english isnt my native language
another preview suggestion
english isnt my native language
Alternatively, if the preview window would just adopt your current color scheme, like a new piece of armor does when you swap it in to wear it, that would be enough in my opinion.
In any case, you /can/ drag dye to the preview window to see what different colors my look like, but as far as I am aware that requires you to have the dye bottles in your inventory rather than just unlocked.
edit [as I didn’t see a need to add a new post]: Oh I’m not saying that using dye bottles like that is at all useful for previewing stuff you don’t have -- it seems to be more for previewing dyes you might want to unlock. I just mentioned it for completeness’s sake.
(edited by synk.6907)
Alternatively, if the preview window would just adopt your current color scheme, like a new piece of armor does when you swap it in to wear it, that would be enough in my opinion.
In any case, you /can/ drag dye to the preview window to see what different colors my look like, but as far as I am aware that requires you to have the dye bottles in your inventory rather than just unlocked.
that actually would be a possibilty, although you would have to change the colours of your equipped set to see the outcome on the set youre previewing, but yeah actually better than nothing
i guess none of us wants to have 5 different dyes in his bags (mainly rares) just so we could change the colour from the preview….
english isnt my native language