Zone Wide Event Notifications

Zone Wide Event Notifications

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zzulu.5489



My suggestion is to improve the range of the notification of events in a zone to the entire zone and not just small areas of it. I am missing a lot of events simply because I don’t know they’re happening and it’s really slowing down my leveling as well.

I’m currently travelling back and forth between the two 25-40ish zones looking for stuff to do but there are almost never any events to be found and I still have 7 levels to go until I can move onto the next pair of zones. I am simply running around aimlessly and only the luck of the draw is what determines whether I get to find an event or not.

Closer to launch there were a lot more events around and leveling was smoother because you couldn’t take ten steps without running into an event. Now, it’s not so smooth at all. Especially when many of the events in a zone are bugged – then you’re forced to go to lower level zones to try and find stuff to do there but you get a lot less XP for the lower level content.

Increasing the notifications of events to the entire zone would at least ensure players got to participate in the content when it is available. Currently, if you’re unlucky, you can run around for a very long time and not find anything to do.