movement and targetting
- Dedicated ‘deselect target’ key that deselects the current locked target. ESC has way too many other functions and is sort of unreliable (e.g. need to hit twice in some cases to actually deselect a target)
- ‘Promote autotarget to full target’ should be a switch or toggle, not ‘while key is down’
- Key to make the camera face the current target, as a toggle or while key down. Losing sight of targets especially with melee characters that jump around a lot is sort of frustrating
- an option or toggle key for free movement, independant from the camera (as in numerous action game titles: darksouls, phantasy star, etc). the character turns and moves in the direction pressed. This would improves life as a melee character a lot and reduce constant 180 camera turns to land hits.
- option to disable left+right click move
- option to disable left drag camera
- losing the target when using a skill out of range: this should not happen. when a target is selected by the player it should never be lost unless deselected or replaced by another target (could be a bug since it does not always occur)
- mob and player regeneration delay could be longer. sometimes i kite with lightning flash and whatever i was attacking disengages and immediately starts regenerating
- longer respawn times. Often times in low population areas one kites into recently killed mobs…
- the ‘even distribution’ syndrome. Spawns are visibly arranged in an even distribution around the map as if each creature has a personal space, especially in open areas and underwater. I would rather like to see spawns be placed in groups, with open areas between them. Resulting increase in difficulty should be adressed.
- removing the glancing hit mechanic. I enjoy taking on challenges and fight in areas much higher than my own level, but with the glancing hits reducing damage to almost nothing, i can’t actually do that (e.g lvl 24 vs lvl 34 mobs)
- ‘tagging’ of mobs for loot and xp. This mechanic sort of eliminates the viability of anything but AOE for most events. While being registered as a participating player, full loot and xp should be granted for all kills connected to the event within a reasonable distance from the player. Often times these kinds of events degenerate into a tagging fest trying to hit as many mobs as possible to get maximum rewards
- when down with no possibility of return, i’d rather teleport out instantly
- teleportation fees. I see the need for gold sinks, but waypoint fees make me hesitate when i think about joining people on the other end of the map especially in lower level areas. And that’s something that should never happen in a social focused game. I don’t exactly see the difference in economy compared to gw1 that justify these kinds of running expenses. I’d imagine they hurt casual players a lot more than people who farm a couple of hours per day too.
- i believe it was mentioned there would be an option to turn off, and control the frequency of player character comments (“I’m on fire”). As far as I know it does not exist, I’d really like to have it.
- indication of which skills work while moving and which require standing still to channel
- button to deposit/withdraw all gold from the bank. display gold currently in inventory in the bank window.