Your map remembering resource node locations

Your map remembering resource node locations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Remix.5019


Blindly running around to search for resource nodes is a pain. I originally thought it would be cool if we could place several markers on the map to help us remember spawn locations, but figured it would be better if your map remembered node locations once you’ve gathered from it once.

I’m relying on online maps for locations right now, but they can’t tell me which ones are currently spawned :/

Please consider making it less of a hassle for gatherers

Your map remembering resource node locations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Remix.5019


Heck, even expanding the radius that they appear on the mini-map would help greatly.

Your map remembering resource node locations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yarrmor.8406


Don’t some of the nodes spawn random? If so, after a long while of gaming and gathering your map would be full of nodes locations. And I think the radius on the minimap is good enough. Force you to actually run around and search. Not simple walk along a designated route you made beforehand. It’ll make the game easier which in the long term will make it more boring, IMO.

Your map remembering resource node locations

in Suggestions

Posted by: powercore.7021


we actually have a guild member that does the runs, and makes a map for the guild… that and we also do a daily oricalcum run .
due to it constantly changing every week , i think they dont apply this suggestion.