another preview suggestion

another preview suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Llywellyn.4635


hi everyone

i apologize if this had been suggested already
im at work right now and there are just too many threads in here to check them all….

my suggestion
it would be very helpfull if we could change the colours while previewing any armor, because many dungeon-sets do look kinda weird with the “wrong” colours selected

thats why everyone is going mainly for the CoF set…. and of course because of the fire-particle-effect, but also its pretty easy to imagine the set with black or red and if your imagination isnt that pronounced then just look around in LA…

dont get me wrong, i couldnt care less what everyone is wearing. it just depends so much on the colours how the dungeon-sets do look like and thats why i would suggest to make it possibile to change the colours in the preview-window

thanks for taking the time to read this and i really appreciate it

sorry for any grammer and/or spelling mistakes
english isnt my native language

another preview suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: synk.6907


Alternatively, if the preview window would just adopt your current color scheme, like a new piece of armor does when you swap it in to wear it, that would be enough in my opinion.

In any case, you /can/ drag dye to the preview window to see what different colors my look like, but as far as I am aware that requires you to have the dye bottles in your inventory rather than just unlocked.

edit [as I didn’t see a need to add a new post]: Oh I’m not saying that using dye bottles like that is at all useful for previewing stuff you don’t have -- it seems to be more for previewing dyes you might want to unlock. I just mentioned it for completeness’s sake.

(edited by synk.6907)

another preview suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Llywellyn.4635


Alternatively, if the preview window would just adopt your current color scheme, like a new piece of armor does when you swap it in to wear it, that would be enough in my opinion.

In any case, you /can/ drag dye to the preview window to see what different colors my look like, but as far as I am aware that requires you to have the dye bottles in your inventory rather than just unlocked.

that actually would be a possibilty, although you would have to change the colours of your equipped set to see the outcome on the set youre previewing, but yeah actually better than nothing

i guess none of us wants to have 5 different dyes in his bags (mainly rares) just so we could change the colour from the preview….

sorry for any grammer and/or spelling mistakes
english isnt my native language