ok this is a little improvement for all that players that enjoy only to play WvWvW.
In the actual situation (that can only become worse with the ascended gear) a only world pvp player is not rewarded sufficiently because the badge drop rate is too low and dont rewards player that only play as control and support.
But WvWvW is one of the best karma source of the whole game so why dont let poeple convert karma to badge, and viceversa?
I good conversion rate can be:
120 karma -> 1 badge. 1 badge -> 100 karma (MUST BE NON MODIFYED BY KARMA BUFFS)
so a WvWvW only player, can choose to take the invader set or take an orr set for example.
an optional addition to this can be something like:
2 badge -> buy 1 token of one of the actual dungeons (fractal excluded)
with this rate can be a good choice for a WvWvW dedicated player, to have a good armor without go on dungeons, but its discourage PVE players to convert karma to badge, and then badge to token.
Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"