WvWvW ques - remove one reason at least...
While i agree this can be annoying, when people are legit AFK as in they have left there house and their comp is just siting on, which there is no way for you to know. There are a few problems with trying to deal with this. The first is what kind of condition is there you could kick them on? I can think of alot of conditions but everyone of them can be counter argued by legitimate things a person could be doing. The second part is i know people who when they have other stuff to do will leave there toon in a keep and just leave the screen up for defensive purposes, so if the keep starts to get attacked they can let people know to get defense there.
Has it been verified that auto-casts keep you in game?
It would be pretty silly if the AFK trigger wasn’t based on actual player input.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I use the autocast on heal when I just want to idle in LA for an hour or so without being kicked, so yes it does work.
Wow nice, thanks for pointing that out.
Now i can go eat without having to queue up again for an hour.