appearance of Radiant skins = horrible

appearance of Radiant skins = horrible

in Suggestions

Posted by: Diabolus Anur Kaya.8379

Diabolus Anur Kaya.8379

Professions that wear light armor should not have gloves and a mantle that show as heavy armor. This looks ridiculous and is amazing that the devs even let these “rewards” go public this way.

Light armored professions shouldn’t have to look like a WOW reject because of wanting to wear these radiant skins. Suggest fixing this issue to where light armor looks like light armor.

Thank you

(edited by Diabolus Anur Kaya.8379)

appearance of Radiant skins = horrible

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thomas.1962


I fully agree on the mantle. Gloves are barely visible on my mesmer, I haven’t seen the full skin yet so I have no opinion on that yet.

On a side note, I could only preview the mantle as a heavy armor piece with the transmute item. Can this be a bug? Not to sound cheap but having to buy light shoulders just to be able to preview the skin with your armor seems a bit.. silly.

appearance of Radiant skins = horrible

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valadin.5642


On a side note, I could only preview the mantle as a heavy armor piece with the transmute item. Can this be a bug? Not to sound cheap but having to buy light shoulders just to be able to preview the skin with your armor seems a bit.. silly.

If you get the Radiant Armor through the achievement rewards (I don’t believe there is any other way to get it yet), then all you have to do is get another one from your achievement panel in order to view it, because they are unlimited .

appearance of Radiant skins = horrible

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thomas.1962


On a side note, I could only preview the mantle as a heavy armor piece with the transmute item. Can this be a bug? Not to sound cheap but having to buy light shoulders just to be able to preview the skin with your armor seems a bit.. silly.

If you get the Radiant Armor through the achievement rewards (I don’t believe there is any other way to get it yet), then all you have to do is get another one from your achievement panel in order to view it, because they are unlimited .

Oh ok, so the initial one you get previews in heavy armor but when u get another one from your hero panel it will be the appropriate armortype when previewing? Can’t check atm because I’m at work, but if this is the case it’s fine with me

appearance of Radiant skins = horrible

in Suggestions

Posted by: locoman.1974


I fully agree on the mantle. Gloves are barely visible on my mesmer, I haven’t seen the full skin yet so I have no opinion on that yet….

I use the gloves with my mesmer and the heritage coat, it has long sleeves that completely cover the forearm section of the gloves (which are the ones that have metal looking pieces) so it just looks like he has glowing hands.

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.

appearance of Radiant skins = horrible

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thomas.1962


I fully agree on the mantle. Gloves are barely visible on my mesmer, I haven’t seen the full skin yet so I have no opinion on that yet….

I use the gloves with my mesmer and the heritage coat, it has long sleeves that completely cover the forearm section of the gloves (which are the ones that have metal looking pieces) so it just looks like he has glowing hands.

I’m glad I have long sleeves as well then

appearance of Radiant skins = horrible

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stormcrow.7513


I bought a new coat for my mesmer to show off the gloves. The biggest issue that I have is the silver(metal) part that cannot be dyed. If that part could be dyeable I would gladly use the mantle and eventually helmet since they would match my armor.

The glowey part dyeable would be nice but just the metal part would be fantastic.

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