First of all , thanks to the people who are reading this,I maybe got some new views on some different topics for you that maybe are worth thinking about.
First of all , I were really hyped for this game and after 1-2 month I was disappointed that this leaks of some core elements of gw1 , since they promised to keep everything cool about gw1;) but i came back for some time and I am playing a bit at the moment but the game still needs some changes in my opnion so lets start :
This wont be a order for what is most important coming first I feel like everything is important so my first topic:
1.1)Combo fields and finisher
I played yesteday with a friend who is for some time lvl 80 now so i called as warrior that he should give me a fire field for my leapfinsiher and he said “why”?
I was really shocked that a lvl 80 person doesnt know how the combination system works and thats a thing where you should work on , start early on to tell people what a combo field is , how to use them and whats the result.
I was thinking maybe to highlight the fields with a green or blue border that people in combat actual can see if there is something or not cause we all know if you are in a large fight there are Many partical effects ! .
1.2) Combos in generll:
So if people use them they should get rewarded for doing so , right now it doesnt feel right because some of the combos are just simply to weak . They should get buffed a little bit more that it actual feel good if you use them.
1.3)Combos because we playing 2 builds which are matched for each other:
In gw1 we had actual team build – you play earth shacker warrior , I play blast ele , we get a enegery drain mesmer and a support , ust to give you a little example . So the warrior called for knowdown , the ele and mesmer bursted the target in the same time and a meteor came down for double knowdown , this was a great combat play with your team mates but in gw2 we dont need to this , why ? Actually cause you can finsih every content of the game just by spamming your skills on cd and because most of the game 98% is to easy . I am missing the option to create team builds , that clases are working better together if they play xx and yy ! . I hope you know what i mean cause else i will go more in detail!
2)Safe and Load Builds!
We had this in gw1 and it created again the envioment for Buildwars , creating uniq builds for different parts of the game . Since we need to pay for change our builds doesnt mean that there cant be a option to quick change them . Hey i got 1g in my pocket ,so why dont let me change my build right now!?
3.1)Playing with friends and guild members?
Gw2 is a game where we want to play together but since 1 year we all miss to compete sactum spirit , keg brawl and all other minigames with our friends , why the hell arent we allowed to join as group ? There should still be some kind of matchmaking that since you just could gather up against randoms , but like in keg brawl there isnt really a otpion to play unfair as team . there must be a solution to this problem
3.2)Huge Tournamets against your own server and others:
Gw1 had once in a year a event called snowball MAT.This was a event where you joined a tournament in the minigame snowball arena as a group of 8 people from your guild. You represented you guild and fought about glory and good prices , everyone i knows remember this one and feel bad about not being able to have such a good time in gw2 . I mean this is just sad because actually this would improve the guilds and again the fun and teamplay !
4)Hardcore mode:
Since I said earlier is gw2 simply to easy.Most of the contant you spam your skills and thats it . Maybe you have some tatics like , ball on this enemie ( talking about dungeons ) or something else but it really doesnt feel hard. Ofc a lot of this problem is because anet still doesnt got a good balance between the clases like the most groups need something special and it wont be a ingi or necro (hahah ) so there is aswell work to do but a hardcore mode is something really missing.
(edited by kobi.5236)