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You care about feedback? Here is mine !

in Suggestions

Posted by: kobi.5236


First of all , thanks to the people who are reading this,I maybe got some new views on some different topics for you that maybe are worth thinking about.

First of all , I were really hyped for this game and after 1-2 month I was disappointed that this leaks of some core elements of gw1 , since they promised to keep everything cool about gw1;) but i came back for some time and I am playing a bit at the moment but the game still needs some changes in my opnion so lets start :

This wont be a order for what is most important coming first I feel like everything is important so my first topic:

1.1)Combo fields and finisher

I played yesteday with a friend who is for some time lvl 80 now so i called as warrior that he should give me a fire field for my leapfinsiher and he said “why”?

I was really shocked that a lvl 80 person doesnt know how the combination system works and thats a thing where you should work on , start early on to tell people what a combo field is , how to use them and whats the result.

I was thinking maybe to highlight the fields with a green or blue border that people in combat actual can see if there is something or not cause we all know if you are in a large fight there are Many partical effects ! .

1.2) Combos in generll:

So if people use them they should get rewarded for doing so , right now it doesnt feel right because some of the combos are just simply to weak . They should get buffed a little bit more that it actual feel good if you use them.

1.3)Combos because we playing 2 builds which are matched for each other:

In gw1 we had actual team build – you play earth shacker warrior , I play blast ele , we get a enegery drain mesmer and a support , ust to give you a little example . So the warrior called for knowdown , the ele and mesmer bursted the target in the same time and a meteor came down for double knowdown , this was a great combat play with your team mates but in gw2 we dont need to this , why ? Actually cause you can finsih every content of the game just by spamming your skills on cd and because most of the game 98% is to easy . I am missing the option to create team builds , that clases are working better together if they play xx and yy ! . I hope you know what i mean cause else i will go more in detail!

2)Safe and Load Builds!

We had this in gw1 and it created again the envioment for Buildwars , creating uniq builds for different parts of the game . Since we need to pay for change our builds doesnt mean that there cant be a option to quick change them . Hey i got 1g in my pocket ,so why dont let me change my build right now!?

3.1)Playing with friends and guild members?

Gw2 is a game where we want to play together but since 1 year we all miss to compete sactum spirit , keg brawl and all other minigames with our friends , why the hell arent we allowed to join as group ? There should still be some kind of matchmaking that since you just could gather up against randoms , but like in keg brawl there isnt really a otpion to play unfair as team . there must be a solution to this problem

3.2)Huge Tournamets against your own server and others:

Gw1 had once in a year a event called snowball MAT.This was a event where you joined a tournament in the minigame snowball arena as a group of 8 people from your guild. You represented you guild and fought about glory and good prices , everyone i knows remember this one and feel bad about not being able to have such a good time in gw2 . I mean this is just sad because actually this would improve the guilds and again the fun and teamplay !

4)Hardcore mode:

Since I said earlier is gw2 simply to easy.Most of the contant you spam your skills and thats it . Maybe you have some tatics like , ball on this enemie ( talking about dungeons ) or something else but it really doesnt feel hard. Ofc a lot of this problem is because anet still doesnt got a good balance between the clases like the most groups need something special and it wont be a ingi or necro (hahah ) so there is aswell work to do but a hardcore mode is something really missing.

(edited by kobi.5236)

You care about feedback? Here is mine !

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Posted by: kobi.5236


5)Balance and more viable builds:

I know You are working on this , but maybe its time to step up and change something big, I wont talk about what but everyone playing the game semicore knows it.

6)achievement points and Titles.

EDIT1* :
Dont get me wrong about its not good haveing people grinding daily´s I just feel like its not for every person , people who arent playing the game daily should aswell have a chance to get AP just by playing the game and if they got the core stuff in pve there is only daily ap´s left and thats my whole point , add some more "quest or maybe like i will do descripte later in this thread, use some achievements on multi charachters.*

6.1)achievement points:

Since we got introduced to a chest every 500 achievement points even i want to get them but I dont want to grind every day my daily and right now there isnt any other option to get more points of you dont join every 2 weeks to do the living content and grind your daily and thats something i really cant understand . In Pve there are so few things to do and the things to do , are really easy and if you once got it you cant get more points even if you invest enough time into the game . I am saying that we need some more challanges and the titles shouldnt be that easy . One solution is coming in the next block

It´s not a challange to grind dailys it just forces you to do so


Change Titles to personal and acount bound

A title whitch should be personal is for example Dungeon Master. My little necro lvl 6 didnt earn the title and he shouldnt glory himself in it. I want to play the title for necro even if my mesmer allrdy has it . Thats some more achievement points you can get and thats a personal title . A global title is for example “goldhand or Miniature Collector”.But titles like “The Emperor , Combat Healer” should be soulbind/personal bind).

6.3)New titles

I got some few in mind , to have more goals and a better feeling if you doing good.

achievement lvl 1 : Finish your story with 1 charackter
achievement lvl 2 : || 3 charackters
Title xxx! : || 5 charackters

If you play minigames you earn points on the new title Gamertitle.

lvl 1 title :Skillz
lvl 2 title :Pro Skillz

Title Eventmaster
Title Karmagod

give players some more goals and points for actually playing your game .

So thx for reading this,I probally missed some points but i will add them later , and keep up your good work ,i am glad to see how you people think about my ideas and lets hope for a good discussion.

Try to gather some thoughts about

Hardcore mode
and Ap´s and titles

Here is a nice idea and i share the same view with this guy , more of that

cross-profession combos are the biggest issue to me.This is because they don’t encourage any kind of team coordination and timing.Why don’t they encourage teamwork?To put it simply:It’s not worth it.

The majority of them are underwhelming in the effects they create. There are a few exceptions such as blast finishers on water fields for heals, stealth stacking duration for pvp, chaos armor, etc. The rest of the combos create effects that are already replicable with the majority of your own skills, and thus it is typically a waste of time to try and create with others instead of just spamming damage.

By players just spamming their own fields and finishers in an individual vacuum,they end up creating those combo fields anyway.So, their manifestation is many times unintended and when created, no one cares.

The combos should be completely reworked to accomplish TWO goals:

1. Require classes to coordinate and time their abilities together to achieve them rather than creating the combos through their own damage rotation spamming. This would actually create actual and promote teamwork in the group format rather than 5 individuals who are just fighting side by side and happen to create marginal effects through spam.

2. Make the effects meaningful and strong, so that people will want to pursue them over just doing their own damage rotations!

How about all new special fields and effects if one players drops a dark field with a fire field to create a hellfire field? This Hellfire field should now offer an all new effect that is unavailable to the skills of any class on its own. Players could then use their finishers on that field to create new, powerful combos.

Or combine a water field and light field to create a Purity field to do something else that is strong and useful to the group? Or combine a dark field and chaos field to create something else?

There is so much room for depth and thoughtful play with this system and what has been implemented so far has barely scratched the surface.

Revamping this system could breathe all new life, challenge, and depth both into PVE and PVP mechanics.

(edited by kobi.5236)

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Posted by: AlphaMackDaddyG.1478


Emperor title can’t use your system of “personal” or “soulbound” as you said, since you physically have to wear the cultural armor to get a tick towards it. So unless you have a race that can mutate into every other race, that achievement would be impossible.

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Posted by: Vol.5241


First off, I don’t recall Anet saying that they would “keep” stuff from GW1. Remember that GW1 is not an MMO. To expect all or nearly all aspects from GW1 to transfer over here would be unwise.

1.) I agree that combos as it is are somewhat underpowered. Combos, especially those when working with few players in easy situations don’t last long. However, if you want to play efficient in dungeons, you will see a lot of combos being used for hardcore groups, especially speed runs.

And in WvW, any competent zerg uses combos since they can be the difference between life or death.

I agree with you friend on the use of the fire field. If you are in a simple PvE situation, facing off normal mobs or even a veteran – the time and stress to worry about combo fields is not worth it.

If you had a 10-man guild group working on a champion, however, I can understand wanting to stack might.

2.) I agree we need instant build changers. I also think we need a way to /save or /load our armor set ups. Rift had this and it was wonderful.

3.) You’re not allowed because it would be very easy to farm and work against others who are not playing with the guild. Remember that crab karka game? How unfair would it be if you had one entire guild pick on you because they want to get their members to have achievements? It’s not fun.

4.) Tournaments I’m fine with

5.) Don’t mind hardcore mode, but I can imagine the casuals would have a problem with it.

6.) Balance is hard to do, but they constantly adjust it. When you have this many classes in game and weapons, it’s difficult

7.) If you don’t want to dedicate the time and effort for achievement points, then you don’t deserve them. They’re called ‘achievement’ for a reason.

8.) I’m sure a lot of people here would hate soulbound titles

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[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.

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Posted by: Claudius.5381


Combos: I agree, they are underpowered and that is one of the reasons they are widely unused (the other being that pve is easy, as you have also mentioned, and thus don’t require combos). Would be nice if that was changed.

Save and load builds: Often proposed already – and for good reasons. That would be the next quality of life improvement after the introduction of the wallet I am waiting for.

No forced pugging in mini-games: That would be nice but there are also problems if the mini-game is meaningfully profitable (for example like the sanctum sprint or the aspect arena). But of course they can be solved if ArenaNet invests time into it.

Hardcore mode: I would like that for instanced content. Other games can do that, why not GW2? Fractals are an example where it is done. In spite of some problems with the scaling it seems to me a good way. Especially because support gets more important the higher you get and not only dps.

Balance: A never ending task ina MMO.

Achievements: I like the revamped achievement system. I disagree with you here: there are tons of achievements and a lot to do. Personally I got to do jumping puzzles I never thought of before – and I even discovered that I enjoyed them! I don’t think that ArenaNet should invest here much developer time.

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Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


First off, I don’t recall Anet saying that they would “keep” stuff from GW1. Remember that GW1 is not an MMO. To expect all or nearly all aspects from GW1 to transfer over here would be unwise.

1.) I agree that combos as it is are somewhat underpowered. Combos, especially those when working with few players in easy situations don’t last long. However, if you want to play efficient in dungeons, you will see a lot of combos being used for hardcore groups, especially speed runs.

And in WvW, any competent zerg uses combos since they can be the difference between life or death.

I agree with you friend on the use of the fire field. If you are in a simple PvE situation, facing off normal mobs or even a veteran – the time and stress to worry about combo fields is not worth it.

If you had a 10-man guild group working on a champion, however, I can understand wanting to stack might.

2.) I agree we need instant build changers. I also think we need a way to /save or /load our armor set ups. Rift had this and it was wonderful.

3.) You’re not allowed because it would be very easy to farm and work against others who are not playing with the guild. Remember that crab karka game? How unfair would it be if you had one entire guild pick on you because they want to get their members to have achievements? It’s not fun.

4.) Tournaments I’m fine with

5.) Don’t mind hardcore mode, but I can imagine the casuals would have a problem with it.

6.) Balance is hard to do, but they constantly adjust it. When you have this many classes in game and weapons, it’s difficult

7.) If you don’t want to dedicate the time and effort for achievement points, then you don’t deserve them. They’re called ‘achievement’ for a reason.

8.) I’m sure a lot of people here would hate soulbound titles

Pretty much what he said ^^

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Posted by: kobi.5236


changes a bit cause you are right , it wouldnt be fair to get matched up against prem8´s

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Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

They need to teach people about combos. If you are someone who simply picked up the game and started playing, that information isn’t around. For example, I told a friend playing as a Ranger that I would put down some fire for her to shoot thru. This was new information to her (she is super casual, just plays and doesn’t do any research).

The game does not explain this at all. There should be an optional tutorial, one that you can take several times if you want, that goes over games mechanics. Maybe an NPC inside an instance that will allow you to ask for a lesson off a list. It could be for a bunch of stuff. How to dodge roll. How to keep moving in combat while putting down ground targeted AOEs for example.

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Posted by: Deamhan.9538


As I saw it, the combo system was a great way to have synergy between different players and builds. I pretty much agree but would like to add one thing.

Self comboing. Being able to make use of combo fields and blast finishers all on your own really takes away from that player to player synergy.

It would be nice if, as others have said, that comboing was more impactful. It would also be nice if making use of combo fields was required for success (aka challenging content) in top end content. Pair this with not being able to self combo and you bring the ‘multiplayer’ part back into ‘MMO’.

Oh, and it has been stated in a certain promotional video that they wanted to take <I forget the adjective they use> things from GW1. Queue the semantics game, and Vayne.

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Posted by: Unleashed.6195


Without commenting on the overall feedback, I will say that you’ll be far happier with the game if you take everything you loved about GW1 and just forgot about it. GW2 is its own game. It shares lore and nouns, but otherwise there just isn’t much in common with GW1 to make it worth comparing the two. GW2 is a good game in its own right. Several years from now we may be fortunate enough to see a true successor to GW1, but it will be several years if ever.

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Posted by: Im Mudbone.1437

Im Mudbone.1437

First off, I don’t recall Anet saying that they would “keep” stuff from GW1. Remember that GW1 is not an MMO. To expect all or nearly all aspects from GW1 to transfer over here would be unwise.

1.) I agree that combos as it is are somewhat underpowered. Combos, especially those when working with few players in easy situations don’t last long. However, if you want to play efficient in dungeons, you will see a lot of combos being used for hardcore groups, especially speed runs.
And in WvW, any competent zerg uses combos since they can be the difference between life or death.

I agree with you friend on the use of the fire field. If you are in a simple PvE situation, facing off normal mobs or even a veteran – the time and stress to worry about combo fields is not worth it.

If you had a 10-man guild group working on a champion, however, I can understand wanting to stack might.

2.) I agree we need instant build changers. I also think we need a way to /save or /load our armor set ups. Rift had this and it was wonderful.

3.) You’re not allowed because it would be very easy to farm and work against others who are not playing with the guild. Remember that crab karka game? How unfair would it be if you had one entire guild pick on you because they want to get their members to have achievements? It’s not fun.

4.) Tournaments I’m fine with

5.) Don’t mind hardcore mode, but I can imagine the casuals would have a problem with it.

6.) Balance is hard to do, but they constantly adjust it. When you have this many classes in game and weapons, it’s difficult

7.) If you don’t want to dedicate the time and effort for achievement points, then you don’t deserve them. They’re called ‘achievement’ for a reason.

8.) I’m sure a lot of people here would hate soulbound titles

The way you worded it, no, they didn’t say "I don’t recall Anet saying that they would “keep” stuff from GW1.", what they did say was, “you can expect to see the best things from Guild Wars in GW2” and I have yet to see any of the best things from Guild Wars in GW1..

Blackgate Megaserver – [LaZy] Imperium of LaZy Nation
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger

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Posted by: Kirschwasser.3972


This is partly because “best” is pretty subjective and partly because they were just marketing.

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Posted by: Unleashed.6195


This is partly because “best” is pretty subjective and partly because they were just marketing.

It’s also partly because outside of lore and nouns, there isn’t much in common with GW1. GW2 has more in common with RIFT or Warhammer Online than it does GW1 in terms of gameplay.

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Posted by: Zzod.5791


I made a thread about combo fields, but it didn’t get much response. Here is an excerpt from it that I think is well-suited for this thread:

The ones that are done through cross-profession combos are the biggest issue to me and the ones I want to focus on for this thread. This is because they don’t encourage any kind of team coordination and timing. Why don’t they encourage teamwork? To put it simply: It’s not worth it.

The majority of them are underwhelming in the effects they create. There are a few exceptions such as blast finishers on water fields for heals, stealth stacking duration for pvp, chaos armor, etc. The rest of the combos create effects that are already replicable with the majority of your own skills, and thus it is typically a waste of time to try and create with others instead of just spamming damage.

By players just spamming their own fields and finishers in an individual vacuum, they end up creating those combo fields anyway. So, their manifestation is many times unintended, and when created, no one cares.

The combos should be completely reworked to accomplish TWO goals:

1. Require classes to coordinate and time their abilities together to achieve them rather than creating the combos through their own damage rotation spamming. This would actually create actual and promote teamwork in the group format rather than 5 individuals who are just fighting side by side and happen to create marginal effects through spam.

2. Make the effects meaningful and strong, so that people will want to pursue them over just doing their own damage rotations!

How about all new special fields and effects if one players drops a dark field with a fire field to create a hellfire field? This Hellfire field should now offer an all new effect that is unavailable to the skills of any class on its own. Players could then use their finishers on that field to create new, powerful combos.

Or combine a water field and light field to create a Purity field to do something else that is strong and useful to the group? Or combine a dark field and chaos field to create something else?

There is so much room for depth and thoughtful play with this system and what has been implemented so far has barely scratched the surface.

Revamping this system could breathe all new life, challenge, and depth both into PVE and PVP mechanics.

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Posted by: Mirta.5029


I most definitely agree with the combo fields suggestion. I think that they should buff the damage. It’s a nice system. There should be more use for it.
I agree with mini games being enterable with your guildies/ friends.
I agree with the more variety in titles and achievements.
I don’t think that titles should be soulbound
I don’t think that dailies, living story, monthlies, etc shouldn’t give achievements points. They should still remain an important part of stacking achievement points, because it’s healthy for the game to have players playing every day.

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Posted by: kobi.5236


I quoted you zzod i hope thats okay

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Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I want a normal and hardmode function just like GW1 had.

A Thief on Desolation

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Posted by: Aberrant.6749


I find the combo feilds and finisher to be powerful. Then again I do mostly WvW. If you’re in a group even a single water/fire/whatever can easily turn the tide of a battle. Heck, my eng makes use of them constantly even in 1v1’s and the effects are really strong just as they are.

I agree with Astral Projections… the game does a poor job of teaching this to the player. Seriously… how the kitten would a warrior naturally know what all of his many finishers do through an ethereal field without doing a /wiki? Even with the fire field example before… it’s a field he actually has access to solo, but when is he required to understand what his oodles finishers do through it? A player would be more powerful if he knew, but the player can get away with not using it, so the player just takes the path of least resistance.

It seems that the casual player base has come to just expect to beat this faceroll content with the same easy basic strategies they learned early in the game and they haven’t really been gradually taught how to deal with harder situations by the game.

Lets take 100b signet warriors as an example. You can use this sort of tatic/build and just blow apart much of the game, but at random points in the game it fails. This leads to frustration on the part of the player as there is now a large increase in skill required.

PvE… is pretty faceroll I agree. However, in the past, the harder content always get complained about by the casuals. Remember the aether living story dung? People complained about so many parts of that place. They complained that mobs had too much hp. The golem room was too hard. The last boss hit too hard etc. This was largely due to the problems illustrated above.

The dungeons don’t have any sort of gradual progression to teach the players either. It seems as if the difficulty was just randomly tossed in there. Lets take CM for example. It’s an early dungeon (level 45 requirement for explore), but requires more skill than CoF/HoTW (at least it did in the past, idk if it’s since been toned down as I haven’t done it in ages… but you get the point).

For the skilled players it’s also frustrating when the game is toned down to suit the lower skilled players and that part of the game now becomes dull.

TLDR: Some adjustments need to be done along the path to 80 to gradually progress the players up the PvE skill ladder so that it isn’t as frustrating for both skilled and unskilled players.

P.S. I’m not trying to pick on warriors, it was just using you guys as an easy example.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

(edited by Aberrant.6749)

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Posted by: Arya.9021


First of all , thanks to the people who are reading this,I maybe got some new views on some different topics for you that maybe are worth thinking about.

First of all , I were really hyped for this game and after 1-2 month I was disappointed that this leaks of some core elements of gw1 , since they promised to keep everything cool about gw1;) but i came back for some time and I am playing a bit at the moment but the game still needs some changes in my opnion so lets start :

This wont be a order for what is most important coming first I feel like everything is important so my first topic:

1.1)Combo fields and finisher

I played yesteday with a friend who is for some time lvl 80 now so i called as warrior that he should give me a fire field for my leapfinsiher and he said “why”?

I was really shocked that a lvl 80 person doesnt know how the combination system works and thats a thing where you should work on , start early on to tell people what a combo field is , how to use them and whats the result.

I was thinking maybe to highlight the fields with a green or blue border that people in combat actual can see if there is something or not cause we all know if you are in a large fight there are Many partical effects ! .

1.2) Combos in generll:

So if people use them they should get rewarded for doing so , right now it doesnt feel right because some of the combos are just simply to weak . They should get buffed a little bit more that it actual feel good if you use them.

1.3)Combos because we playing 2 builds which are matched for each other:

In gw1 we had actual team build – you play earth shacker warrior , I play blast ele , we get a enegery drain mesmer and a support , ust to give you a little example . So the warrior called for knowdown , the ele and mesmer bursted the target in the same time and a meteor came down for double knowdown , this was a great combat play with your team mates but in gw2 we dont need to this , why ? Actually cause you can finsih every content of the game just by spamming your skills on cd and because most of the game 98% is to easy . I am missing the option to create team builds , that clases are working better together if they play xx and yy ! . I hope you know what i mean cause else i will go more in detail!

2)Safe and Load Builds!

We had this in gw1 and it created again the envioment for Buildwars , creating uniq builds for different parts of the game . Since we need to pay for change our builds doesnt mean that there cant be a option to quick change them . Hey i got 1g in my pocket ,so why dont let me change my build right now!?

3.1)Playing with friends and guild members?

Gw2 is a game where we want to play together but since 1 year we all miss to compete sactum spirit , keg brawl and all other minigames with our friends , why the hell arent we allowed to join as group ? There should still be some kind of matchmaking that since you just could gather up against randoms , but like in keg brawl there isnt really a otpion to play unfair as team . there must be a solution to this problem

3.2)Huge Tournamets against your own server and others:

Gw1 had once in a year a event called snowball MAT.This was a event where you joined a tournament in the minigame snowball arena as a group of 8 people from your guild. You represented you guild and fought about glory and good prices , everyone i knows remember this one and feel bad about not being able to have such a good time in gw2 . I mean this is just sad because actually this would improve the guilds and again the fun and teamplay !

4)Hardcore mode:

Since I said earlier is gw2 simply to easy.Most of the contant you spam your skills and thats it . Maybe you have some tatics like , ball on this enemie ( talking about dungeons ) or something else but it really doesnt feel hard. Ofc a lot of this problem is because anet still doesnt got a good balance between the clases like the most groups need something special and it wont be a ingi or necro (hahah ) so there is aswell work to do but a hardcore mode is something really missing.

Omg. I love you.

Arya- Zero Quality [zQ]-Guild Wars
Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but you abuse the privilege.

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Posted by: Bright.9160


ITT: people who have no idea how to use combo fields…

First of all, they’re already outlined.. I mean, they’re flipping circles on the ground.

Secondly, although some combo fields are rather underwhelming, stacking 25 might and like a minute of Fury in a single fire field is pretty OP.

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

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Posted by: ikereid.4637


Combo Fields need more bang, that much is for sure. Maybe Karma or some account stat for completing a Combo field is in order. Not Solo, but when your in a group of 3 or more?

Firefield+ Blast = 3stacks of might
Waterfield + Blast = 75% healing of everyone around you
IceField + Projectial = AOE Regeneration
Light Field + Wirl = AOE Condition Removal

Those are the main Combos I use (Mainly Play a Ele/Guard).

I think;
Firefield+Blast should give Might + Do damage to your target. Maybe a 100% Crit when the combo is completed (Internal CD of 10seconds)

Waterfield + Blast Should heal for more (100% healing) since 1. its not used that often, 2. Blast on an Ele has a long CD, AND would be better off alienged with FireField (PPL want their Might). And maybe apply a random 15-30second Boon (not swiftness)

IceField + Projectial Lets face it, Regeneration is WEAK in this game. It doesnt even mitigate direct incoming damage with out kiting around. Its good against conditions (NOT BLEEDS). This is one of the weakest Combos I know of. But I use it to top off after the 75% Heal. The 10second regen will fill in that other 25% IF you take no additional damage. This needs a new combo result, period.

Light Field + Wirl = Probably my personal favorite combo field. Removes conditions from everyone around you and self. With this, as a guard, I have 6 ways to remove conditions. I think thats the most any 1 character in the game has to combat conditions. I think and added bonus would be to either ad a small heal on condition removal, or boost up regen and add that.

Changes I suggest are small, in comparison to some of the other things I wanna see. But that might be what we need to make Combo Fields more favorable to the player base. Get more ppl using them, get them to stop demanding Might fields over other fields…ect.

Desktop: 4790k@4.6ghz-1.25v, AMD 295×2, 32GB 1866CL10 RAM, 850Evo 500GB SSD
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD

You care about feedback? Here is mine !

in Suggestions

Posted by: kobi.5236


thx but more ideas thoughts on this