WvWvW renown titles

WvWvW renown titles

in Suggestions

Posted by: bhansen.7251


I have been reading alot of posts lately about WvW end game progression. Obviously those who has played DAOC or Warhammer online knows what the deal is. While i loved the camelot realm rank progression model i cant really make up my mind if this is what GW2 needs, although i do agree that it does in some degree crave progression and rewards.

From day one i immediatly thought that wvw was unpersonal – Everyone is called Invader + server name. How are really good/devoted players going to stand out/shine if everyone has the same name/color.
I think Invader should be the rank 1 title and as you progress you unlock more titles. When you reach max rank you become a “named” player. Enemyes targeting you will then see Xrank + your name+of+servername. This is kinda a inbetween handshake thing where most players can agree. No stat/ability gain from WvW – everyone is nice and equal.

My next suggestions will make some disagree with me

Amount of WvW ranks: 100
You will only earn new WvW titles each 10 levels
Each rank rewards you with x amount of badges/karma and 1 skill point
Each time you unlock a new WvW title (ex. 10,20,30 etc.) you get an additional trait point so that players at rank 100 will have a total of 80 trait points to play around with. Could also be 1 trait point for each 20 levels granting 5 additional trait points at rank 100.

Winning in WvWvW should also be granting badges/karma with the most granted to the winning world ofcourse

Keep it clean

WvWvW renown titles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rehk.6574


Totally agree! there defiantly needs to be titles for WvW ranks.

WvWvW renown titles

in Suggestions

Posted by: ShiningMassXAcc.4735


Based on some of the sPVP stuff we’ve gotten out of anet (https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/structured-pvp-iceberg/), I wouldn’t be surprised if something like this comes about. Would be very easy, at the least, to convert the wvwv achievements tracks into an overall title that replaces your character string in wvwvw.