a bit of a sandbox in the game

a bit of a sandbox in the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garuna.1593


yes I know, GW2 is a themepark, I also know that it is impossible to turn it into sandbox game but I think elements sandbox are an important feature of the new generation of mmo’s ,characteristic such that Arena Net does not seem to give a kitten look at games like ArcheAge ,he merges themepark with sadbox with fantastic features (but unfortunately has a terrible combat and outdated)

there are other games to launch, also with features sandbox games like black desert and Otherland

have things that are not impossible to add to GW2, things like:

-building houses or player house
-castle building (in WvW)
-guild hall
-relationship with npcs
-cross class ,maybe?
have things that do not match the GW2, mounts and build houses in the open world, are things that would not be good in the game
but building our own home instance in the maps (like the missions in story mode), or enjoy the home instance we have in the starting city, they are useless, it should have some utility

these are just a few examples of some elements that could be added to the game, if anyone has any more idea sadbox elements to the game would like to hear

Arena net should look more at the new mmo’s ,all has a little sandbox with them

(edited by Garuna.1593)

a bit of a sandbox in the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


Player housing is already being worked on, guild halls as well, we already have relationships with renowned hearts npcs, and cross class combos are also present in the game…

a bit of a sandbox in the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Retsuko.2035


Player housing is already being worked on, guild halls as well.

Can you link a reliable source to proof your statement?

Retsu ~ Inner Monkey [IM] ~ Piken Square

a bit of a sandbox in the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garuna.1593


Player housing is already being worked on, guild halls as well, we already have relationships with renowned hearts npcs, and cross class combos are also present in the game…

I never read nothing of arenet talk about houses, and relationships in GW2 are so superficial, the only relationship is to make a heart and buy items from them

a bit of a sandbox in the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mimir.4690


Player housing is already being worked on, guild halls as well.

Can you link a reliable source to proof your statement?

Player housing is already being worked on, guild halls as well, we already have relationships with renowned hearts npcs, and cross class combos are also present in the game…

I never read nothing of arenet talk about houses, and relationships in GW2 are so superficial, the only relationship is to make a heart and buy items from them

Player housing has been mentioned since before release.


As have been Guild Halls:


Now whether or not they are working on them, I’m not sure.