlis Pass vice versa?
In theory;
Red is previous winner (Map is more open and not as defensible) (wastes of Ascalon)
Green is in the middle (Map is evenly split) (Lions Arch themed in jungle)
Blue is the previous loser (Map is more defensive) (Ice and snow)
I would add some perks so previous winners won`t have only disadvantages, for example previous losers will be in BLUE Snowy regions with alot much passes and good defenses, but won`t have as much resources as RED Who have plains and not many defenses, but will have much more different resources scattered across their map (plantations, forests, mines with few rich veins and stuff?)
Also would like to add that layout that is now is made to balance all servers that nobody would have advantage or disadvantages because of the map they`re on. But it isn`t working well right now when low populated servers are clashed with 2 high populated servs are are just being torn apart.(or one high serv dominating 2 low pop servers)
(edited by Abigor.4952)
I just posted something similar and Abigor noted that it would be better suited here. I do not agree that there should be 3 different borderlands because it will only cause people to say that it is not fair. I would however prefer to have a different set of 3 identical WvW maps that rotate every month or so.
And I also would like to add that a great part of this game has almost no implementation in the game. The underwater combat, it would be great to have a map with some underwater keeps and towers with the blueprints now functioning as underwater siege buildsites with similar functions. I’m sure Anet can figure out how to make that happen and it would provide for a lot of variety in tactics and gameplay.
Having different maps for winners and losers seems like a very dangerous idea though. I am cringing because I can already see all the whining it will cause.
(Thanks for linking me here btw)
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
Yes, i think that EB could stay as it is, but the 3 borderlands could be different in the logic that you are defending. It is a great idea but it will require lots of work from Anet. Hope to see it implemented in the future.
i would like to see only EB map stay and rest be removed
There may be some inconsistencies in suggestion; as it involved a lot of trying to pair. I agree, each world shouldn’t have it’s weaknesses stressed too much as that would be a perfect way of taking advantage; however this suggestion could prevent landslide victories (making WvW not a lost cause as it is in my world where we just lost by 120k points)
Main: Endeavorr
Gate of Madness+++
Borlis Pass+
Anvil Rock++
—are all fighting each other.
Gate of Madness (GREEN) wins with a score of 210,000 vs
Anvil Rock (BLUE) of 160,000 vs
Borlis Pass (RED) of 145,00.Um, mb I didn`t understand something, shouldn`t Gate of madness have RED zone since they`ve won and Borlis Pass vice versa?
In theory;
Red is previous winner (Map is more open and not as defensible) (wastes of Ascalon)
Green is in the middle (Map is evenly split) (Lions Arch themed in jungle)
Blue is the previous loser (Map is more defensive) (Ice and snow)I would add some perks so previous winners won`t have only disadvantages, for example previous losers will be in BLUE Snowy regions with alot much passes and good defenses, but won`t have as much resources as RED Who have plains and not many defenses, but will have much more different resources scattered across their map (plantations, forests, mines with few rich veins and stuff?)
Also would like to add that layout that is now is made to balance all servers that nobody would have advantage or disadvantages because of the map they`re on. But it isn`t working well right now when low populated servers are clashed with 2 high populated servs are are just being torn apart.(or one high serv dominating 2 low pop servers)
I believe with that; I was suggesting that Gate of Madness did not win (before this suggested rotation).
Main: Endeavorr