WvWvW Overflow? (The Dragon Mist)

WvWvW Overflow? (The Dragon Mist)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ryukai.6524


The idea of an overflow for the aweful queues for WvWvW have been thrown around for a while. But this would cause problems with the +bonuses and the like that are given out via WvWvW.

So Instead I was thinking how about having a secondary WvWvW with a compleatly different set of bonus’s rather than an overflow.

This idea came from one of the Beta weekend ending event’s where Kralkatorrik was flying over the Plains of Ashford and everyone got turned into a class appropriate branded witha different set of skills based around the class.

Well this is where the fun starts, the 3 worlds would be randomly given a dragon to represent (instead of a color) Kralkatorrik, Jormag, Primordus or Zhaitan. (obviously one would be randomlt left out)

Upon entering the Dragon Mist world, you would be transformed into a class appropriate ‘monster’ for your chosen dragon with a set of skill’s for that mob/dragon class.

The 3 sections of the mist world whould in appearace represent the controlling dragons appearance of choice, and as keeps/towers etc were captured by a different dragon force then the immediate area around it would change it’s appearance as it became corrupted by the different dragons power.

And how would this affect world bonuses I hear you cry…

The shifting power struggle in the dragonmist would force the dragons to turn there attention away from Tyria and put more of that power into the WvWvW this would weaken there forces on Tyria slightly.

So Instead of +bonus’s, there’d be -bonus’s and these would be applied to mobs, such as specific dragon atunned mobs based on the 3 fighting dragon factions.

i.e. -1% damage from Risen mobs or -1% health from Icebrood etc…etc…

The strange thing about this idea is that it’s also fun for those that generally dislike pvp and avoid it at all costs if possable (Why you put pvp in my pve achivos Arena Net ;_; ) .

I normally can’t stand it, yet I found the BW ending event a hell of alot of fun

The whole getting turned into a dragon mob and fighting for the ‘bad’ guys is always a good thing in my books ;D

(edited by Ryukai.6524)

WvWvW Overflow? (The Dragon Mist)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


I’m not knocking the idea, but it is basically just a mini-game. It’s appeal would be limited, so it would be small scale. I mean, the amount of work needed to balance new skills, the idea is too big, so the only way it would be done would be a small-scale mini-game.

As far as over-flow, it would be nice to have a reward-less WvW that gives no bonuses, costs nothing to repair, and costs nothing for siege besides supply. A WvW just for fun and not a money pit. Frankly, if that was put in, I imagine people would bail on the costly WvW and do the reward-less one just for the fun of it. And by reward-less, I also mean non-punishing. No repairs, gold sinks, or exploit farming events for money.

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.