WvWvW Upgrades and How everyone can help.

WvWvW Upgrades and How everyone can help.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blutkrieg.1320


Hello ! I’m a an avid WvWvW player and sometimes I want to help my server by upgrading keeps and such but there are days where I’m short on cash and I’m kind of useless since I can’t buy siege, I can’t upgrade anything and the few coins of silver I have are meant for armour repair so I wonder why…

There isn’t a way for every player to donate whatever amount of money they want\can at the time and that money gets banked until a threshold is met and the upgrade starts. This way players are not ‘bound’ to wealthier players for those T3 keep upgrades : < ! And wealthier players don’t need to spend huge amounts of cash as well but can be major contributors.

  • The only problem with this however is that a keep\fort\supply camp might be taken before such threshold is met and both the upgrade and banked money are lost.

A helping WvWvW player.

Officer [VILE] – Desolation

(edited by Blutkrieg.1320)

WvWvW Upgrades and How everyone can help.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloud.7613


Have you forgotten about Badges of Honor? I’m not saying they’re incredibly common, but if you ARE an avid WvWvW player, you would have gotten at least enough to stock pile some blueprints.